Although I find it very useful to know about breathing patterns and methods, Guru Nanak has clearly said that simply by right postures and breathing exercises one can't find God. You will read in the Kundalini Yoga sites and books to not involve feeling. Feeling and emotions are considered dangerous in awakening kundalini quickly when the body is not ready to handle the experience. They are right in a limited sense. What these yogies are not aware of is that Kundalini can't be awakened by one's own efforts (Exercises etc). One can never be ready for a kundalini awakening experience. It is something that happens in its own time when the person feels the urge to meet God. The only word of caution useful when kundalini awakens is to not get scared and change your mind about meeting God, even if that generates the feeling that you are about to die. Do not try to stop the experience as the rising kundalini can't be stopped even if you break the meditation. The most important thing to do at this time is to keep the mind stable. Have faith, have your urge and Love for God, and it will be Ok.
About the blocked nose issue, if you try to use pranayama to clear your nostril, if you have a cold, which I have done, it takes a lot of effort and then as soon as you are finished with the exercise, it is blocked again. Whereas if you just do meditation without worrying about the blocked nose, you will realise that within 15 minutes the heat will be generated within you which will clear the blocked nose without any effort.
My Kundalini had risen upto my throat one time. It was scary to hear the hissing sound and the fact that something is moving inside you and you can't control it. I didn't know how it would proceed further from throat to the next level. I hadn't seen the diagram then. It stayed at the throat for a couple of day, during this time I had the urge to sing all day. It was useful for my own knowledge lateron, to see the path of kundalini from the throat to the sides of the forehead.
2nd time the kundalini aroused, it went from 2nd (sacrel chakra to the 3rd solar plexus. It was 11pm at night and I woke up as I heard something inside me. I could hear the noise like someone diving in the water, then the hissing and a few minutes later an explosion of flashing light that went from my abdoment strainght to my head. I did write a blog that night with what I was feeling. This time really got worried before the explosion and that is the very reason that it did go through the sushmina. I had already read about keeping the level head but I still couldn't remain calm.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Nostril Breathing for Revitalizing energy or meditative state
I have noticed that mostly my right nostril is blocked. No wonder I am always tired and don't have enough energy. The sites below are confirming that right nostril breathing gives Revitalizing breath for physical energy. It also removes Kafa (mucus) imbalance. So if you have sinus or asthma try breathing through right nostril. Right NB is also helps weight loss, they claim. It is the masculine energy which gives heat, competitiveness and force.
So what does the left nostril breathing do? Its feminine, nurturing, calm and cool. The moon energy. It has sedating and calming effect, good for meditative state. Since one of the following sites claims that Diabetics mainly breath through the right nostril, may be breathing through left will help them.
It is interesting that left nostril controls the right brain and vice versa
Left Brain is Logical, Sequential, Rational, Analytical, Objective and looks at parts.
Right Brain is Random, Intuitive, Holistic, Synthesizing, Subjective and looks at whole.
Modern society values, rewards and respects left brain thinkers more than right brain thinkers. Right-brained thinkers focus on aesthetics, feeling, and creativity. This is the side that evolves when we meditate.
In yoga system, Ida nadi is the lunar, feminine, nurturing side while pingala is the sun, masculine, logical side. Alternate-nostril breathing is effective in balancing ida and pingala. This practice is effective because the ida nadi is directly connected to the left nostril, and the pingala nadi to the right.
More on Breath on Kundalini Awakening website
So what does the left nostril breathing do? Its feminine, nurturing, calm and cool. The moon energy. It has sedating and calming effect, good for meditative state. Since one of the following sites claims that Diabetics mainly breath through the right nostril, may be breathing through left will help them.
It is interesting that left nostril controls the right brain and vice versa
Left Brain is Logical, Sequential, Rational, Analytical, Objective and looks at parts.
Right Brain is Random, Intuitive, Holistic, Synthesizing, Subjective and looks at whole.
Modern society values, rewards and respects left brain thinkers more than right brain thinkers. Right-brained thinkers focus on aesthetics, feeling, and creativity. This is the side that evolves when we meditate.
In yoga system, Ida nadi is the lunar, feminine, nurturing side while pingala is the sun, masculine, logical side. Alternate-nostril breathing is effective in balancing ida and pingala. This practice is effective because the ida nadi is directly connected to the left nostril, and the pingala nadi to the right.
More on Breath on Kundalini Awakening website
Friday, November 19, 2010
In meditation, the first time I saw the purple light, I was so excited and had a joyful feeling. I played with this light and then opened my eyes. That was the end of that meditation. Little did I kno wthat it was merely an indication that I was entering deep meditation. I thought seeing that light was the goal.
You might see or feel one of the following which will distract you from continuing meditation.
(1) mental visions of brilliant or bright light
(2) arising of rapturous feelings
(3) arising of feelings of calmness
(4) strong devotional feelings relating to Buddha and Dhamma
(5) great enthusiasm to carry out the practice of meditation
(6) joyful feelings
(7) extremely rapid, clear and purified perception of senseobjects
(8) the capability of practising mindfulness without missing to note any sensation that needs be contemplated.
(9) the capability to contemplate automatically without making particular effort.
(10) feeling of subtle pleasure in the contemplation.
"The meditator (disciple) is so much encouraged and elated that he cannot remain mute and cannot help recounting his experiences. After having come to this decision if the contemplation is carried on in continuity, those feelings of contentment and satisfaction and mental visions of light will gradually decrease, and the perception of the objects will become clearer and clearer with awareness. " Source :
You might see or feel one of the following which will distract you from continuing meditation.
