Friday, July 29, 2011

Messages from the universe and my destiny

It is so frustrating that I get the message from the universe in symbolic language and yet I don't fully understand how it applied until the moment something actually happends in my life. Then I say to myself, oh! so that's what the message was trying to tell me. I can't change anything at all. Things still turn out exactly the way the universe suggested they will. So what's the benefit?

A few weeks ago, I saw dog bones in black. I didn't give any bones to my dog to eat thinking that might be bad. Now my dog is really sick and I don't know why. But the universe did know and I couldn't do anything.

This morning, I saw my head and one arm covered in plaster. Then I saw myself crying over something. I understood this as something that I had done (arm) was not the right decision (Head). So I was going to be upset over it as the result won't be in my favour. I now know what I had done yesterday and how I was upset over my negligence and for loosing because of it.

The messages don't help me take a different course of action. They come too late and are not clear enough. No wonder that the people who write prophecies are not giving accurate info. They themselves didn't know what the symbols trully meant :(

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

You can heal yourself - talk to your body

It's amazing how we believe in the medicine of the doctor that we don't know, yet we don't believe ourself - the self that has been with this body since birth. We believe in the medicine created by man and yet not in the healing light of the universe / God.

The problem lies in our belief system. Ask yourself these simple questions.

1. Do I spend time with myself, talking to myself about me?
If you think the answer is YES, think again. I didn't say talking about your financial life, love life or social relationships. That is not talking about you. Those aspects of your life are important but only until you are alive.

2. Do you speak the truth to yourself and others? Do you observe and catch yourself lying, cheating or hurting others? 
"Off-course, I speak the truth to myself, not sure about others. I don't lie, cheat or emotionally hurt anyone. I am a good person. There are bad people at my work, in relatives and friends and in society but we can all spot a bad person. We are genuine and good people. At least I am, I know." Think again! And again until you can hear a different answer. Think deeply, no one will know what you know. Just speak the truth to yourself.
3. Are you at peace with yourself? Is there an internal conflict going on between your existing life and how you would like your life to be? And a conflict about this world and how it should be?
No. I am not happy with .................
I hate ....................
Why don't ...........................

So you have a lot of complaints! Who do you think is listening to those complaints that live in your head day and night. Your own body perhaps! Oh, I didn't think my body worries about what my head thinks, does it? Think of the impact of every negative thought on your body. For how many years of your life, you have been having a conflict within yourself about various issues in your life and in others lives? And then the doctor tells you that you have a deadly disease and you dare to ask WHY ME?

4. Do you believe in the existence of God?
Yes and no. Actually I am not 100% sure. Sometimes, I think ..............

5. What does God look like? What is your relationship with God?
"I don't know. Even if God exists, I don't think I will be able to find him as I am not that spiritual. Not in this lifetime, at least. I am such a lowly person."

Now we are talking. It's not GOD that has a problem with you. It's you who doesn't believe in yourself. You don't think you are good enough to have a close relationship with God / Universe.

So you live in denial. You don't believe that anyone can talk to God, any day at anytime. These so called spiritual people simply are shunning reality and living in delusion. You are sane, logical and a reasonable person :) Thank goodness there are still some logical people to run this world and set it right.

Don't worry, I am not asking you to believe in God, as long as you believe in your own existence. Just be logical and know that like every action has an equal and opposite reaction; every thought leaves a mark on your body. If you can understand this, it would be much easier to understand why most people are diagnosed with deadly dis-eases after 40. It's the residue of the thoughts and feelings that have been influencing the body.

So how can I heal myself? You must have heard - Prevention is better than cure. Talk to yourself. Observe yourself everyday. Do your own health check everyday by asking yourself - am I at peace with myself? Is there any internal conflict bothering my mind and body? How can I resolve that conflict. If its a long term conflict that can't be resolved in one day, then just think of it as a heavy baggage. Put it down, just for a few moments and give yourself a break from it.

