Thursday, October 29, 2009

Rehras- straight path to true self

Guru Nanak's writes in the question answer form.
Describing the door to lord's mansion from where he watches and sustains his creation -
Guru Nanak says

Vaje Tere Naad Anek Asankha,
Kete Tere Vavanhare ....
Countless strains of vibrations (Naad- essence of all sounds)are there, and many are the holders of those vibrations [ am I right?]. This corresponds with the vibration theory and the hearing of sounds like bells ringing in the solar plexus chakra etc mentioned in another blog.

Kete Tere Raag Pari Syon Kahian, Kete Tere Gavanhare
How many sing your raags (classical music) like fairies,
How many are singers of your praises [can't be counted!]

Gavan Tudhno Pavan, Pani, Baisantar, Gavai Raja Dharam dware
The wind, water and fire sing of you, a suggestion of five elements in the temple within, sing at the door of the divine's justice. I have already mentioned my inner temple as I saw, in the last blog.

Gavan Tudno Chitra-Gupat, Likh Janan, Likh Likh Daram Vichare
The secret image recorders (chitra-gupat) also sings of you. By recording they understand, by recording and recording the images they deliver justice. This corresponds with the Buddhist and Hindu philosophy. Vippasana meditation in which a person concentrates on the nostrils only, watching the coolness of breath, as if trying to smell really works and you see images of yourself doing things that you have done in the past except, you also notice the things like the furniture around you etc which you never noticed before, as it was part of daily life. Now you watch the same events as an outsider and the movie is much clearer like a full HD version.

One can also choose to see the future. In this case, you may not recognise these people of the same sex as yourself and you might mistaken them as other people. I made this mistake. When I saw this old lady coming back home from her morning walk, in front of me and said to me,"Let me show you the house." I only felt myself walking behind this old lady with long hair and a stick, I didn't see myself. I walked behind her on the front pathway, then she knocked on the door. I door opened and as I felt this old lady step in, I noticed another lady in her mid fifties standing near the door. I wondered where the children and the men were. It felt as if there were no lights on and house without many people. I asked why do you live here, as if I wanted them to be in the open, enjoying the sunlight and the fresh air. The middle aged lady replied but we each have a room to our self, meaning they felt secure in the house. To me they were secure but not enjoying the nature as much as they could. I was sorry for them, besides the fact that the double story brick house was expensive.

I asked my friend that has done a ten day vipassana course and she pointed out, Are you sure that these ladies were not you in different ages?" That's when I realised the old lady had exactly as long plat as mine, except she had shrunk in height a bit, which does happen in old age.

Monday, October 26, 2009

I saw my Inner Temple in meditation

I just randomly opened a page and came to p. 264, Penczak mentions what is in an inner temple.

I am so shocked. The huge empty water well with old bricks on the walls with green growth, with me sitting in the middle, on a flower with a long stem holding me, three weeks ago, just after I saw Buddha, was not a non-sense. It was my inner temple. I tried to look down, it was too far down, so I decided to not worry about down side. According to the author, I should have tried to go down. I did try, it was too dark, far down and so I felt scared and unsure.

In the next scene, I was in a cylinder shape huge new seven story building with the nice clean water falling from the top, as a main feature of the interior. Was it me, a 23 year old, lean young boy without the top on, in the middle floor of the building on one side watching the water fall and enjoying the trickling sound while meditating? In real life, I am much older.

I looked three stories up and saw the water coming down from the dome shaped roof of the building which was in the center, but around it there was just clear sky, no roof. I wondered what was holding the beautiful white dome. From around it I noticed the water was falling down.

I had the urge to see what was in the three stories below. I started to look and go down but it was too dark and far below, so I abandoned the plan. Instead I wondered that there must be rooms around here. So I went into one of the rooms. It was huge. Then I was meditating in this room and saw a big circle of flame. All the individual little flames within this circle were beautiful and perfect lotus petal shaped. The petals of flame were too many to count. Then the flames started to become little bigger and burn more like fire. I wondered if the flames could be dangerous, as they were all around and realised there was nothing to fear. They were beautiful and were in control, giving warmth. As I started worrying about the fire, the flames became bigger and uneven.
So in my inner temple, I saw the earth, water, sky, air and fire, all five elements. Three stories above and below make me sitting in the heart chakra.

Hang on, Is Golden Temple / Harmandir Sahib built by Guru Ramdas ji, based on his vision of his own inner temple? As mentioned by Penczak, everyone's inner temple is different. By God, I was inspired to build in real life what I saw in the meditation.

Another realisation, when I saw Guru Ramdas ji a week earlier, after he gave me a cloth as gift, I had requested him to show me what he saw, that inspired him to build Golden temple. As I heard from my parents, Golden temple is an exact image of the God's House. I have always been puzzled over it, as we Sikhs believe that God is omnipresent. So the God's house is one's own inner temple and Guru Ram Das ji built what he saw in his meditation.