(1) mental visions of brilliant or bright light
(2) arising of rapturous feelings
(3) arising of feelings of calmness
(4) strong devotional feelings relating to Buddha and Dhamma
(5) great enthusiasm to carry out the practice of meditation
(6) joyful feelings
(7) extremely rapid, clear and purified perception of senseobjects
(8) the capability of practising mindfulness without missing to note any sensation that needs be contemplated.
(9) the capability to contemplate automatically without making particular effort.
(10) feeling of subtle pleasure in the contemplation.
"The meditator (disciple) is so much encouraged and elated that he cannot remain mute and cannot help recounting his experiences. After having come to this decision if the contemplation is carried on in continuity, those feelings of contentment and satisfaction and mental visions of light will gradually decrease, and the perception of the objects will become clearer and clearer with awareness. " Source :
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
A fine line - Spirituality and Magic
The techniques of meditation are the same but the ultimate focus and result of the two is very different. Spirituality seeks light from the universal source and magicians steel light from other living beings and thus break their own connection with the ultimate source of light. Magicians are forever starved of the light and need a new target to get more light from thus depleting other people's light. Why not follow the spiritual path and benefit yourself and others? The ultimate source / God never runs our of light where as any other source eventually will.
Just read the book
Psychic dreamwalking : explorations at the edge of self / Michelle Belanger.
In this book, the author has confessed how she is an energy vampire and needs other peoples energy. Clearly, psychic dreamwalking is trying to alter the world according to one's wishes and not in line with the Hukum / God's Will which is a necessary condition if you are seeking energy from the ultimate source / God.
Chapter 9 of this book was important for me to understand as I had experienced Psychic attack and didn't know that this concept exists. This made me learn about shielding and protection. One rule of the universe is that you must ask for it before you can receive. So I wasn't going to receive protection automatically, jus cos I do mediation. At the start of each meditation I now pray for protection from any harmful energies. Simply say this and feel that your intent has been heard and you are now protected. Magicians also work with intent but the problem with their intent is that it looks after their personal interest or the interest of their client and not of the other parties. Whereas the spiritual person seeks everyone's benefit and goodwill - "Sarbat Da Bhala".
Just read the book
In this book, the author has confessed how she is an energy vampire and needs other peoples energy. Clearly, psychic dreamwalking is trying to alter the world according to one's wishes and not in line with the Hukum / God's Will which is a necessary condition if you are seeking energy from the ultimate source / God.
Chapter 9 of this book was important for me to understand as I had experienced Psychic attack and didn't know that this concept exists. This made me learn about shielding and protection. One rule of the universe is that you must ask for it before you can receive. So I wasn't going to receive protection automatically, jus cos I do mediation. At the start of each meditation I now pray for protection from any harmful energies. Simply say this and feel that your intent has been heard and you are now protected. Magicians also work with intent but the problem with their intent is that it looks after their personal interest or the interest of their client and not of the other parties. Whereas the spiritual person seeks everyone's benefit and goodwill - "Sarbat Da Bhala".
Friday, November 12, 2010
Astral Projection verses Etheric projection - Akashic records
The above source mentions Monroe method. I feel good to read that the light patterns seen in meditation are merely neural discharges and one should ignore them. Its just an indication that we are entering deeper relaxation. We need to go to even deeper relaxation stage where we do not feel our body at all. After this stage comes the auto-pilot where your mind is not in control. Some external program starts running. Its been long since I expereinced that auto-pilot stage. How much I want to enter that stage! On the site mentioned above there are other menthods mentioned as well, I haven't read them yet.
Step One:
Relax the body. According to Monroe, "the ability to relax is the first prerequisite, perhaps even the first step itself" to having an OBE. (out of body experience). This includes both physical and mental relaxation. Monroe does not suggest a method of attaining this relaxation, although progressive muscle relaxation, coupled with deep breathing exercises (inhale 1, exhale 2, inhale 3... until about 50 or 100) are known to work well.
Step Two:
Enter the state bordering sleep. This is known as the hypnogogic state. Once again, Monroe doesn't recommend any method of doing this. One way is to hold your forearm up, while keeping your upper arm on the bed, or ground. As you start to fall asleep, your arm will fall, and you will awaken again. With practice you can learn to control the hypnogogic state without using your arm. Another method is to concentrate on an object. When other images start to enter your thoughts, you have entered the hypnogogic state. Passively watch these images. This will also help you maintain this state of near-sleep. Monroe calls this Condition A.
Step Three:
Deepen this state. Begin to clear your mind. Observe your field of vision through your closed eyelids at the blackness in front of your. After a while you may start to notice light patterns. These are simply neural discharges. They have no specific effect. Ignore them. When they cease, one has entered what Monroe calls Condition B. From here, one must enter an even deeper state of relaxation which Monroe calls Condition C-- a state of such relaxation that you lose all awareness of the body and sensory stimulation. You are almost in a void in which your only source of stimulation will be your own thoughts.
The ideal state for leaving your body is Condition D. This is Condition C when it is voluntarily induced from a rested and refreshed condition and is not the effect of normal fatigue. To achieve Condition D, Monroe suggests that you practice entering it in the morning just as you are getting up, or after a short nap.