Visualize having a shower in either colourless / white / golden or green light. Visualize this light touching every cell of your body and rejuvenating it. Your body feels much lighter and you feel happier. When you are at ease with your body and dis-ease can't come near you. So be kind to yourself and have happy thoughts most of the day. Now you are aware of your mind and body. Now you observe yourself and do not let any thought in, that will cause dis-ease in your body. The uni-verse is smiling at you, as you are one with yourself.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A story of Nanak's dedication as told by OSHO

The gist of the story is that its not important whether you do Nitnem, meditation, kirtan or anything else. The main point is with how much effort and dedication, you do what you do. Just like in music its not how many songs a musician can sing or play, its the precision, (the accuracy, detail and devotion) with which he plays the notes and how much the musician himself is immersed in his own music. Same goes for any religious activity.

इक ओंकार सितनाम
करता पुरखु िनरभउ िनरवैर।
अकाल मूरित अजूनी सैभं गु$ %सा द।।

आ द सचु जुगा द सचु।
है भी सचु नानक होसी भी सचु।।
पउड़): १
सोचे सोिच न होवई जे सोची लख बार।
चुपै चुप न होवई जे लाइ रहा िलवतार।
भु.खया भुख न उतर) जे बंना पुर)आं भार।
सहस िसयाणपा लख हो ह, त इक न चले नािल।
कव सिचयारा होइए, कव कूड़ै तुटै पािल।
हुकिम रजाई चलणा 'नानक' िल.खआ नािल।

एक अंधेर) रात। भाद3 क4 अमावस। बादल3 क4 गड़गड़ाहट। बीच-बीच म6 7बजली का चमकना। वषा9 के झ3के।
गांव पूरा सोया हुआ। बस, नानक के गीत क4 गंूज।
रात देर तक वे गाते रहे। नानक क4 मां डर)। आधी रात से <यादा बीत गई। कोई तीन बजने को हुए। नानक
के कमरे का द)या जलता है। बीच-बीच म6 गीत क4 आवाज आती है। नानक के =ार पर नानक क4 मां ने
द>तक द) और कहा, बेटे! अब सो भी जाओ। रात कर)ब-कर)ब जाने को हो गई।
नानक चुप हुए। और तभी रात के अंधेरे म6 एक पपीहे ने जोर से कहा, 7पयू-7पयू।
नानक ने कहा, सुनो मां! अभी पपीहा भी चुप नह)ं हुआ। अपने Aयारे क4 पुकार कर रहा है, तो मB कै से चुप
हो जाऊं ? इस पपीहे से मेर) होड़ लगी है। जब तक यह गाता रहेगा, पुकारता रहेगा, मB भी पुकारता रहूंगा।
और इसका Aयारा तो बहुत पास है, मेरा Aयारा बहुत दरू है। जDम3-जDम3 गाता रहूं तो ह) उस तक पहुंच
सकूंगा। रात और दन का हसाब नह)ं रखा जा सकता है। नानक ने फर गाना शुG कर दया।

नानक ने परमाHमा को गा-गा कर पाया। गीत3 से पटा है माग9 नानक का। इसिलए नानक क4 खोज बड़) िभDन है। पहली बात समझ लेनी जGर) है क नानक ने योग नह)ं कया, तप नह)ं कया, Iयान नह)ं कया। नानक ने िसफ9 गाया। और गा कर ह) पा िलया। ले कन गाया उDह3ने इतने पूरे %ाण से क गीत ह) Iयान हो गया, गीत ह) योग बन गया, गीत ह) तप हो गया

जब भी कोई समJ %ाण से कसी भी कृHय को करता है, वह) कृHय माग9 बन जाता है। तुम Iयान भी करो
अधूरा-अधूरा, तो भी न पहुंच पाओगे। तुम पूरा-पूरा, पूरे Kदय से, तुLहार) सार) समJता से, एक गीत भी
गा दो, एक नHृ य भी कर लो, तो भी तुम पहुंच जाओगे। Mया तुम करते हो, यह सवाल नह)ं। पूर) समJता
से करते हो या अधूरे-अधूरे, यह) सवाल है।

Anti-ageing meditation

When breathing-in, breath from the tailbone and take it up your spine upto the head and breath-out from the head down towards the navel and down. Keep this circle going for at least 10 minutes everyday. This breathing exercise can be done while lying on your back or on the side, in bed. This is the way I energise my body and get it ready to wake up for a meditation session.
Yesterday morning, after doing this breathing exercise, I prayed to the universe to talk to me everyday, like it use to some time ago. I cherish those moments when I receive messages, even when I don't  understand those messages for a long time. Soon after I saw a stem with three leaves. It looked like a stem made with glass. It had green light inside it. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lines from Japji Sahib