I can't believe, it takes me so long to work things out. That day Ramdas ji started to take me towards a arch-like double door sized doorway leading downwards. I was puzzled as I was hoping to go upwards. The vision finished there.

After the session, I realised how dumb I was. Guru has always preached to become humble and built the Golden Temple some feet below the normal level to represent the humbleness, not higher. So I missed out on having a complete tour with him, because of my late realisation and questioning his way, when I stopped on the earthy doorway made with brick and mud. I didn't feel the concrete on the doorway wall, I smelt the muddy earthy smell. Also, now I understand why it wasn't golden and shiny. Off course, that's not how it was in his time. It was Maharaja Ranjit Singh who put Gold on the building not the Guru.

I only realise things much later but its Ok. Samuel has suggested to not try to interpret while you are having an experience. Enjoy the experience and interpret it later. That doesn't stop you from asking the questions to the Guru / Guide but don't stop the process to ask it. Be gentle while asking and don't doubt that its not what you want to see. Guides know what to show, we don't. We put our wrong expectations in front and then they can't help. I still love Guru Nanak dev ji. He didn't leave me when I told him that that wasn't what I wanted to see. Every time I think about it, it puts a smile on my face and I giggle. He scolded me and told me to be quiet and just enjoy the experience. Love you Guru Nanak, please scold me everyday when I interpret something wrong and drag me to the right direction. I don't want you to leave me if I question something. Please don't get offended. I am only trying to clarify things in my thick head. You know me anyway, what am I worried about. Guru Ramdas ji, please accept my apology, I didn't mean to be rude that day when I questioned everything you gave me and showed me. I am silly. Please help me get wiser!
Je Gur Chirke Tan Mitha Laage,
Je .....

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Vibration and 'the word'

John i:1

"In the beginning was the word,
and the word was with God,
and the word was God".

Guru Nanak says Ek Onkar;
Ek (one) Akhar (word) Jo Gurmukh Japai, Tan ki Nirmal Soi.
In several of his hymns, he talks about one word and meditating on one word. Naam also has the same meaning here as Akhar, that is, word.

Science database confirmed that Sounds vibrate. Samuel Sagan mentions that vibration is a higher manifestation of the word (sound). So when you say a word, for example om or Vah-guru, feel the vibration. Hindu philosophy promotes that there is different word to vibrate each chakras. Samuel suggests to do bee-buzzing sound and feel the vibration in the third eye. I still don't know how to make bee-buzzing sound without using my tongue. That doesn't matter, I can feel the vibration with other words. As suggested somewhere, its not important what word you say, its important to feel the vibration of it, while meditating.

Christopher Penczak, mentions the 'Principle of Vibration' on p. 142 in his oddly titled book, "The inner temple of Witchcraft, magick, meditation and psychic meditation" which is mostly about meditation. This principle states, "Nothing rests, everything moves; everything vibrates [all the time]." As we now know that even solid matter, that look stationary are in fact tiny packers of empty space, where electrons are always moving, always rotating, always vibrating. He highlights that the Hermetic philosophers knew this thousands of years ago and science has just caught up and then wonders, "How did the philosophers know this without knowing about that atom?

Penczak says, "The power of the principal of vibrating comes from not only understanding that physical matter is always vibrating, but that everything is vibrating, even the nonphysical. In fact, the difference between matter, energy and spirit are different vibrations. Matter is a denser, more solid vibration than energy. Energy that can be physically recorded by machines is considered to be a denser vibration than spirit." He says, "as we are learning with quantum physics, we are more than our physical vibrations. We also contain energy and spiritual vibrations. p.142-43. Is this in tune with what Sikh Guru's say about this life being an opportunity to increase your vibration to become one with the spiritual energy or loose it and instead become a denser vibration. According to Sikhism, its only in the human life form that one gets the opportunity to consciously change one's vibration. And human life is attained after 84 million lifeforms, so don't loose this opportunity to speak the word, listen to its vibration, become one with it. This is the only purpose of human life, to become lighter vibration. Avar Kaaj Tere Kitte Na Kaam;

Penczak acknowledges that mystics from many traditions talk about vibration and increasing your vibration to a more spiritual level. Sikhs do this by singing virtues of the formless God. Similar to "I am " affirmations, I believe by repeating and focusing on God's virtues, one acquires them.

Penczak says that you can consciously control your vibration, simply by knowing your intent. Think of a quality that you wish to possess or use affirmations to change your vibration. I like how he writes "Think of an energy you wish to contact example, total health, prosperity, unconditional love, inspiration, a place, planet, colour or any of the four elements. Choose one that speaks to you. He signifies that these energies are living with a signal that you can tune into. My dad use to talk like this. He use to give the example of various radio channels being out there, all broadcasting but you can only hear the one you tune into. So when you think life is tough and unfair to you, may be you need to consciously change the channel you have been listening to. If you want to know some secret of the universal energy, simply try tuning into that channel. When in deep meditation, trance state, enjoying the peace, quietly feel the question you want the answer to, universe responds instantly. You will be shown the truth of the matter that is bothering you.