Step Four:
Enter a state of Vibration. This is the most important part of the technique, and also the most vague. Many projectors have noted these vibrations at the onset of projection. They can be experienced as a mild tingling, or as if electricity is being shot through the body. Their cause is a mystery. It may actually be the astral body trying to leave the physical body.
For entering into the vibrational state, he offers the following directions:
1. Remove all jewelry or other items that might be touching your skin.
2. Darken the room so that no light can be seen through your eyelids, but do not shut out all light.
3. Lie down with your body along a north-south axis, with your head pointed toward magnetic north.
4. Loosen all clothing, but keep covered so that you are slightly warmer than what might normally be comfortable.
5. Be sure you are in a location where, and at a time when, there will be absolutely no noise to disturb you.
6. Enter a state of relaxation.
7. Give yourself the mental suggestion that you will remember all that occurs during the upcoming session that will be beneficial to your well being. Repeat this five times.
8. As your breathe, concentrate on the void in front of you.
9. Select a point a foot away from your forehead, then change your point of mental reference to six feet.
10. Turn the point 90 degrees upward by drawing an imaginary line parallel to your body axis up above you head. Focus there and reach out for the vibrations at that point and bring them back into your body.
Even if you don't know what these vibrations are, you will know when you have achieved contact with them.
Step Five:
Learn to control the vibrational state. Practice controlling them by mentally pushing them into your head, down to your toes, making them surge throughout your entire body, and producing vibrational waves from head to foot. To produce this wave effect, concentrate on the vibrations and mentally push a wave out of your head and guide it down your body. Practice this until you can induce these waves on command. Once you have control of the vibrational state, you are ready to leave the body.
Step Six:
Begin with a partial separation. The key here is thought control. Keep your mind firmly focused on the idea of leaving the body. Do not let it wander. Stray thoughts might cause you to lose control of the state.
Now having entered the vibrational state, begin exploring the OBE by releasing a hand or a foot of the "second body". Monroe suggests that you extend a limb until it comes in contact with a familiar object, such as a wall near your bed. Then push it through the object. Return the limb by placing it back in to coincidence with the physical one, decrease the vibrational rate, and then terminate the experiment. Lie quietly until you have fully returned to normal. This exercise will prepare you for full separation.
Step Seven:
Dissociate yourself from the body. Monroe suggests two methods for this. One method is to lift out of the body. To do this, think about getting lighter and lighter after entering the vibrational state. Think about how nice it would be to float upward. Keep this thought in mind at all costs and let no extraneous thoughts interrupt it. An OBE will occur naturally at this point.
Another method is the "Rotation Method" or "roll-out" technique. When you have achieved the vibrational state, try to roll over as if you were turning over in bed. Do not attempt to roll over physically. Try to twist your body from the top and virtually roll over into your second body right out of your physical self. At this point, you will be out of the body, but next to it. Think of floating upward, and you should find yourself floating above the body.
The above source mentions Monroe method. I feel good to read that the light patterns seen in meditation are merely neural discharges and one should ignore them. Its just an indication that we are entering deeper relaxation. We need to go to even deeper relaxation stage where we do not feel our body at all. After this stage comes the auto-pilot where your mind is not in control. Some external program starts running. Its been long since I expereinced that auto-pilot stage. How much I want to enter that stage! On the site mentioned above there are other menthods mentioned as well, I haven't read them yet.
Step One:
Relax the body. According to Monroe, "the ability to relax is the first prerequisite, perhaps even the first step itself" to having an OBE. (out of body experience). This includes both physical and mental relaxation. Monroe does not suggest a method of attaining this relaxation, although progressive muscle relaxation, coupled with deep breathing exercises (inhale 1, exhale 2, inhale 3... until about 50 or 100) are known to work well.
Step Two:
Enter the state bordering sleep. This is known as the hypnogogic state. Once again, Monroe doesn't recommend any method of doing this. One way is to hold your forearm up, while keeping your upper arm on the bed, or ground. As you start to fall asleep, your arm will fall, and you will awaken again. With practice you can learn to control the hypnogogic state without using your arm. Another method is to concentrate on an object. When other images start to enter your thoughts, you have entered the hypnogogic state. Passively watch these images. This will also help you maintain this state of near-sleep. Monroe calls this Condition A.
Step Three:
Deepen this state. Begin to clear your mind. Observe your field of vision through your closed eyelids at the blackness in front of your. After a while you may start to notice light patterns. These are simply neural discharges. They have no specific effect. Ignore them. When they cease, one has entered what Monroe calls Condition B. From here, one must enter an even deeper state of relaxation which Monroe calls Condition C-- a state of such relaxation that you lose all awareness of the body and sensory stimulation. You are almost in a void in which your only source of stimulation will be your own thoughts.
The ideal state for leaving your body is Condition D. This is Condition C when it is voluntarily induced from a rested and refreshed condition and is not the effect of normal fatigue. To achieve Condition D, Monroe suggests that you practice entering it in the morning just as you are getting up, or after a short nap.
Step Four:
Enter a state of Vibration. This is the most important part of the technique, and also the most vague. Many projectors have noted these vibrations at the onset of projection. They can be experienced as a mild tingling, or as if electricity is being shot through the body. Their cause is a mystery. It may actually be the astral body trying to leave the physical body.