Jor Na Surti Giyan Vichar
Jor Na Jugati Chutte Sansar

Awareness and awakening is not in our power
The path of liberation is also not in our power

Pavan Pani Agni Patal
Tis Vich Dharti Thaap Rakhi Dharamsal ( a temporary place to rest, during the journey)

Having created Air, water, fire and nether regions
The Lord amidst them installed Earth - 
The place for Karma and Dharma

In this Pauri, Guru Nanak establishes the concept of "Karmbhoomi". Man's very sojourn on Earth is one of action and experience. One has to justify his very existence on earth through faithful performance of duties assigned and march towards his onward spiritual journey.  All actions will be judged is again meant to help us cultivate virtue and a persistent endeavor to win the Divine Grace.

I understand another meaning from these lines. If you understand this body as earth and realise that all the mentioned elements are within this body. All actions/ karmas are recorded by the soul within and justice is delivered as those with negative vibrations of fear, hatred, jealousy, revenge, anger etc brings unrest / hell and the positive vibrations of gratitude, love, kindness, happiness etc bring peace/ heaven. These vibrations and the corresponding feelings stay with the soul even after the physical body has been destroyed. These unresolved feelings cause the soul to take form again to fulfil the unfulfilled desires.

Karmi Karmi Hoi Vicharu
Sacha Aap Sacha Darbaru

Tithe Sohan Punch Parvaanu
Nadri Karam Pavey Nishanu
Having created ...
Air, water, fire and nether regions
The Lord amidst them installed Earth -
The place for Karma and Dharma

Their actions are to be judged
In the True court of the True Lord
The approved there look respectful
Bearing the Mark of Master graceful
In this Pauri, Guru Nanak establishes the concept of "Karmbhoomi". Man's very sojourn on Earth is one of action and experience. One has to justify his very existence on earth through faithful performance of duties assigned and march towards his onward spiritual journey.  All actions will be judged is again meant to help us cultivate virtue and a persistent endeavor to win the Divine Grace.
Pauri 35
Dharam Khand Ka Eho Dharam
Gyan Khand Ka Akhaho Karam
Kete Pavan Pani Vaisantar Kete Kaan Mahes
Such as above, is the Realm of Dharma
Now I dwell on the Realm of Knowledge
Countless are the forms of fire, air, water and many Krishnas and Shivas
In the domain of Knowledge, Enlightenment reigns supreme
There the primordial sound plays the heavenly melodies
In the Realm of Endeavor, Beauty is the attribute
There exquisite forms are shaped
Gian Khand Mahin Gyan Prachand
Tithe Naad Binod Kaud Anand
Saram Khand Ki Bani Roop
Tithe Gharat Ghariye Bahut Anup

Tithe Ghariye Surti Mati Man Buddh
Tithe Ghariye Suran Siddhan Ki Sudh
There are forged intuition, intellect, mind and insight
As is fashioned there the vision of angels and seers.

Karam Khand Ki Bani Jore
Tithe Hore Na Koyee Hore
In the Realm of Grace, Spiritual powers prevail
Nothing else can there avail

Sach Khand Vase Nirankaar
Kar Kari Vekhe Nadar Nihal
Tithe Khand Mandal Varbhand
Je Ko Kathe Ta Ant Na Ant
Tithe Loye Loye Akaar
Jiv Jiv Hukam Tiven Tiv Kaar
Vekhe Vigse Kar Vichaar
In the Realm of Truth is the formless God
Watching His Creation with bounteous Grace
Countless orbs, regions and firmaments originate from there
Such an account is beyond description
Countless forms and worlds beyond worlds 
All functioning as He ordains
He watches, beholds and contemplates

Jatu Pahara Dhiraj Suniyar
Ahran Mat Ved Hathiyar
Bhau Khalla Agan Tap Tau
Bhanda Bhau Amrit Tit Dhaal
Ghariye Sabad Sachi Taksaal
Jin Kau Nadar Karam Tin Kar
Make continence your furnace and patience the forge
Let Vedas be your weapon for divine knowledge
God's fear be your bellows and penance the fire
Make your heart the pot to be filled with Love of God
Then the truth will emerge from the True Mint
Whom Divine Grace is bestowed, they do this everyday

Pavan Guru Pani Pita Mata Dharti Mahat
Air is the GuruWater the father and Earth the great mother

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What is the purpose of your life?