The above also applies to justify why and how are we able to see, hear and meet people who lived here hundreds of years ago, the spiritual guides. They are living in a different frequency, when you tune into it, you see and hear them. The meeting is not fake imagination of your mind. As Mayans believe, in reality, there is no past, present and future. The time is always now, just different frequencies. This means that those who lived as humans are still there somewhere in a different frequency depending on their Karma/ deeds. They are contactable, you simply need to tune into their frequency. Don't be surprised when you meet all these so called gods / deities in your deep meditation, all it means that in their human form they had vibrated on this frequency you are at. No matter what religion acknowledges the existence of these so called Gods, Godesses or saints, don't be hostile and they will offer their wisdom and their gifts to you. There are many more, that you don't even know of. But don't make the mistake of acknowledging them as the ultimate God. The supreme one is formless intelligent energy. All the others have acquired status and powers from the ONE.

Arti prayer says, "Panche Shabad ... Anahad Baje" Anahad shabad is a vibration whose source is not outside our body. Panch is five. Does this imply that the five elements that our body is made of have a vibration of their own? In that case what was the heartbeat like sound? Which element it corresponds to? If the sounds correspond to the chakras then they are seven. I know the Solar Plexus has the sound of ringing bells. I have heard it twice. Then what are the other three sounds?

Ghar Subhage, Shabad Vaje
Fortunate are the bodies in which the word vibrates. So practice uttering any sound, and hear its vibration.

Out went a two edged-sword from Gods mouth?

In February this year, some so called saint, we have plenty of these in Sikhism, came to the local Sikh temple. At that time, I had some magnificent experiences during meditation, and I was looking for a physical guide who could help me advance in experiencing God, first hand. I figured out that he didn't have any such experiences and couldn't help me. I was very upset with the Sikhs as no sikh had told me anything about the intense vibration in the whole body with a loud heartbeat like sound, the etheric separating itself from the physical body and the flow of white energy from above my head, like someone had suddenly turned a 4 inch thick tap on full flow. Although, I had eventually enjoyed the experience, I was scared initially. I wondered if any sikhs could guide me with regards to what else is yet to come, so I am not taken by surprise and try to make the most of the experience.

I was disappointed with the Saint and realised that I was on my own, in this journey. So I searched the web and whatever relevant books I could find. I must admit that I had read about the visualisation about colours sprinkling and then it raining above me in the Kundalini yoga book.
At the time of my experience, I had casually started the meditation and had successfully visualised the colours and the raining before I got bombarded with the vibration and the flooding of the energy from above. Sikhs do not believe in these kind of preconceived meditations.

Anyway, my quest at the time was about 'the word'. I had read in "Awakening the 3rd eye/ Samuel Sagan", the quote from John i:1

"In the beginning was the word,
and the word was with God,
and the word was God".

I was so excited about this concept that I actually failed to properly read the very next quote in the book from Revelation i:16, which I have just read now,

"And he had in his right hand seven stars;
and out of his mouth went
a sharp two-edged sword"

See the middle peice in the photo is a double edged sword

I would like to confess that by just reading the bit about 'sharp two edged sword' from a Christan source, I am gobsmacked and ashamed that I am one of those who sometimes doubt Guru Gobind Singh Ji's actions and whether they had anything to do with spirituality or they were purely for making a clear demarcation between a Sikh and a Hindu, as there are overlapping concepts in the two religions. And did I just criticised the sikhs for not knowing anything? Ommmm! May be I just need to learn more about them.

In my last blog, which I started to write about "the word" and ended up writing about Spiritual Guides, I have already mentioned about the iron Kara that Guru Gobind Singh ji asked his Sikhs to always wear on their right hand. Iron guards us against evil energies. We also wear Kirpan (an iron dagger). My best friend ( a muslim girl) had once told me about the iron as a protector, when I was questioning why we need to wear these items.

When Sikhs get initiated, a sharp two edged sword is used to move the water in an iron dish, with five Sikhs holding this special sword with their right hand, reciting five daily prayers (Nitnam).

If anyone ever had any doubt about this Khanda-Bata Amrit-Chak ceremony, even after getting initiated and feeling that charge in one's body that one had never felt before this ceremony, then they need to read this quote from the Revelation i:16.

Coincidentally, how funny is it that this revelation is talking about seven stars and the revelation number is 1+6 = 7 according to numerology.

I have a long way to go baby! I am a confused soul, but I am searching! I am getting wiser by the day. "Hum Jaise Apradhi Awar Koi Rakhe, Jaise hum Satgur Rakh liye Chadai." Could any other entity protect a sinner like me, the way my true guru has? I keep doubting his powers and knowledge and He still keeps on showing the way. How could I ever thank my Guru enough.