For entering into the vibrational state, he offers the following directions:
1. Remove all jewelry or other items that might be touching your skin.
2. Darken the room so that no light can be seen through your eyelids, but do not shut out all light.
3. Lie down with your body along a north-south axis, with your head pointed toward magnetic north.
4. Loosen all clothing, but keep covered so that you are slightly warmer than what might normally be comfortable.
5. Be sure you are in a location where, and at a time when, there will be absolutely no noise to disturb you.
6. Enter a state of relaxation.
7. Give yourself the mental suggestion that you will remember all that occurs during the upcoming session that will be beneficial to your well being. Repeat this five times.
8. As your breathe, concentrate on the void in front of you.
9. Select a point a foot away from your forehead, then change your point of mental reference to six feet.
10. Turn the point 90 degrees upward by drawing an imaginary line parallel to your body axis up above you head. Focus there and reach out for the vibrations at that point and bring them back into your body.
Even if you don't know what these vibrations are, you will know when you have achieved contact with them.
Step Five:
Learn to control the vibrational state. Practice controlling them by mentally pushing them into your head, down to your toes, making them surge throughout your entire body, and producing vibrational waves from head to foot. To produce this wave effect, concentrate on the vibrations and mentally push a wave out of your head and guide it down your body. Practice this until you can induce these waves on command. Once you have control of the vibrational state, you are ready to leave the body.
Step Six:
Begin with a partial separation. The key here is thought control. Keep your mind firmly focused on the idea of leaving the body. Do not let it wander. Stray thoughts might cause you to lose control of the state.
Now having entered the vibrational state, begin exploring the OBE by releasing a hand or a foot of the "second body". Monroe suggests that you extend a limb until it comes in contact with a familiar object, such as a wall near your bed. Then push it through the object. Return the limb by placing it back in to coincidence with the physical one, decrease the vibrational rate, and then terminate the experiment. Lie quietly until you have fully returned to normal. This exercise will prepare you for full separation.
Step Seven:
Dissociate yourself from the body. Monroe suggests two methods for this. One method is to lift out of the body. To do this, think about getting lighter and lighter after entering the vibrational state. Think about how nice it would be to float upward. Keep this thought in mind at all costs and let no extraneous thoughts interrupt it. An OBE will occur naturally at this point.
Another method is the "Rotation Method" or "roll-out" technique. When you have achieved the vibrational state, try to roll over as if you were turning over in bed. Do not attempt to roll over physically. Try to twist your body from the top and virtually roll over into your second body right out of your physical self. At this point, you will be out of the body, but next to it. Think of floating upward, and you should find yourself floating above the body.
Shambhala Meditation
hI had saved this link from some time, on this blog. Going back to it was so useful. It helped me centre myself immediately and I felt the sensation on the top of the head which I wasn't feeling from a few months now.
This site also answered why I felt the presure between my shoulder blades. It says, "Now move your attention to the area of your back, between your shoulder blades, where your thymus gland is. This is your true heart chakra. Many ones would know it as the higher heart.".
Simply feeling, as I read made it better for me. It also answered the Chautha Pad question. "Nanak Chauthe pad main so jan gat pahen". Shambala says that in 4th dimention we are light. Therefore, conected to the superconscious / universal mind.
Read the whole meditation on
(You can change some words of meditation to suit your belief, like instead of Mahatma, you can say Waheguru or whatever you are comfortable with.)
Below I have copied a few lines from this source.
So now make the affirmation within your mind: "I am a fourth/fifth dimensional being. I am Light." And now repeat in your minds; "Now you know, now you understand, that what you have just witnessed on a cellular Level has nothing to do with the third dimension." And now repeat: "I affirm my four body system is now fourth dimensional. I Am That I Am."
And now I would ask you to visualise your four body system.. First of all be aware of your physical body, to which your etheric body is attached. Then your emotional body, which is nine inches beyond your physical body. Then your mental body, which is about sixteen inches beyond your emotional body. And beyond your mental body is your spiritual body, which is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.
I would also ask you to think of the reason why you are in your physical body. It's because of your emotional body. Now by breathing out, see those things which are no longer needed being released from those areas of your cellular body that are not in harmony. As you breath out, breath out the fear from your cellular structure. As you breath in, breath in the energy of Mahatma, this silver and gold energy. After each in breath affirm, "I am the Mahatma." And as you breath out affirm, " I am free from fear. I am Love."
Now we will just take a brief moment to again allow that gold and silver energy to flow through us to our Solar Stars into our cellular structure, through our Earth Stars into Mother Earth, through yourselves, and see yourselves becoming enlightened, becoming beings of Light. And now concentrate again on your out-breaths, breathing out to release that crystallised third dimensional consciousness. On the out breaths see it leaving your physical body, passing through your emotional body, through your mental body and into your spiritual body, (this spiritual body of course is your Lightbody ). See this crystallisation of fear. See these crystallisation's of misdirected energies being transformed into Light.
This site also answered why I felt the presure between my shoulder blades. It says, "Now move your attention to the area of your back, between your shoulder blades, where your thymus gland is. This is your true heart chakra. Many ones would know it as the higher heart.".
Simply feeling, as I read made it better for me. It also answered the Chautha Pad question. "Nanak Chauthe pad main so jan gat pahen". Shambala says that in 4th dimention we are light. Therefore, conected to the superconscious / universal mind.
Read the whole meditation on
(You can change some words of meditation to suit your belief, like instead of Mahatma, you can say Waheguru or whatever you are comfortable with.)
Below I have copied a few lines from this source.
So now make the affirmation within your mind: "I am a fourth/fifth dimensional being. I am Light." And now repeat in your minds; "Now you know, now you understand, that what you have just witnessed on a cellular Level has nothing to do with the third dimension." And now repeat: "I affirm my four body system is now fourth dimensional. I Am That I Am."