Has this question bothered you ever? What is your soul urge. How are you going to leave a mark and how would that mark benefit mankind long after you are gone?

Paul Smith suggests in his book 'How to have an outstanding life' to plan 10 separate routes to travel along. These 10 separate courses of action will guide you to your final destination, what you want to achieve. He says, "May be you won't get to the end of some of your pathways, but that doesn't matter. The combined effect of all these pathways will be success."

The great path has no gates,
Thousands of roads enter it.
When one passes through this gateless gate
He walks freely between heaven and earth. ZEN

So I guess I am right when I try to find spiritual wisdom in sources from different cultures and religions to reach my goal. Yes, its true that at some point I see that I do not agree with the path, the source is taking me to; and I stop following it all the way. Even then, the knowledge did helped me overcome some hurdles and bends.

Is contraception a problem in kundalini awakening and meditation?

I was struggling to find a solution and ended up with more questions than answers. Different Chakras have different density and variety of Prana flowing through. Should I interfere with the flow of energy in the 2nd chakra. Would that affect the total flow of energy and hence the quality of my experiences? 

I know that the religious sources of Christianity and Sikhism both do not agree with sterilization. However, they both approve of abstinence and rhythm method of birth control, which obviously failed me. So I had to look for a better solution. As an educated person, I always thought these religious views were obsolete and meaningless and worth disregarding. Now, I am not sure if those views of mine were an indication of my intelligence or ignorance.

Since I do not want any interference in my natural energy system, I found it very difficult to choose a contraceptive method. There are only two choices left if one is not in favour of sterilization, either hormone based systems or one involving copper coil which are reversible.

I have noticed that my natural hormonal cycle has benefits. There are days when I am more spiritual and motivated. I achieve more during these few days than the rest of the month. There is a drawback as well, as there are days that I believe to be dumb days that numb my brain, senses and energy level. Since I don't know how the hormone based systems affect the body in term of energy levels, I can't play with it.

Metal (Iron) soaks up energy. By doing regular meditation, we slowly build up a store of energy which makes up our Aura and extends it. By placing a copper coil in the body, one is definitely disadvantaged as the metal will soak up the energy.

My muslim friend once clarified the reason why Guru Gobind Singh ji asked Sikhs to wear Kirpan. She said, "Don't you know, iron wards off any bad energy sent via Black Magic". She believed that in those days practice of black magic was common. She said that when a muslim lady is pregnant, she always keeps a small iron dagger with her for this reason. Another friend recently told me that she doesn't wear any metal (rings etc) when she practices Reiki. Samuel Sagan in his book "Opening the 3rd eye" suggests to not wear rings or watch during meditation as they interfere with the body's natural energy flow.

Most importantly, I read in a Kundalini Tantra book that when the kundalini fully awakens, the women can't have any more children. I want to see that natural change happen in my body. I find it so fascinating.
Click here to read about Kundalini Shakti and Chakras

Monday, July 18, 2011

Have you ever heard or seen the scared language in meditation?

Sacred Geometry 101C: The Sacred Languages

How shocked am I to see the number for pie. One day I saw some weird numbers and I could n't understand what they meant but Remember 314..... I will have to check what they were. I wrote them down but I think later disregarded them and prayed to be talked to in symbolic language which I understand better than numbers. The best meditation experiences are still the one's in which I see geometric shapes. These shapes have special energy and joy that can't be found elsewhere. No videos or writings can ever explain the magic carried in sacred language, unless you experience it yourself.