Protection charms

Protection charms include iron. Penczak says, "Iron grounds harmful energy like a lightning rod." Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh ji gave us five K's to wear including an iron bangle (Kara) which the modern sikhs have replaced with a stainless steel kara. Some AKJ Sikhs, a sect of Sikhs, still follow rules strictly and not only wear iron kara but also cook and eat in raw / cast iron dishes. Since they are strictly vegetairan, the iron utensils help to with their iron intake.

Penczak also mentions violet light for protection. A few months ago, I was very upset due to an incident and felt vulnerable and prayed to God for protection. I was surprised to see my father who passed away ten years ago, came in my meditation and drew a spiral around me, starting from the ground upwards, with a stick and then vanished. Whenever I am worried or upset in life, he comes. On other occasions, even if I ask him to, he doesn't. Is he still connected to me, so closely? He never speaks like Guru Nanak spoke.

I use to not believe in the concept of spiritual guardian and angels etc. For this reason I refused to receive Reiki healing or to become a healer. I have since realised that in actual fact I do believe in the concept, my ten Guru's are my spiritual guardians and off course, my father has always been my spiritual guide throughput my life. I believe in my Shabad Guru for guidance. Recently, since I have discovered that Guru's can and do come in my meditations, I call upon them a lot more and expect them to guide me during my meditation session. As suggested in several meditation books, now I do invite Guru Nanak to be with me, to guide and guard me during these experiences.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fingers and five elements (Panch tatt)

I usually find it comfortable to keep my hands on my knees, palms up, during meditation. Sometimes I feel better keeping them in the middle, right hand on left, I think. A friend told me a few months ago that my hormones are imbalanced and suggested that I meditate with index fingers facing up. I tried but I can't meditate because my attention is on making sure that the my fingers are straight.

A few minutes ago, I knew I couldn't get motivated to do meditation, so I thought of reading instead. I read on p. 95 of 'The inner temple of witchcraft, magick, meditation and psychic development by Christopher Penczak' which I randomly opened, as I never read a book from cover to cover, that the author's student "presses the tips of her spread fingers together gently, in the shape of a tent, thumb to thumb, index to index etc. Each finger relates to one of the five elements and she stimulates those energies with this hand position." I immediately tried to meditate with fingers in the above mentioned position, which I found very soothing as a child during idle time, I felt the pulse in some fingers stronger that in others. The pulse grabbed my attention and I was able to focus immediately. Then I started to notice my whole body relaxing so quickly.

SO I googled Fingers five elements and found a few sites on the topic. Global oneness website mentions that Mudras, the science of hand and finger postures, can help to cure bodily ailments. It says, "It actually helps in balancing the five elements ( panch-tattvas ) in the human system to their optimal levels. The elements can even be increased or decreased to cure appropriate ailments." So I understand that my friend's advice about the index finger is in line with this philosophy.

I wouldn't like to agree with the last sentence in the same para of the website mentioned above "When the elements are completely balanced, the yoga (unison) of mind, body and soul with the Supreme Soul can be achieved!" You don't need to have achieved perfect balance to have unison and don't worry about consciously balancing anything, when you go in deep meditation, the higher mind takes over, the divine that knows what needs healing and does it even when you don't know what its doing and why. Simply trust the divine, it knows your best interest. So don't delay going into deep meditation and connecting with the divine / higher self / God. Focusing on the miner details becomes a distraction and stops you from experiencing the divine.

The proof is in the fact that I didn't have the slightest idea of the concept of 'the third eye triangle' and 'Tree of life' when I experienced them in the one session. Although, I wasn't trusting it, the tree of life was balancing my hormones when it started crumbling itself and started sending the tiny green particles to every single cell in my body. Once, I started trusting that it meant healing, I asked it to heal my lower back pain and the pain vanished for over six months until the day I spoke to a friend over the phone and told her about it. I have learnt my lesson to not speak about my experiences as I then loose the benefits but if I write them down, I don't.

Back to the point, 'Health and' website gives a very clear description of the connection of fingers with each of the five elements, the healing benefits and what to do with pictures.

* Thumb = Fire
* Index   = Air
* Middle = Aakash
* Ring    = Earth
* Little   = Water

Friday, October 23, 2009

Four body system

According to the Shamballa (see the website link on my blog under Shamballa meditation1), the four bodies are - Physical body (+ Etheric body), Emotional body, Mental body and Spiritual body.

I have experienced the etheric body detaching itself from the physical body as it does by vibrating while in meditation. Its scare as well as a soothing experience. I felt my body was moving (I think sideways) in the head there was a heartbeat like sound, very loud, and the body was expanding and contracting with each vibration corresponding with the heartbeat sound. I(my mind) wasn't in control, something else was.

But I didn't know anything about emotional body being 9-inches beyond the physical body and mental body being 16-inches beyond the emotional body. The spiritual body is omnipresent.

The Kaballah meditation technique is acknowleding these energy bodies when they say, "Move the Violet Dot to the center of the brain, at the Pineal Gland, and then upward into the 7th Chakra, finally moving it out of your head to rest on the top of your skull, at the Crown Chakra.