And now I would ask you to visualise your four body system.. First of all be aware of your physical body, to which your etheric body is attached. Then your emotional body, which is nine inches beyond your physical body. Then your mental body, which is about sixteen inches beyond your emotional body. And beyond your mental body is your spiritual body, which is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.
I would also ask you to think of the reason why you are in your physical body. It's because of your emotional body. Now by breathing out, see those things which are no longer needed being released from those areas of your cellular body that are not in harmony. As you breath out, breath out the fear from your cellular structure. As you breath in, breath in the energy of Mahatma, this silver and gold energy. After each in breath affirm, "I am the Mahatma." And as you breath out affirm, " I am free from fear. I am Love."
Now we will just take a brief moment to again allow that gold and silver energy to flow through us to our Solar Stars into our cellular structure, through our Earth Stars into Mother Earth, through yourselves, and see yourselves becoming enlightened, becoming beings of Light. And now concentrate again on your out-breaths, breathing out to release that crystallised third dimensional consciousness. On the out breaths see it leaving your physical body, passing through your emotional body, through your mental body and into your spiritual body, (this spiritual body of course is your Lightbody ). See this crystallisation of fear. See these crystallisation's of misdirected energies being transformed into Light.
How the Mind Works and the superconscious that a meditator is interested in
The info below is useful to understand what happens to the mind in a meditative state and how we are able to get information from a higher source that knows.
This info has been taken from
a 14 page document produced by Lorna Simmons, who is a professional Clinical Hypnotherapist, who practises at her “HypnoResults” clinic in Hillcrest, Brisbane, Queensland.
How the Mind Works
We all have four states of consciousness the mind moves through:
1) The full wide awake conscious state is called Beta.
2) The Alpha states involve light, medium and deeper trance levels. The lighter states are used for meditation, and are associated with recovering childhood memories and past trauma. This state is useful for behavior modification, such as stop smoking or weight issues. The deeper state of Alpha is used to access Past Lives.
3) The Theta state is as deep as we get before losing consciousness and going into sleep, which is the Delta state. The Theta state uncovers the area of the superconscious mind that revels the spiritual life between lives activity.
4) The Delta state is our final deep sleep state. We all go through all these states in the natural process of sleep every night, which is then reversed when we wake.
The Conscious Mind
Technically speaking, each of us only has one mind. But this one mind has three parts to it.
! Conscious Mind.
! Subconscious Mind.
! Superconscious Mind.
Your conscious mind is only 10% of your mind and is the part that thinks, analyses and contains your short term memory only. However, the conscious mind power is limited and the most important conscious mind power is the power to decide. It has the power to decide what information will enter into your subconscious mind.
Your conscious mind also has the power to reprogram your subconscious mind, mainly through repetition. For instance, can you remember the first time you learnt to drive a car, when you had to consciously think of which peddle to press and which gear to shift.
You no longer have to consciously think of these actions. They have become automatic, i.e. you are able to do it subconsciously. Through repetition, you have programmed your subconscious mind and created a habit and once a habit is in your subconscious, it becomes automatic. While it’s true for driving a car, it is also true for achieving success in life!
Subconscious Mind
Your subconscious mind is much bigger than your conscious mind and is 90% of your mind. This part of your mind is like a computer, and plays many different roles in your life. The subconscious mind is concerned with emotions, imagination and long term memory.
This part of your mind also governs your autonomic nervous system, which automatically controls your internal organs: how you breath, send oxygen to your blood cells or walk without using the conscious mind. This is also the part of your mind where your habits and addictions, fears and trauma are stored. The internal mind or subconscious mind runs on autopilot and is not logical and can be compared to the hard drive on your computer.
This inner part of your mind is made up of lots of programs like on a computer. These programs communicate to your outer logic mind through your thoughts and feelings. Once a program is installed in your computer mind it just runs automatically unless you decide you no longer need it and then you can uninstall or delete it if you know how. Most people don’t know how. An example of a negative program running in your subconscious mind is the habit of smoking.
Superconscious Mind
The first two minds are within us, but the Superconscious Mind is without. The Superconscious Mind is the mind of our Higher Self, beyond the ego. Your Subconscious Mind is linked to the Superconscious Mind or Universal Mind and is your link to the spirit realms and to your guides and is responsible for helping you to learn your soul lessons.
The Superconscious Mind gives you dreams, thoughts, visions, inspiration, speaks through other people, gives you synchronicity, psychic and divination experiences, and so on.
However, if you do not learn the easy way it will set up lessons of tough love to help you learn what you need to learn. It will never give you more than you can handle. It is a completely unconditionally loving consciousness, whose job is to help you become an Enlightened Being and Integrated Spiritual Master.
There is only one Superconscious Mind (the Universal Mind), to which all of our minds are connected to and is Infinite Intelligence.
This is the part of the mind we access when we experience a Life Between Life Regression session.
This info has been taken from
a 14 page document produced by Lorna Simmons, who is a professional Clinical Hypnotherapist, who practises at her “HypnoResults” clinic in Hillcrest, Brisbane, Queensland.
How the Mind Works
We all have four states of consciousness the mind moves through:
1) The full wide awake conscious state is called Beta.
2) The Alpha states involve light, medium and deeper trance levels. The lighter states are used for meditation, and are associated with recovering childhood memories and past trauma. This state is useful for behavior modification, such as stop smoking or weight issues. The deeper state of Alpha is used to access Past Lives.