Sacred Geometry 101E: Metatron's Cube / Charles Gilchrist

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Naam Simran - a poem on spirituality and meditation

 on Sunday, 06 March 2011 at 08:29

Duniyavi akhan moond ke
Kar dil nu thora shaant ve
Birti nu thora jor ke
Swasan di bann lai door ve

Dhunni de vichkar di
Lain pahla swas tu
Ucharin muh tu VAH shabad
Swasin jai dasvein dwar nu

Pyar pa apne guru naal
Ardaas kar satkartaar nu
Aa bai ja hirde dwaar vich
Pyar naal sachhe di udeek kar

Lahinde saah de naal tu
GURU shabad nu ucharin
Is tarha shabad-Surat de naal
Swasan di bann lai tu karhi

Varega mee tere uparon
Rangaan di barkha hoyegi
Har rang tere dil nu mohega
Rangali jot hai manmohani

Anand tenu bara ayega
Tu naini neer bahayenga
Jive rusiya rab tenu mil gaya
Tu mand mand muskayenga

Ek tan pahli stage hai
Hale hor vi kirpa hoyegi
40 din tak tu abhiyas kar
Tenu hor bahut kuch najar ayega

Je naabh kamal tera kirh gaya
Tu kasturi sugandh ban jayenga
Fir gyan jo tenu aayega
Karma da khel samajh vich aayega

Je hirda dwar Tera Khul Gaya
Sab vich rab nazar tenu aayega
Fir ki main te ki tu reha
Tenu pyar sab upar aayega

Je ratan padarath mil Gaya
Kanchan sareer ho jayega
Har rog Tera mitt jayega
Ik kherah mukh te aayega

Je kirpa ho gai babe Nanak di
Darshan nirakaar de payenga
Us ghari da kiven vakhiyan hove
Jad darshan pyare de payenga

Is ghari de baad fir
Tenu hor na kuch vi bhayega
Ik taang lagegi dil vich
Fir kad mera pyara aayega

Fir tan suteyan peyan vi
Tu vaheguru kurlayenga
Vele Amrit de tenu pyareya
O aap hi aa ke jagayega

Aise din jado aange
Trishna rog mitt jayega
Jeevan anandmai ho jayega.

Andekha Preetam - a poem on spirituality and meditation

I posted this on facebook in March, 2011

Pyar ki mashoori sunkar
Pyar ki itcha har naujavan dil rakhta hai
Pyar ki kahani vo nahi
Jo bin kiye, nadan shayar likhta hai.
Kabhi khud ko badnam karta hai
Kabhi premi ko iljaam deta hai.

Pyar vo shai hai, jiski bina pe
Hum har sans lete hain
Vo ankahi dastaan, jiske sahare
Jindagi ki kari chalti hai.

3. Vo preetam jise bhule baithe hain hum
    par jisne hamein ik pal bhi bhulaya nahi.
    Har ghari vo andar baitha, bas intzaar karta hai
 Ik din hum ardaas mai lein dein chhorenge
    Shikve shikayaton se door hokar, sirf uska sath mangenge
    yahi intzaar karta hai

4. Vo pyar ka saagar jisne is jahan mei
    Kai rang bhare, tumhe rijhane ke liye
    Kabhi us preetam ke pas baith kar, uski dastaan bhi sunn
    Kabhi aakash ko dekh, is hava ki baat sunn
    Bolta hai vo in saager ki lehron mei
    Kholta hai apna dwar tere liye subha shyam,
    Pukaar usai kabhi  in pehro mei

5. Vo jo dhoondte ho tum, abhi tumhe pata hi nahi
    Vo duniyavi pyar nahi, jo bhar de tumhara khalipan

6. Janoge kisi din, duniyavi khushiyan pane ke baad
    Milti nahi khushi, duniya ki har shai pane ke baad
    Jo milti hai, ik pal duniya bhulane mei.
    Ankhe moond, apne aap mei kho jane mei.

7. Ik sannate mei, ik dharkan sunoge tum
    Kutch rangon ki hogi varsha
    Aakash se jaise utregi ganga
    bin pani barsaat mei gad gad ho jaoge tum
    Aur aisi kitni hi pyar ki nishaniya
    Shri Guru Granth Sahib mei paoge tum

8. Us sache pyar ko pahchano
    Jisme anant sukh hai, sajaa nahi
    Pyar atma ka parmatma se milap hai
    Jug-hasai ke liye, tamasha nahi
    Pyar chupi hai, har roz ki shikayat nahi

9. Gum ahankaar ki nishani hai
    Gum ke geet gaya na karo
    Pyar anant khusi hai,milegi tumhe
    Tum uska HUKUM sar ankho pe bajaya to karo