2. Call to mind the Hierophant Symbol (Pale Silver Merkaba Star / Star of David). Visualize the Hierophant spinning 12” below your feet, within your Maharic Shield, and slowly INHALE.....drawing the Pale Silver Hierophant up through the Central Body Current, up to meet the Violet Dot at the 7th Crown Chakra at the top of the head.

When the Hierophant connects with the Violet Dot, visualize the Violet Dot bursting into a 4” vertical Pillar of Violet-Silver Light. Imagine the Violet-Silver Pillar running down through the body and into the Earth’s Core, as well as upward into the 14th Chakra positioned 36” above your head. (This activates the Violet Ray of Transmutation.)" - Source: see website link Kaballah meditation techniques on this blog

I think the etheric body is the emotional body, since its the level that feels and senses beyond the physical senses. Then which body is the astral body that travels, leaving the physical body behind, at night in most cases?

Correction 26/10/09, 10 pm
Sorry! my understanding was wrong. Penzack shows a diagram of seven bodies: physical, etheric, astral, emotional, mental, psychic and divine (spiritual). Now I believe that each body corresponds to seven chakras starting from root chakra representing the physical body, 2nd chakra etheric (the sensations, 3rd astral travel (the Sun), 4th heart for emotional body, 5th throat for mental body for communication, 6th for psycick and seventh chakra representing the spiritual body. We know astral travel is done by solar plexus and the 6th chakra, the 3rd eye is for seeing (the psychic), so it does make sense.

Mental body makes sense. I use to wonder how do desires impact our afterlife. I have seen silver energy bodies the size of a human head and trunk only, floating in a desired direction and turn at will, although they can't do sharp turns as they float in the air like a breeze, not walk. Its the mental body that records our desires. When the physical body was gone, after death, these two energy bodies still had the strong desire to protect the college they had built especially for the girls to help them further their education and provide them with equal opportunity. So they became the energy bodies that floated around that place. When I went their for a job interview, they floated around me and checked me out if I was the right person with no intention of harming that place. When they were satisfied that I ment no harm, they floated away. I felt odd and later asked the locals for the history of the college and found out about these two brothers and their life. That's the only time I felt these silver energy bodies.

My niece has confessed of these some shinny silver things, 12-15 of them, while in a meditation room, without knowing or feeling anything, except they disappeared when she started to look at them carefully. When she looked at them from her right side, they all disappeared immediately and when on the left hand side they disappeared one by one. I don't understand that side business.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Eye-heart awareness

Samuel Sagan suggests in his book "Awakening the third eye" to develop eye heart awareness after two years of practice developing the third eye awareness, p.147. Guru Nanak Dev ji only ever talks of the feeling of love in the heart. Since I hadn't read this page of the book, I didn't know, I shouldn't do it yet. When I started seeing the colour purple in the eye first time, I enhanced the awareness in the heart to improve the vision of colour purple. It responds in proportion to the feeling of yearning. For this reason, I recommend to do meditation while the three day reading of scriptures, Akhand Path, is happening in the Gurdwara. Lines of Guru Bani that are being read helps you focus on the heart and feeling of yearning, as most of the shabads have yearning as the central idea. As soon as the mind wanders it is brought back to focus by gurbani.

Some time ago, I use to wonder if reading gurbani was a waste of time as it is asking the reader to meditate 24 hours a day and yet people just read it over and over again and don't do the very act of meditation and defeating the purpose of the writing. Now I read the Guru Granth Sahib Ji's bani when I lack the drive to meditate or have the desire but simply can't do it. I realise that the purpose of the shabads are to encourage the reader to meditate, develop the yearning to do so by praying to Waherguru to give you Nam, developing the feeling of love for God and guiding the reader as to what to do and what to avoid in life. Only a very few shabads describe, or give hints of what happened during or as a result of a meditation session. I am trying to find every such shabad. So I was particularly focusing on Shabads of Guru Nanak dev ji, Guru Arjan Den ji and Kabir ji. I didn't realise before that there are other Guru's that have also given a hint of that in their shabads.