3) The Theta state is as deep as we get before losing consciousness and going into sleep, which is the Delta state. The Theta state uncovers the area of the superconscious mind that revels the spiritual life between lives activity.
4) The Delta state is our final deep sleep state. We all go through all these states in the natural process of sleep every night, which is then reversed when we wake.
The Conscious Mind
Technically speaking, each of us only has one mind. But this one mind has three parts to it.
! Conscious Mind.
! Subconscious Mind.
! Superconscious Mind.
Your conscious mind is only 10% of your mind and is the part that thinks, analyses and contains your short term memory only. However, the conscious mind power is limited and the most important conscious mind power is the power to decide. It has the power to decide what information will enter into your subconscious mind.
Your conscious mind also has the power to reprogram your subconscious mind, mainly through repetition. For instance, can you remember the first time you learnt to drive a car, when you had to consciously think of which peddle to press and which gear to shift.
You no longer have to consciously think of these actions. They have become automatic, i.e. you are able to do it subconsciously. Through repetition, you have programmed your subconscious mind and created a habit and once a habit is in your subconscious, it becomes automatic. While it’s true for driving a car, it is also true for achieving success in life!
Subconscious Mind
Your subconscious mind is much bigger than your conscious mind and is 90% of your mind. This part of your mind is like a computer, and plays many different roles in your life. The subconscious mind is concerned with emotions, imagination and long term memory.
This part of your mind also governs your autonomic nervous system, which automatically controls your internal organs: how you breath, send oxygen to your blood cells or walk without using the conscious mind. This is also the part of your mind where your habits and addictions, fears and trauma are stored. The internal mind or subconscious mind runs on autopilot and is not logical and can be compared to the hard drive on your computer.
This inner part of your mind is made up of lots of programs like on a computer. These programs communicate to your outer logic mind through your thoughts and feelings. Once a program is installed in your computer mind it just runs automatically unless you decide you no longer need it and then you can uninstall or delete it if you know how. Most people don’t know how. An example of a negative program running in your subconscious mind is the habit of smoking.
Superconscious Mind
The first two minds are within us, but the Superconscious Mind is without. The Superconscious Mind is the mind of our Higher Self, beyond the ego. Your Subconscious Mind is linked to the Superconscious Mind or Universal Mind and is your link to the spirit realms and to your guides and is responsible for helping you to learn your soul lessons.
The Superconscious Mind gives you dreams, thoughts, visions, inspiration, speaks through other people, gives you synchronicity, psychic and divination experiences, and so on.
However, if you do not learn the easy way it will set up lessons of tough love to help you learn what you need to learn. It will never give you more than you can handle. It is a completely unconditionally loving consciousness, whose job is to help you become an Enlightened Being and Integrated Spiritual Master.
There is only one Superconscious Mind (the Universal Mind), to which all of our minds are connected to and is Infinite Intelligence.
This is the part of the mind we access when we experience a Life Between Life Regression session.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The Pineal Gland: Spiritual Awakening and Astral Projection
The article below is from the following source
I have copied it here as I believe this information to be true. This article has not mentioned anything about how to awaken the 3rd eye and the role of heart chakra and the role of feeling and intent in awakening the 3rd eye. Read Samuel Sagan's book "Awakening the 3rd eye for guidance".
I have copied it here as I believe this information to be true. This article has not mentioned anything about how to awaken the 3rd eye and the role of heart chakra and the role of feeling and intent in awakening the 3rd eye. Read Samuel Sagan's book "Awakening the 3rd eye for guidance".
What is the Pineal Gland?
The pineal gland is shaped like a pine cone and is about the size of a pea. It is located in the geometric center of the brain between both the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It is tucked in a small “cave” where both thalamic bodies join and is attached behind the eyes to the third ventricle. It is not isolated from the body from the blood-brain barrier systems.
Fluoride is found in water and toothpaste. When calcium builds up in soft tissue, it causes it to harden. Studies have shown that calcium affects the pineal gland more than it affects teeth or bone. Phosphorus and calcium in the pineal gland are linked to aging.
The pineal gland controls various biological rhythms of the body. It works in harmony with the gland which directs the body’s thirst, hunger, sexual desire, and like I mentioned above, the aging process.
Many believe that it is associated with the sixth chakra. Awakening the pineal gland is linked to prophecy and increased psychic awareness. It is also considered to be linked with consciousness Ascension.
The pineal gland is also referred to as the ‘third eye’ or ‘mind’s eye’. It is located in the center of the brain so many people think to the Great Pyramids which are in the center of the physical planet. Strange coincidence being that both the all-seeing eye and the pyramids are on the American dollar bill?
Activation of the Pineal Gland
The pineal gland is activated by light. Many people have reported feeling a pressure at the base of the brain after having their pineal gland awakened. This pressure can be experienced when one connects to a higher frequency.
It is said that when the pineal gland or ‘third eye’ is awakened, one is able to see beyond space time into time space. It raises the frequency on which one operates and moves one into a higher consciousness. All forms of out-of-body travel coincide with the third eye. This includes meditation, visualization, and yoga. Once the third eye is awakened, you will be able to see beyond the physical world.
As one practices opening the ‘third eye’, it will come more naturally to you if you practice frequently. Dream messages and supernatural abilities will increase. Many begin practicing with their eyes closed but in time and with much practice, one will be able to see into the spiritual world of time space with their physical eyes open.
