Thursday, October 29, 2009

Rehras- straight path to true self

Guru Nanak's writes in the question answer form.
Describing the door to lord's mansion from where he watches and sustains his creation -
Guru Nanak says

Vaje Tere Naad Anek Asankha,
Kete Tere Vavanhare ....
Countless strains of vibrations (Naad- essence of all sounds)are there, and many are the holders of those vibrations [ am I right?]. This corresponds with the vibration theory and the hearing of sounds like bells ringing in the solar plexus chakra etc mentioned in another blog.

Kete Tere Raag Pari Syon Kahian, Kete Tere Gavanhare
How many sing your raags (classical music) like fairies,
How many are singers of your praises [can't be counted!]

Gavan Tudhno Pavan, Pani, Baisantar, Gavai Raja Dharam dware
The wind, water and fire sing of you, a suggestion of five elements in the temple within, sing at the door of the divine's justice. I have already mentioned my inner temple as I saw, in the last blog.

Gavan Tudno Chitra-Gupat, Likh Janan, Likh Likh Daram Vichare
The secret image recorders (chitra-gupat) also sings of you. By recording they understand, by recording and recording the images they deliver justice. This corresponds with the Buddhist and Hindu philosophy. Vippasana meditation in which a person concentrates on the nostrils only, watching the coolness of breath, as if trying to smell really works and you see images of yourself doing things that you have done in the past except, you also notice the things like the furniture around you etc which you never noticed before, as it was part of daily life. Now you watch the same events as an outsider and the movie is much clearer like a full HD version.

One can also choose to see the future. In this case, you may not recognise these people of the same sex as yourself and you might mistaken them as other people. I made this mistake. When I saw this old lady coming back home from her morning walk, in front of me and said to me,"Let me show you the house." I only felt myself walking behind this old lady with long hair and a stick, I didn't see myself. I walked behind her on the front pathway, then she knocked on the door. I door opened and as I felt this old lady step in, I noticed another lady in her mid fifties standing near the door. I wondered where the children and the men were. It felt as if there were no lights on and house without many people. I asked why do you live here, as if I wanted them to be in the open, enjoying the sunlight and the fresh air. The middle aged lady replied but we each have a room to our self, meaning they felt secure in the house. To me they were secure but not enjoying the nature as much as they could. I was sorry for them, besides the fact that the double story brick house was expensive.

I asked my friend that has done a ten day vipassana course and she pointed out, Are you sure that these ladies were not you in different ages?" That's when I realised the old lady had exactly as long plat as mine, except she had shrunk in height a bit, which does happen in old age.

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