Gurbani is written mostly in a simple language but its only after doing meditation that you seem to realise a different meaning of the words said in it. For example, Gurbani has several shabads that talk about Waheguru as Rang rangla, colourful. We always take this as philosopical concept that this world, his creation is colourful. I never knew this refers to the experience of the meditator who has seen several colours during meditation and felt that feeling of peace and joy never found anywhere else with any other object in the world. The feeling of yearning comes automatically after you fall in love with these beautiful colours that give you joy and you want more and more. Thus comes the need to see it again and again. Hence, the shabads like 'Fir Kad miliye mere pyare', when can I see you again. But colours are only a very first hint that meditation is not just time-out from this world for a few minutes. Its a journey with very real results. As you go deeper and deeper, you will see your Guru's, or other figures unknown to you who will show you the path ahead. Then you will see figures shown in the Sacred Geometry. Google the words "Sacred Geometry" and you will find out all about it. These figures are very real and manifest themselves to you. Since I didn't know anything about it, I simply enjoyed the session. The big mistake I made was to refuse the power of healing others that it was giving to me. A green light came from the temples, the area near the eyes on the edges of the forhead, and made an arch from outside my body and upto my hands that were laying on my knees, palms facing upwards. I enjoyed it and then said that I don't want to become a healer. I just want to see and know God Waheguru. I now realise that God never offers more than what you can handle. It was my fear that stopped me. I have a theory on why Baal Guru Har Krishan Sahib ji died of disease when he was the one who relieved so many from their diseases. If you read a book on Pranic energy by Choa Koh Sui, its mentioned in there that always give out less pranic energy than what you receive and also to do some clensing thing to get rid of the residue of the energy of sickness. Reiki must be a much safer way of healing as the healer doesn't have to worry about these issues as the healer doesn't control the amount of the energy going into the patients body or the area in which the energy is going.

I know realise that I had very big urge to heal my son of his Down Syndrome and more importantly his diabetes. Although, I never realised that my body and feelings were projecting that. Therefore, as a response I was being given the healing power that I thought I needed so much. When I refused it, I didn't remember I had a son who needed healing. I simply felt that I don't have sufficient knowledge or understanding to even contemplate interfering with Gods business.

Monday, October 19, 2009

possible answer to six types of darshan/ vision

one of the six darshana or systems of Indian philosophy; associated with yoga; based on the
division of existence into purusha, prakrti and a number of elements
- ...
Full article>>>

No. 15: Sushumna darshan (inner visualization of the chakras)
For chakra visualization, refer to the diagrams of each chakra.
Sit in siddhasana, siddha yoni asana or padmasana.
Full article>>>

Bhranti Darshana: A delusion.
Bhuja: Arm or shoulder.
Bhujangasana: The cobra posture.
Bikram Yoga: A rigorous form of Yoga performed in a room heated to at least 95 degrees.
Full article>>>

Although scholars have speculated on the sequential emergence of the darshanas, and though patterns of interplay can be discerned in their full flowering, their roots lie in the ancient texts and they arise together as distinctive standpoints.
Full article>>>

His Philosophy or 'Darshana' is known as Dvaitadvaita or Svabhavika Bhedabheda.

Six types of vision/ Darshan

What are six types of darshan /vision? Guru Nanak has mentioned this in a shabad recorded in yesterdays blog. I have only found three kinds of Darshan in a Buddhist site. See my links to websites to read about that.

Guru Nanak should have explained his techniques as much as he has explained what God is and was before he created this creation. The significance of his teachings is the feeling of yearning without which nothing happens, no matter how many techniques of meditation one uses. But you still need some knowledge of how to focus and get to the stage where you have nothing but the yearning to see and know God. Even in that when one gets too excited and wants to know every aspect in one session, nothing happens. Focus on one aspect and let go, let the God mind take over. It doesn't happen so easily everytime. It does happen easily when God will's it to happen. So how long am I going to wait for God's Will? I want all experiences now. I can't wait! I have to drink that Amrit nector. I want that flood of pranic energy from above my head to enter my body again, everyday, not just twice in my life. I want this blissful state to last forever.
I want Guru Nanak to be in my every meditation session and guide me like he did once. Yesterday, he was in my meditation. It helped to focus but I am pretty sure, it was just my imagination not him really like he came before.

Amritpan in Meditation

From the back of the mouth, the soft area of the palate, comes the Ambrosal Nector that fulfils all the hunger needs of the body. I am still trying to get a taste of this nector. Well, perhaps I am trying too hard. Its too hard not to expect anything to happen as advised by Guru Nanak - Assa Mahe Niras Vallai. It is crucial to not expect anything too specific and relax a little and bring love and yearning in your heart instead of demanding experiences like I do sometimes and then become disappointed.

Yesterday, I saw during the meditation that I was sitting meditating in the middle of a huge well. I couldn't see the bottom but I saw the side brick walls that were far away, with greenray growing on the walls. Then this well shape was a big tall building, I was inside the buidling (I was a skinny tall young boy in his early 2o's, I saw myself like this boy another time) and in the middle of the top was a closed lotus head as roof. The water was dribbling from the open area around the lotus down towards the bottom. I was in the middle storey at least 3-5 storeys below watching the water falling and hearing the sound of the water falling. I couldn't see the bottom of this well shaped building with water fountain in the middle. I was trying hard in my meditation to drink the amrit and had this funny experience instead.

Before this, I was trying to see the diva in the solar plexus and saw a ring of fire around me instead. It wasn't scary. The fire was controlled, burning like little divas all in a circle, resembling the lotus petal.

Stages of meditation to achieve

A rainbow of colours showering from just above the head

A rain showering from above

Hearing a sound like heartbeat and your whole body shaking, don't worry its your etheric body shaking and separating itself from the physical body; the physical body remains still, although it feels like its shaking forwards and backwards.

