Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How to start the meditation?

Meditation is awareness of the present moment. We live our daily life either thinking about the past or worrying about the future. It is important to be present for sometime each day. If you are not present, then you have missed your class, so to speak.

Meditation is a way to find the void within this vessel called body. If the vessel is not empty, we can't fill it with anything pure. So place your attention on the following points for three to five minutes each. Monitor your experience at each level:

1. Sense of sitting in the present time
2. Awareness of sensations arising from the environment in the present time
3. Awareness of sensations arising in the body in the present time
4. Awareness of emotions arising in the present time
5. Awareness of thoughts arising in the present time
6. Awareness of I AM statements arising in the present time, with associated thoughts, feelings, and memories
7. Awareness of memories and impressions bubbling up from the Subconscious
8. Awareness of the present time being recorded in memory
9. Focus your attention in turn on each chakra of the Subconscious mind in the spinal tube

base of spine
behind the navel
behind the solar plexus
behind the heart,
at the place where the neck meets the shoulders
at the base of the skull
at the point where the nose meets the forehead
between the eyebrows

You will encounter a presence behind this center that silently observes. Focus more intently on this presence. You will begin to see light emanating from this presence.
This is your third eye, which allows you to see within when your two eyes are closed.

Remain in this state for as long as you wish. Then retrace your steps through each focal point until you are fully grounded in your normal waking awareness.

Note: If you start to have a headache, stop focusing on the third eye immediately. For the next few days, only focus on the heart. Headache means you are not being aware of this point but focusing too hard. You can do permanent damage if you continue 3rd eye meditation the wrong way.


Anonymous said...

When is the best time to meditate?

Sherry Lumia said...
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Sherry Lumia said...
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Sherry Lumia said...

Ideally, time between Midnight to 6am is best for meditation, as it is dark and fairly quit. I read somewhere that DMT in the pineal gland is produced when its dark. Samuel Sagan suggests meditation twice a day and possibly three times a day. He also suggests that the time close to Sunrise and Sunset are special times and a third meditation in the middle of the day. Apart from this special sit down time, one should be practice observing oneself throughout the day and be aware of what you are doing and thinking. It helps to experience deep meditation when you do sit down for it. I experienced on of my most rewarding deep meditations between 2-3 pm when I visited my own body temple and another deep experience at 6.30am, (started at 3.30am) when when a lotus flower opened in my heart chakra followed by the third eye and a double triangle experience. Guru Nanak also recommends early morning before Sunrise but also says that anytime when you are ready for a meditation is a great time.