When the pineal gland is activated, it becomes the line of communication with the spiritual world and those beyond it. The crown chakra moves down towards the pineal gland in a vortex. When the vortex touches the pineal gland, pure energy is received. This pure energy is also called Prana. The more one practices, the higher the vibrations in the body raise and the astral body will then be able to separate from the physical body.
In order to even activate the pineal gland, the pituitary body must vibrate in unison with the pineal gland. This can happen with mediation and relaxation when the personality which operates through the pituitary gland is in harmony with the soul which operates through the pineal gland, a magnetic filed is created.
All forces, both negative and positive form together to become strong and and create a “light in the head”. The pineal gland is then active. A person can then withdraw from their physical bodies and carry this light with them into whichever realm they choose to go.
Astral Projection
Astral projection is associated with this light in the head. After meditation and after the body has completely let go of worldly needs and it’s ego, one can try to activate the pineal gland through pure relaxation by staring at the point in the middle of the forehead.
One must first start to feel a withdrawal from his senses as well as a withdrawal from the physical conscious (the ego). Visualize your physical body escaping through a door in the brain.
People who have had near death experiences have experienced astral projection. Many report hearing a “popping” sound when the astral body separates from the physical body.
Visualization is the first step in directing the energy of the body to activate the pineal gland. Once the magnetic field is created, it surrounds the pineal gland. The creative imagination visualizes something and the thought energy of the mind gives it life and direction.
Developing the third eye is very important if one wishes to separate from the physical form. Intuition can also become stronger with third eye development. When the third eye begins to activate, flashes of memory and knowledge of the astral plane will begin to happen. They will become more and more frequent as the third eye becomes stronger and stronger with practice until universal knowledge is acquired.
When reaching certain frequencies, worldly needs and the ego begin to diminish. This is the ‘theta’ state which means we are still conscious yet resting while feeling at peace with ourselves. As the brain enters deeper states of consciousness, we begin to become less concerned with the physical world.
Spiritual Evolution
Humans have been evolving out of matter for quite some time, and are still evolving further and further. We went from spirit to matter, and now we are moving back into spirit. The pineal gland has continued to rise and will eventually bring to humans astral capacities and spiritual abilities.
The vibrations of the planet and the frequencies of the planets have been accelerated at an extremely fast rate, even exponentially, and have allowed souls to look deeper into other times and realms. Consciousness will eventually evolve out of the physical state into a higher, more spiritual state.
To read the full article go to:
The pineal gland is shaped like a pine cone and is about the size of a pea. It is located in the geometric center of the brain between both the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It is tucked in a small “cave” where both thalamic bodies join and is attached behind the eyes to the third ventricle. It is not isolated from the body from the blood-brain barrier systems.
Fluoride is found in water and toothpaste. When calcium builds up in soft tissue, it causes it to harden. Studies have shown that calcium affects the pineal gland more than it affects teeth or bone. Phosphorus and calcium in the pineal gland are linked to aging.
The pineal gland controls various biological rhythms of the body. It works in harmony with the gland which directs the body’s thirst, hunger, sexual desire, and like I mentioned above, the aging process.
Many believe that it is associated with the sixth chakra. Awakening the pineal gland is linked to prophecy and increased psychic awareness. It is also considered to be linked with consciousness Ascension.
The pineal gland is also referred to as the ‘third eye’ or ‘mind’s eye’. It is located in the center of the brain so many people think to the Great Pyramids which are in the center of the physical planet. Strange coincidence being that both the all-seeing eye and the pyramids are on the American dollar bill?
Activation of the Pineal Gland
The pineal gland is activated by light. Many people have reported feeling a pressure at the base of the brain after having their pineal gland awakened. This pressure can be experienced when one connects to a higher frequency.
It is said that when the pineal gland or ‘third eye’ is awakened, one is able to see beyond space time into time space. It raises the frequency on which one operates and moves one into a higher consciousness. All forms of out-of-body travel coincide with the third eye. This includes meditation, visualization, and yoga. Once the third eye is awakened, you will be able to see beyond the physical world.
As one practices opening the ‘third eye’, it will come more naturally to you if you practice frequently. Dream messages and supernatural abilities will increase. Many begin practicing with their eyes closed but in time and with much practice, one will be able to see into the spiritual world of time space with their physical eyes open.
When the pineal gland is activated, it becomes the line of communication with the spiritual world and those beyond it. The crown chakra moves down towards the pineal gland in a vortex. When the vortex touches the pineal gland, pure energy is received. This pure energy is also called Prana. The more one practices, the higher the vibrations in the body raise and the astral body will then be able to separate from the physical body.
In order to even activate the pineal gland, the pituitary body must vibrate in unison with the pineal gland. This can happen with mediation and relaxation when the personality which operates through the pituitary gland is in harmony with the soul which operates through the pineal gland, a magnetic filed is created.
All forces, both negative and positive form together to become strong and and create a “light in the head”. The pineal gland is then active. A person can then withdraw from their physical bodies and carry this light with them into whichever realm they choose to go.
Astral Projection
Astral projection is associated with this light in the head. After meditation and after the body has completely let go of worldly needs and it’s ego, one can try to activate the pineal gland through pure relaxation by staring at the point in the middle of the forehead.
One must first start to feel a withdrawal from his senses as well as a withdrawal from the physical conscious (the ego). Visualize your physical body escaping through a door in the brain.