A white light entering the body from above like water from of a tap opened to the max. It is scary and exciting as the speed of the light entering the body from six inches above the head can't be controlled, at the same time its blissful.

A lake in the sacrel chakra, two inches below navel. A lotus in the lake with someone in it. The lotus travelling diagonally from left to right, from sacrel towards solar Plexus.

A sun/ yellow light/ diva in the Solar Plexus, three inches above the navel. Hearing the sounds of bells ringing very close to you or far away. It is possible to see yourself sitting outside watching your own body doing meditation and watching the yellow sun in the head area of the outside body.

A fire around you in a big circle, each bit of fire in perfect lotus leaf shape or you could call it a diva's light without actually seeing the holder.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Guru Nanak's meditation experience described in Raag Maru

p. 1033, Translation taken from the Sikhitothemax website

kaaeiaa nagar nagar garr a(n)dhar ||
Deep within the body-village is the fortress.

saachaa vaasaa pur gagana(n)dhar ||
The dwelling of the True Lord is within the city of the Tenth Gate.

asathhir thhaan sadhaa niramaaeil aapae aap oupaaeidhaa ||1||
This place is permanent and forever immaculate. He Himself created it. ||1||bajar

kapaatt jarrae jarr jaanai gur sabadhee kholaaeidhaa ||2||
The hard and heavy doors of the Tenth Gate are closed and locked. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, they are thrown open. ||2||

bheethar kott gufaa ghar jaaee ||
Within the fortress is the cave, the home of the self.

dhasavai purakh alaekh apaaree aapae alakh lakhaaeidhaa ||3||
In the Tenth Gate, the Primal Lord, the unknowable and infinite dwells; the unseen Lord reveals Himself. ||3||

poun paanee aganee eik vaasaa ||
Within the body of air, water and fire, the One Lord dwells.

balade jal nivarai kirapa thae aapae jal nidhh paaeida ||4||
By His Grace, water puts out the burning fire; He Himself stores it up in the watery ocean. ||4||Need deeper meaning.

cha(n)dh sooraj dhue dheepak raakhae sas ghar soor samaaeidhaa ||6||
The Lord placed the two lamps, the sun and the moon; the sun merges in the house of the moon. ||6||The Kundalini yoga book mentions Solar Plexus as Sun and back of 6th ckra as Moon, with special breathing the sun and the moon ...

pa(n)khee pa(n)ch ouddar nehee dhhaavehi ||
The five birds (Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment, Ego) do not fly wild.

safaliou birakh a(n)mrith fal paavehi ||
The tree of life is fruitful, bearing the fruit of Ambrosial Nectar. The body has been referred to as tree of life by Nanak as well as Kabalah philosophy. Google it and see the diagram of Tree of Life.

guramukh sehaj ravai gun gaavai har ras chog chugaaeidhaa ||7||
The Gurmukh intuitively sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord; he eats the food of the Lord's sublime essence. ||7||

jhilamil jhilakai cha(n)dh n thaaraa ||
The dazzling light glitters, although neither the moon nor the stars are shining;

sooraj kiran n bijul gainaaraa ||
neither the sun's rays nor the lightning flashes across the sky.

akathhee kathho chihan nehee koee poor rehiaa man bhaaeidhaa ||8||
I describe the indescribable state, which has no sign, where the all-pervading Lord is still pleasing to the mind. ||8||

pasaree kiran joth oujiaalaa ||
The rays of Divine Light have spread out their brilliant radiance.

kar kar dhaekhai aap dhaeiaalaa ||
Having created the creation, the Merciful Lord Himself gazes upon it.

anehadh run jhunakaar sadhaa dhhun nirabho kai ghar vaaeidhaa ||9||
The sweet, melodious, unstruck sound current vibrates continuously in the home of the fearless Lord. ||9||

anehadh vaajai bhram bho bhaajai ||
When the unstruck sound current resounds, doubt and fear run away.

sgl ibAwip rihAw pRBu CwjY ]
sagal biaap rehiaa prabh shhaajai ||
God is all-pervading, giving shade to all.

aadh nira(n)jan niramal soee ||
He is the Primal Lord, immaculate and pure.

avar n jaanaa dhoojaa koee ||
I know of no other at all.

eaeka(n)kaar vasai man bhaavai houmai garab gavaaeidhaa ||11||
The One Universal Creator Lord dwells within, and is pleasing to the mind of those who banishe egotism and pride. ||11||

a(n)mrith peeaa sathigur dheeaa ||
I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar, given by the True Guru.

avar n jaanaa dhooaa theeaa ||
I do not know any other second or third.

eaeko eaek s apar para(n)par parakh khajaanai paaeidhaa ||12||
He is the One, Unique, Infinite and Endless Lord; He evaluates all beings and places some in His treasury. ||12||

giaan dhhiaan sach gehir ga(n)bheeraa ||
Spiritual wisdom and meditation on the True Lord are deep and profound.

