Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Spiritual and Psychic attack / invasion

There are also many levels of psychic invasion varying in severity from psychic invasion to psychic attachment to outright astral attack. These can be intentional or non-intentional.

A PSYCHIC INVASION is thought to occur when a thoughtform , entity,or astral imprint has entered the soul and permeated it like a virus. This usually circulates through the ethereal system and eventually dissipates like a bad cold.

PSYCHIC ATTACHMENT occurs when someone finds him or herself somehow possessed by, obsessed with or overly attached to an object or subject. Often this object is charged with negative energy from another place or time. It is also possible to get psychically attached to a place / person or for a place / person to get psychically attached to you!

ASTRAL ATTACK is usually the result of a venomous thoughtform or a direct attack on your aura using a ritual. Some metaphysicians send spirits to harm you with the intention of directly separating you from your higher self.


Anonymous said...

Bubble of light meditation as explained in the book has worked for me & I actually do this from time to time to ward off a negative vampire energy from a person that has invaded in our house for sometime & had uprooted everyone in our family.....I have been able keep this away, but I do fear it will come back...thanks for this link....will read more on it...take care..

Sherry Lumia said...

If you would like to continue reading my blogs, please subscribe to it as soon as you can. I intend to make it a private blog only accessible to those who subscribe to it. I now realise how dangerous the spiritual knowledge can be in the hands of mischievious people who do not intend to seek God but to use the knowledge to exert power on innocent people.

Anonymous said...

ok thanks..have done so..

Sherry Lumia said...
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Sherry Lumia said...

Hi Anonymous reader, Please introduce yourself to me as I don't know who is reading my blog. I couldn't find you in the followers list. Obviously you are not who I thought you were. My email is