People who have had near death experiences have experienced astral projection. Many report hearing a “popping” sound when the astral body separates from the physical body.
Visualization is the first step in directing the energy of the body to activate the pineal gland. Once the magnetic field is created, it surrounds the pineal gland. The creative imagination visualizes something and the thought energy of the mind gives it life and direction.
Developing the third eye is very important if one wishes to separate from the physical form. Intuition can also become stronger with third eye development. When the third eye begins to activate, flashes of memory and knowledge of the astral plane will begin to happen. They will become more and more frequent as the third eye becomes stronger and stronger with practice until universal knowledge is acquired.
When reaching certain frequencies, worldly needs and the ego begin to diminish. This is the ‘theta’ state which means we are still conscious yet resting while feeling at peace with ourselves. As the brain enters deeper states of consciousness, we begin to become less concerned with the physical world.
Spiritual Evolution
Humans have been evolving out of matter for quite some time, and are still evolving further and further. We went from spirit to matter, and now we are moving back into spirit. The pineal gland has continued to rise and will eventually bring to humans astral capacities and spiritual abilities.
The vibrations of the planet and the frequencies of the planets have been accelerated at an extremely fast rate, even exponentially, and have allowed souls to look deeper into other times and realms. Consciousness will eventually evolve out of the physical state into a higher, more spiritual state.
To read the full article go to:
Monday, November 8, 2010
Must continue meditation daily
No matter what others say about meditation, one can't understand the depth of it until one experiences it. Similarly you don't realise how lucky you are to experience that peace, connection and knowledge until you have lost it.
Trying to feel the vibrartion and achieve that natural rhythm of chanting waheguru with breath use to be everyday fun activity during my journey to and from work. It's an effort now. Why can't I feel the vibrartion on the top three chakra points?
The sensation is instead in the base of the spine and a bit in between the shoulder blades, on the spine. May be I shouldn't focus on 3rd eye, heart chakra or the 10th gate but instead wherever the sensation is. Next time I will try that. But what do I do about getting tired and sleepy. If I do it laying down, its much easier and more enjoyable as I feel the energy rushing through.
Trying to feel the vibrartion and achieve that natural rhythm of chanting waheguru with breath use to be everyday fun activity during my journey to and from work. It's an effort now. Why can't I feel the vibrartion on the top three chakra points?
The sensation is instead in the base of the spine and a bit in between the shoulder blades, on the spine. May be I shouldn't focus on 3rd eye, heart chakra or the 10th gate but instead wherever the sensation is. Next time I will try that. But what do I do about getting tired and sleepy. If I do it laying down, its much easier and more enjoyable as I feel the energy rushing through.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Meditation on special days is rewarding
For days I couldn't meditate due to blocked nose and flu. Some days I surprise myself. It is as if I am not the same person who places meditation as the number 1 priority. I wonder if certain foods change your metabolism so much that it affects your thinking so badly as if I never had any mystic experiences and as if meditation is simply to calm your mind and a secondary priority. With the experiences I have had and the way I use to be - a person longing to mediate any minute I get, why things change? It use to be the best thing ever. How did other things and people took priority over meditation and over my relationship with my God? Has God forgotten me? I had these doubts and from last few days I prayed for forgiveness, if I have done anything wrong and begged for the gift of meditation again.
Today is Diwali and I realised that while asleep I was meditating. I remembered that today is Diwali and woke up to meditate. I prayed to Guru Hargobind, Bandi chhor Guru, to relieve me from my five vises - Anger, Greed, Lust, Attachment and EGO and grant me the grace to always remember God. I was happy with my session. Surprisingly good session even with my blocked nose. Thanks to my Guru.
Listen to Shabad - Antar Ki Bidh Tum Hi Jani
Listen to Shabad - Jaag Re Man Jaaganhare
Just checked the Biorhythms chart on biorhythm-calculator . I am not surprised how low I have been feeling. From last 9 days my Intellectual and Emotional energy has been on Zero and below. These should start picking up pace now. Today my physical energy was on the highest. Intuitive energy is on the lower scale and going further down.
On another note I read this quote today, "Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse." This has made me seriously think about this blog being available for anyone to read. Should it have restricted access, I wonder. Some pakhandi could read the things here and pretend they have had these as his first hand experiences and mislead public. I trust my Guru so far to send the right people here who are looking for sincere guidance for personal spiritual growth and not for any show-off purpose.
Today is Diwali and I realised that while asleep I was meditating. I remembered that today is Diwali and woke up to meditate. I prayed to Guru Hargobind, Bandi chhor Guru, to relieve me from my five vises - Anger, Greed, Lust, Attachment and EGO and grant me the grace to always remember God. I was happy with my session. Surprisingly good session even with my blocked nose. Thanks to my Guru.
Listen to Shabad - Antar Ki Bidh Tum Hi Jani
Listen to Shabad - Jaag Re Man Jaaganhare
Just checked the Biorhythms chart on biorhythm-calculator . I am not surprised how low I have been feeling. From last 9 days my Intellectual and Emotional energy has been on Zero and below. These should start picking up pace now. Today my physical energy was on the highest. Intuitive energy is on the lower scale and going further down.
On another note I read this quote today, "Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse." This has made me seriously think about this blog being available for anyone to read. Should it have restricted access, I wonder. Some pakhandi could read the things here and pretend they have had these as his first hand experiences and mislead public. I trust my Guru so far to send the right people here who are looking for sincere guidance for personal spiritual growth and not for any show-off purpose.
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