Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Slaves of a system ?

Are we wasting our lives finding jobs to pay our debt, buying properties and getting more deeply into debt? Are we truly victims of a capitalist system? Are we kept so busy buying things small and big and working hard to pay for them, that we are left with no time for contemplation on our actions? Is keeping us busy a deliberate attempt to keep us dumb? Why do fall for it? Is it because we all like to be seen as successful by the society and the society measures success with material wealth? Why do we have to satisfy the society and its standards?
Would the world fall apart if I left my job of last 20 years? Would it be too bad if I refuse to compete with others in the pursuit of finding a better paying job? Why don't we try a different strategy and instead of increasing funds, try to simplify our way of living. Why does the look of disgust on people's face bother me when I don't wear the latest fashion traditional suit to the temple, just because I am in a different state of mind and do not want to wear shiny, attractive or expensive clothes. Has the society been brainwashed so much that we simply can't think past money and fashion? Why are we acquiring more and more wealth and properties year after year? Why can't we start using that money to feed others and be happy and contented with each other? Why are we ignoring the world poverty? 
Wouldn't the world come to a stand still if we suddenly changed our shopping habits? The reduce the hours we work and spend some of that time meditating and singing?
It disgusts me to see that people are using yoga, meditation and singing to make money. Then again every other profession is doing the same. Why the exchange value for everything is money and measure of success is money? What can we replace money with?
Money has only separated brothers from each other. Money has made us loose our hearts and work with our minds. We are getting better at communicating, marketing and understanding human psychology but what are we using those skills for? To sell more material goods? Why not to promote understanding of the value of contentment, meditation and singing?
Money has brought war. We have not developed at all. We are as savage as we were before. We have just developed better weapons to kill ourselves and our environment. What for? How can we call it development when we are heading towards a world where we are buying water and soon be buying clean air. Wasn't it that we were advanced when we had everything for everyone for free? Why aren't we making any effort to free ourselves from our self created misery?
The only things that have ever satisfied me completely are silence, inner journey through meditation or when I am completely lost in the notes of music. When I loose myself that's when I find myself completely. The joy of silence and nothingness and what happens afterwards can't be compared to any amount of wealth and possessions. Just like the experiences of  traveling to places of natural beauty can't be measured in monetary value, the value of non material experiences is priceless.

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