Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is contraception a problem in kundalini awakening and meditation?

I was struggling to find a solution and ended up with more questions than answers. Different Chakras have different density and variety of Prana flowing through. Should I interfere with the flow of energy in the 2nd chakra. Would that affect the total flow of energy and hence the quality of my experiences? 

I know that the religious sources of Christianity and Sikhism both do not agree with sterilization. However, they both approve of abstinence and rhythm method of birth control, which obviously failed me. So I had to look for a better solution. As an educated person, I always thought these religious views were obsolete and meaningless and worth disregarding. Now, I am not sure if those views of mine were an indication of my intelligence or ignorance.

Since I do not want any interference in my natural energy system, I found it very difficult to choose a contraceptive method. There are only two choices left if one is not in favour of sterilization, either hormone based systems or one involving copper coil which are reversible.

I have noticed that my natural hormonal cycle has benefits. There are days when I am more spiritual and motivated. I achieve more during these few days than the rest of the month. There is a drawback as well, as there are days that I believe to be dumb days that numb my brain, senses and energy level. Since I don't know how the hormone based systems affect the body in term of energy levels, I can't play with it.

Metal (Iron) soaks up energy. By doing regular meditation, we slowly build up a store of energy which makes up our Aura and extends it. By placing a copper coil in the body, one is definitely disadvantaged as the metal will soak up the energy.

My muslim friend once clarified the reason why Guru Gobind Singh ji asked Sikhs to wear Kirpan. She said, "Don't you know, iron wards off any bad energy sent via Black Magic". She believed that in those days practice of black magic was common. She said that when a muslim lady is pregnant, she always keeps a small iron dagger with her for this reason. Another friend recently told me that she doesn't wear any metal (rings etc) when she practices Reiki. Samuel Sagan in his book "Opening the 3rd eye" suggests to not wear rings or watch during meditation as they interfere with the body's natural energy flow.

Most importantly, I read in a Kundalini Tantra book that when the kundalini fully awakens, the women can't have any more children. I want to see that natural change happen in my body. I find it so fascinating.
Click here to read about Kundalini Shakti and Chakras

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