10. Pyar ik dava nahi, pyar mit jana hai
      Pyar mei shikayat nahi, harne mei hi jeet jana hai

11. Vo andekha, unsuna; dekhta hai, bolta bhi hai
      Uska bolna juban se nahi,dil ke dwar se hai
      Uska dekhna dikhana, to ankhen moond ke hai
      Uske pyar ki gaharai, kisi aur pyar se toli nahi jati
      Uski daastan jo sun leta hai, vo fir bulai nahi jati
      Pyar mei karon aur, tumhe uska maja bataun
      Is tarha mohabat ki kadar pai nahi jati

12. Kabhi tum bhi is desh ki sair kar jao
      Kabhi duniya se nazar hatao, pretam se dil lagao
      Nahi maloom is raste pe kaise chalna hai?
     Jaan jaoge, Kabhi Nanak aur Kabeer ki sharan mei aao.

Ibadat - A poem on spirituality and meditation

I posted this in my facebook notes in Feb, 2011

Is se sasta sauda aur kya hoga
Tu ik saans khuda ke naam karde
Khuda apni khudai tere naam kar dega

Kya dar dar pe haath failata hai murakh
Kar koi baat chup baithe apne aap se
Tera antar tujhe manjoori de de
To koi khwab nahi, Jo tu poora na kar sake

Tu to aadhe Kwab bun ke
Khud hi udher deta hai
Kidhar Jana chahta hai, tujhko pata nahi
Tu kis bina par dosh usse deta hai
Dene wala to Jo mango vahi deta hai.

Jo kahte hain Kabir, apni Sanson se jur
Jan Gaye thae Kabir, aati jati sanson ke beech
Kahin parmatma chupa hai.

Kabir Jo kah gaye Ram hai 'Haath pai nere'
Is mai mysticism ka sabse bara raaj chupa hai
Nanak ne kaha 'aatam cheen' aur 'shabad bhed'
Iske baad batane ko kuch bhi na raha hai

Apni ik saans mei sama ja
Zamana tujh mei sama jayega
Bahar chor apne antar mei aa ja
Tera antar tujhe behisaab raaj batayega

Ik 'shabad ki dhun se, apne antar ko cheer
Ekaaghrta mei, Anhat 'shabad sunai dega

Is dwaar tak pahunch, Kabhi vapas na jayega

How to maintain a lasting meditation practice

Open the given link to read this helpful article.

I have always practiced absorbing cosmic energy from the crown chakra with each breath. Other times, I breath in and out from the whole body and feel the energy all around me. I expand and contract this energy with each in-breath and out-breath. These points are mentioned in an article , copied below from the following site -

 Cosmic energy

Feel that you are breathing in not air but cosmic energy. Feel that tremendous cosmic energy is entering into you with each breath, and that you are going to use it to purify your body, vital, mind and heart. Feel that there is not a single place in your being that is not being occupied by the flow of cosmic energy. It is flowing like a river inside you, washing and purifying your entire being. Then, when you breathe out, feel that you are breathing out all the rubbish inside you—all your undivine thoughts, obscure ideas and impure actions. Anything inside your system that you call undivine, anything that you do not want to claim as your own, feel that you are exhaling.
This is not the traditional yogic pranayama, which is more complicated and systematised, but it is a most effective spiritual method of breathing. If you practise this method of breathing, you will soon see the results. In the beginning you will have to use your imagination, but after a while you will see and feel that it is not imagination at all but reality. You are consciously breathing in the energy which is flowing all around you, purifying yourself and emptying yourself of everything undivine. If you can breathe this way for five minutes every day, you will be able to make very fast progress. But it has to be done in a very conscious way, not mechanically.

5. Total breathing

When you reach a more advanced stage, you can try to feel that your breath is coming in and going out through every part of your body—through your heart, through your eyes, through your nose and even through your pores. Right now you can breathe only through your nose or your mouth, but a time will come when you will be able to breathe through every part of your body. Spiritual Masters can breathe even with their nose and mouth closed. When you have perfected this spiritual breathing, all your impurity and ignorance will be replaced by God's light, peace and power.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Are you passionate about what you are seeking?

Everyone is a seeker in this world but the successful one's are those who are passionate about whatever they are seeking.

