Monday, July 4, 2011

Are you passionate about what you are seeking?

Everyone is a seeker in this world but the successful one's are those who are passionate about whatever they are seeking.

Everyone wants to know if there is God or not. Everyone in this world would like a proof as well. Reason being that these people really don't want to believe in this concept but fear that they might be wrong. Hence they try to be diplomatic about it and go on to do the religious rituals to please God, just in case he does exist and in case this SOURCE might come in handy.

This is truly not the way to success. A successful person in life knows what he wants and how to get it. This require belief that the chosen path is correct. Then it requires a plan of action followed by constant effort. Like a musician requires practice, a business person requires to constantly build his network, a student must study constantly; a true seeker of God who desires to know and be with God must have the longing to spend time on reading and contemplating about his subject, that is God. Then he must have a plan of constant action based on his chosen path.

Since God is an experience before it is seen as an entity, one must spend time and make an effort to experience it. In the beginning it can start from reading the scriptures and singing hymns from it. But ultimately a seeker must move on to contemplating about what is being read.
As Guru Nanak wrote
Parhiyai Nahi Bhed, Bujhiyai Pavna.
Meaning, it's not the reading but comprehension that is more important.

Once the concept has been comprehended/ understood, it is necessary to take action to achieve results. Generally,people stop at this point and show themselves off for they think themselves to be very clever that they can understand. So they start preaching the religion as they know better than those who don't read, let alond worry about doing deeper into understanding. This becomes a profession and the preacher forgets about practicing.

Now the question is how long to practice and for how many days. Again the analogy of a vocal singer is perfect to explain this. When you learn vocal music, it's prescribed that one must get up in the early hours of morning and must practice for at least one hour each day. This rule is not only for the beginners but also for the most experienced singers. So goes the story of any successful person in any field. They all have a set plan of practice that they follow. Like a singer will eventually start singing out of tune, if he stops practicing for some time; a meditator must continue the practice everyday.

It is a harsh fact that if you stop practice even for one day, you will lose the built up energy and no miracle will happen for another 21 days at least. The energy must stay vibrating at high levels to have mystical experiences. How you get to the high / light vibrations depends upon your path.

It takes 21 to 40 days of constant effort to start experiencing the messages from the invisible world. The rule of 7 x 3 applies to meditation. For best results, in the beginning you should try to meditate 3 times a day, 7 days a week; at the exactly same time; even if you just do it for 10-15 minutes practice. After a few days you will notice that at those special times that you set aside for meditation, even before you start your session, you will feel the energy rush. The meditation has now become part of your natural biological body clock system. Until then, at least first 20 days are very hard for a meditator as you start to feel that you are putting in so much effort and nothing is happening. Don't loose hope, just keep going. It is working, you just can't see the results yet. You will be surprised when you do see them.

How committed are you depends upon how curious you are. Are you really a seeker or just a speculator? Speculation is never 100% accurate. Practice is the sure way of success. So if you are a true seeker and want success, then start putting in constant effort in raising your vibrations. These are raised when one has positive and optimistic attitude and thoughts.

Criticizing others personality or actions will bring your vibration down. This is why Gurbani says Ninda Bhali kise ki nahi. When you can't forgive another, it really means that somewhere inside you is a negative thought stoping you from raising your vibration further. Since you want to succeed and this negative thought is a hurdle, it's in your interest to forgive the person and send blessings, so they may be shown the right path by the universe for their higher good. That's why Gurbani says Sarbat da bhala. Without thinking of goodness for everyone, the vibration can't be raised to the highest capacity. So are you a seeker of absolute truth known as God? Be prepared to raise your vibration and keep it high. For this you will have to give up negative attitude and sending bad and negative vibrations to anyone, stop critiquing others etc etc. Above all you have to focus your energy on yourself. This requires moving your attention from worldly attachments, success and praise to your inner self. Your self that you identify with yourphysical body. First get a grip on your physical body. When these eyes are open they are looking outside not inside. Therefore, your personal energy is going out. When you are thinking of severals issues bothering you in life, your mental energy is scattered. The purpose of meditation is to bring all your energy into focus on one object and then on subject. When you succeed on focusing on the Subject God, then generate the feeling of love for your subject. How much do you want to succeed in your mission of knowing God! Show this in your feeling, not in words.
Gurbani says ( Kabir's Bavan akhri) after mentioning 22 letters he says that God is not where the words are.

God is silence between the two sounds. Try to hear it. He is between the words, try to find Him.
 A nice shabad

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