Wednesday, July 27, 2011

You can heal yourself - talk to your body

It's amazing how we believe in the medicine of the doctor that we don't know, yet we don't believe ourself - the self that has been with this body since birth. We believe in the medicine created by man and yet not in the healing light of the universe / God.

The problem lies in our belief system. Ask yourself these simple questions.

1. Do I spend time with myself, talking to myself about me?
If you think the answer is YES, think again. I didn't say talking about your financial life, love life or social relationships. That is not talking about you. Those aspects of your life are important but only until you are alive.

2. Do you speak the truth to yourself and others? Do you observe and catch yourself lying, cheating or hurting others? 
"Off-course, I speak the truth to myself, not sure about others. I don't lie, cheat or emotionally hurt anyone. I am a good person. There are bad people at my work, in relatives and friends and in society but we can all spot a bad person. We are genuine and good people. At least I am, I know." Think again! And again until you can hear a different answer. Think deeply, no one will know what you know. Just speak the truth to yourself.
3. Are you at peace with yourself? Is there an internal conflict going on between your existing life and how you would like your life to be? And a conflict about this world and how it should be?
No. I am not happy with .................
I hate ....................
Why don't ...........................

So you have a lot of complaints! Who do you think is listening to those complaints that live in your head day and night. Your own body perhaps! Oh, I didn't think my body worries about what my head thinks, does it? Think of the impact of every negative thought on your body. For how many years of your life, you have been having a conflict within yourself about various issues in your life and in others lives? And then the doctor tells you that you have a deadly disease and you dare to ask WHY ME?

4. Do you believe in the existence of God?
Yes and no. Actually I am not 100% sure. Sometimes, I think ..............

5. What does God look like? What is your relationship with God?
"I don't know. Even if God exists, I don't think I will be able to find him as I am not that spiritual. Not in this lifetime, at least. I am such a lowly person."

Now we are talking. It's not GOD that has a problem with you. It's you who doesn't believe in yourself. You don't think you are good enough to have a close relationship with God / Universe.

So you live in denial. You don't believe that anyone can talk to God, any day at anytime. These so called spiritual people simply are shunning reality and living in delusion. You are sane, logical and a reasonable person :) Thank goodness there are still some logical people to run this world and set it right.

Don't worry, I am not asking you to believe in God, as long as you believe in your own existence. Just be logical and know that like every action has an equal and opposite reaction; every thought leaves a mark on your body. If you can understand this, it would be much easier to understand why most people are diagnosed with deadly dis-eases after 40. It's the residue of the thoughts and feelings that have been influencing the body.

So how can I heal myself? You must have heard - Prevention is better than cure. Talk to yourself. Observe yourself everyday. Do your own health check everyday by asking yourself - am I at peace with myself? Is there any internal conflict bothering my mind and body? How can I resolve that conflict. If its a long term conflict that can't be resolved in one day, then just think of it as a heavy baggage. Put it down, just for a few moments and give yourself a break from it.

Visualize having a shower in either colourless / white / golden or green light. Visualize this light touching every cell of your body and rejuvenating it. Your body feels much lighter and you feel happier. When you are at ease with your body and dis-ease can't come near you. So be kind to yourself and have happy thoughts most of the day. Now you are aware of your mind and body. Now you observe yourself and do not let any thought in, that will cause dis-ease in your body. The uni-verse is smiling at you, as you are one with yourself.

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