Everyone wants to know if there is God or not. Everyone in this world would like a proof as well. Reason being that these people really don't want to believe in this concept but fear that they might be wrong. Hence they try to be diplomatic about it and go on to do the religious rituals to please God, just in case he does exist and in case this SOURCE might come in handy.

This is truly not the way to success. A successful person in life knows what he wants and how to get it. This require belief that the chosen path is correct. Then it requires a plan of action followed by constant effort. Like a musician requires practice, a business person requires to constantly build his network, a student must study constantly; a true seeker of God who desires to know and be with God must have the longing to spend time on reading and contemplating about his subject, that is God. Then he must have a plan of constant action based on his chosen path.

Since God is an experience before it is seen as an entity, one must spend time and make an effort to experience it. In the beginning it can start from reading the scriptures and singing hymns from it. But ultimately a seeker must move on to contemplating about what is being read.
As Guru Nanak wrote
Parhiyai Nahi Bhed, Bujhiyai Pavna.
Meaning, it's not the reading but comprehension that is more important.

Once the concept has been comprehended/ understood, it is necessary to take action to achieve results. Generally,people stop at this point and show themselves off for they think themselves to be very clever that they can understand. So they start preaching the religion as they know better than those who don't read, let alond worry about doing deeper into understanding. This becomes a profession and the preacher forgets about practicing.

Now the question is how long to practice and for how many days. Again the analogy of a vocal singer is perfect to explain this. When you learn vocal music, it's prescribed that one must get up in the early hours of morning and must practice for at least one hour each day. This rule is not only for the beginners but also for the most experienced singers. So goes the story of any successful person in any field. They all have a set plan of practice that they follow. Like a singer will eventually start singing out of tune, if he stops practicing for some time; a meditator must continue the practice everyday.

It is a harsh fact that if you stop practice even for one day, you will lose the built up energy and no miracle will happen for another 21 days at least. The energy must stay vibrating at high levels to have mystical experiences. How you get to the high / light vibrations depends upon your path.

It takes 21 to 40 days of constant effort to start experiencing the messages from the invisible world. The rule of 7 x 3 applies to meditation. For best results, in the beginning you should try to meditate 3 times a day, 7 days a week; at the exactly same time; even if you just do it for 10-15 minutes practice. After a few days you will notice that at those special times that you set aside for meditation, even before you start your session, you will feel the energy rush. The meditation has now become part of your natural biological body clock system. Until then, at least first 20 days are very hard for a meditator as you start to feel that you are putting in so much effort and nothing is happening. Don't loose hope, just keep going. It is working, you just can't see the results yet. You will be surprised when you do see them.

How committed are you depends upon how curious you are. Are you really a seeker or just a speculator? Speculation is never 100% accurate. Practice is the sure way of success. So if you are a true seeker and want success, then start putting in constant effort in raising your vibrations. These are raised when one has positive and optimistic attitude and thoughts.

Criticizing others personality or actions will bring your vibration down. This is why Gurbani says Ninda Bhali kise ki nahi. When you can't forgive another, it really means that somewhere inside you is a negative thought stoping you from raising your vibration further. Since you want to succeed and this negative thought is a hurdle, it's in your interest to forgive the person and send blessings, so they may be shown the right path by the universe for their higher good. That's why Gurbani says Sarbat da bhala. Without thinking of goodness for everyone, the vibration can't be raised to the highest capacity. So are you a seeker of absolute truth known as God? Be prepared to raise your vibration and keep it high. For this you will have to give up negative attitude and sending bad and negative vibrations to anyone, stop critiquing others etc etc. Above all you have to focus your energy on yourself. This requires moving your attention from worldly attachments, success and praise to your inner self. Your self that you identify with yourphysical body. First get a grip on your physical body. When these eyes are open they are looking outside not inside. Therefore, your personal energy is going out. When you are thinking of severals issues bothering you in life, your mental energy is scattered. The purpose of meditation is to bring all your energy into focus on one object and then on subject. When you succeed on focusing on the Subject God, then generate the feeling of love for your subject. How much do you want to succeed in your mission of knowing God! Show this in your feeling, not in words.
Gurbani says ( Kabir's Bavan akhri) after mentioning 22 letters he says that God is not where the words are.

God is silence between the two sounds. Try to hear it. He is between the words, try to find Him.
 A nice shabad