Next part of the shabad highlights what God does.

koe n jaanai thaeraa cheeraa ||
No one knows Your expanse.

karam dhharam sach haathh thumaarai ||
You hold karma and Dharma in Your hands, O True Lord.

vaeparavaah akhutt bha(n)ddaarai ||
O Independent Lord, Your treasures are inexhaustible.

thoo dhaeiaal kirapaal sadhaa prabh aapae mael milaaeidhaa ||14||
You are forever kind and compassionate, God. You unite in Your Union. ||14||

aapae dhaekh dhikhaavai aapae ||
You Yourself see, and cause Yourself to be seen.

aapae thhaap outhhaapae aapae ||
You Yourself establish, and You Yourself disestablish.

aapae jorr vishhorrae karathaa aapae maar jeevaaeidhaa ||15||
The Creator Himself unites and separates; He Himself kills and rejuvenates. ||15||

jaethee hai thaethee thudhh a(n)dhar ||
As much as there is, is contained within You.

dhaekhehi aap bais bij ma(n)dhar ||
You gaze upon Your creation, sitting within Your royal palace.

naanak saach kehai baena(n)thee har dharasan sukh paaeidhaa ||16||1||13||
Nanak offers this true prayer; gazing upon the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan, I have found peace. ||16||1||13||

Guru Nanak's recorded meditation advice in Raag Maru

Soor sar sos le p. 991
Som Sar Pokh Le
Jugat Kar Marat so Sanbandh Kije
Meen ki Chapal Syon
Jugat man Rakhiye
Ude neh hans, Nah Kandh Chije.
Bhanat Nanak, Jano Rave je Har Mano,
Man Pavan Syon Amrit Pije.


Guru Nanak's recorded meditation advice in Raag Ramkali

Sun Machinda Nanak Bole
Vasgat Panch Kare Neh Dole
Ahnas Sunn Samadh Samave p. 877
Dyan Roop Hoi Aasan Pave
Sach Naam Tarhi Chitt Lave

Aasa Mahe Niras Valae
(Something might happen during the meditation, yet expect nothing while meditating.)
Dekhya Daru Bhojan Khai
Cheh Darshan ki Sojhi Pai
Then you understand Six kinds of Vision/Darshan

Surati Surat Raliye ate p. 878
Tan Kar Tulha Langho Jait

Antar Bhah Tise Tu Rakh
Ahinas Diva Bale Athak.

Dhun Vaje Anhad Ghora p.879
Man Manya Har Ras Mora.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Visions of light and deities in meditation

The following website mentions Three Kinds of Pure Visions

those that arise from meditative experiences, those that arise in dreams and
those that arise directly to sensory consciousness – actually seeing and hearing while awake, not while dreaming or in meditation.

I have experienced all these visions in different times in my life.We all see dreams and can relate to that easily.

The third type of vision I saw was of Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Sikhs on horses with Gurur granth Sahib ji being carried in the front or middle of the four sikhs on horses. This vision I saw when I was 19 years old while bowing to the sikh sangat in a procession called Parbhat Feri, early in the morning, 4am. I was shocked, as I didn't think it was possible. I was awake and I knew in reality there were no Sikhs on horses and yet what I saw was so real and couldn't be denied.

The visions in meditation is what I have been experiencing this year. I was quite perplexed as to why did I see these deities in meditation. I can understand seeing my Sikh Gurus as I pray that they show me the path and give the right knowledge. I have seen Guru Nanak dev ji and can confirm that the old photo of Guru nanak dev ji is much more accurate. He was nothing like the usual calender showing Guru Nanak as a fair skinned and plum figure.

On last Firday morning, Guru Ram Das ji came and placed his hand over my head. I recognised him with his long beard. He was handsome and I was shocked as I never usually pray to him. I pray to Guru Arjan Dev ji but later I remembered that I had been thinking of him lately after hearing some of his Shabads that describe his mystical meditation experiences. He gave me a cotton cloth and placed it on my right knee. I looked at it and felt it was pretty ordinary cloth with big checked design. I was disappointed that it was not silky and velvetty and then thought it was so rude of me to think in this manner. So I excepted it and understood it to be for my protection. I remembered that in visual meditation explained in the book "Meditation and Dreanwork", the author suggested to take this imaginary cloth over like a shawl but when I looked at it, I wondered if it was big enough for that. I then remembered that I should thank him for giving whatever cloth he has given me, as that's what I deserve and may be that's the type of cloth that was available in the times he existed and possibly used himself but i was too late, he was gone. I thanked him anyway.

Meditation: Mystic Experience in Meditation - Visions Of Lights By Sri Swami Sivananda on the following website
has written a very good article explaining the stages of meditation and how we shouldn't get caught up in what we see as the colours and deities are just encouragement for us to continue, not the end product.

I have seen the purple light in the third eye several times but then I started having other experiences without seeing the light. I was worried about that. The article had made things clearer to me.