Monday, December 7, 2015

World divided in two halves - opposing ideologies but none in favour of human liberty

Human Liberty is at high risk everywhere in the world at the moment because of the religious intotelerance. Forcing people to change their religion or appearance to fit in with the dominant culture in order to gain employment in a society didn't start in India but it will make India an unstable place to live if the terrorist activity in the name of hindutva is not controlled.

The French tried to ban the burka in 2010, and claimed that the goal of the French authorise is to preserve the ideology of 'living together'. The burka, Nisan, hoodies, head covers like scarf and turban are to be removed for security reasons and can't be worn in public places.The media picked up on The fact that Muslim women wearing burka are targeted but failed to recognise that Sikh men wear a turban at all times and they would be affected as well.
If you ask a person from European background, they say that they fear going in parts of towns where black people live in bettors because if they walk those streets, they might get robbed.

Last Friday night, I went to an official Christmas party held in a beautiful beachside town of Sawtell near Coffs Harbour. I happen to sit next to a representative of the city who happens to be a school teacher as well. I know him from the past eight years and was happy to be sitting next to an intellectual person. Something sparked the discussion about the religion and he claimed that part of Europe are unsafe of these people because of the ghettos because the people living in the ghettos have been brainwashed by their religion. My claim is that it's not their religion making them steal from the rich, it's the gap between the haves and the have not's. The debater claimed that the people living in ghetto are responsible for their own poverty because when they go to other suburbs asking for a job, they are asked to remove their beard, if they want the job. Its's their choice to have a job or cut their beard. They chose religion instead of a job. My question was, would cutting the beard make them more intelligent or efficient in their job? If I cut my long platt, would I become a better Librarian ? If not, why should you ask such a thing? It's a symbol of my identity, my culture and then my religion. When you are giving someone that choice, you not giving them any choice; you are giving ultimatum that unless you abide by my rules, You shall suffer in poverty. Therefore, we are imposing our believes on others. The belief, in this case is that a western look is better, more civilised and less threatening. Did I just write that?

Since when are beards and covering their whole body, not part of western culture! Only 150 years ago all Christians believed in cover themselves up. Covering head when going to the church has been the only way less than 50 years ago. We have uncovered ourselves a lot more and changed the culture very rapidly in a very short period of history. Who is to say this is the best practice. How do we know that 100 years from now we will say that humanity suffered highest rates of skin cancer due to this reason and may start believing that covering oneselve and keeping long hair is better ( don't we already say slip, slop, slap)?

Whenever people are forced to chose a look other than the one they prefer otherwise face economic sanctions, people have no choice but to revolt and pick up a gun. Read the history of Sikhism and you will find out how a religion that started as religion to unite all religions was also forced to adopt the policy of wearing a Kirpan, a dagger, because of the need to fight for their belief that everyone has a right to chose their religion, and yet a responsibility to not threaten anyone that is not encroaching on your human rights but protecting those who can't protect themselves, the downtroden.

The fastest way to change someone is through through leading by example and with love. The west has influenced the east by showing the path of Liberty. Sikhs feel safer Living in western countries that they do in the east. Sikhs also feel safer being ruled by the white man than by a black man because we associate Liberty with them.

When I first arrived  in Australia, I went for a walk on the beach by myself and a white lady walking in the opposite direction gave a beautiful smile and said, "Good evening". I gave a fake smile and was puzzled. She didn't know me personally, why did she say that to me? We don't greet strangers like this in India, asking for directions when you are lost is another matter but greeting someone you don't know with a genuine smile? Besides, she was a British, the same kind that committed atrocities on my kind for 200 years and took away all our gold and jewels and left us a poor country. They did the same with Africans. All that I read in my history books was buried deep inside that stopped me from smiling back at her. I went to my new and only husband and asked I a complaining tone. Born and bread in Australia, my husband didn't know any other way and said, "If one human being whom' talk to another human being then who else should they talk to?" These words hit me like a brick. What was I thinking? I had been brainwashed by history? No, history stands as it is but it should not come in my way of seeing a human being as a human being first and everything else later. My husband became my living spiritual master that day. I always forgive all his follies for he taught me the most invaluable lesson that day.

Those who have everything are not making any efforts to help those who don't have a way to provide for their family's basic needs. Instead, we are changing government policies to give subsidies to the rich because it's the rich who fund campaigns for both parties that hold power in government.

Religion itself is no threat to anyone. It's the religious fundamentalist ideologies in every religion that are a threat to everyone, especially to the people who belong to that very religion. It's religious fundamentalists who brainwash people and enforce their rules on everyone else, hence jeopardising their liberty to chose how to dress and how to act, think and behave.

 Sikhs should be on high alert - Gurdwara funds may get controlled by Indian government

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