Sunday, October 25, 2009

Vibration and 'the word'

John i:1

"In the beginning was the word,
and the word was with God,
and the word was God".

Guru Nanak says Ek Onkar;
Ek (one) Akhar (word) Jo Gurmukh Japai, Tan ki Nirmal Soi.
In several of his hymns, he talks about one word and meditating on one word. Naam also has the same meaning here as Akhar, that is, word.

Science database confirmed that Sounds vibrate. Samuel Sagan mentions that vibration is a higher manifestation of the word (sound). So when you say a word, for example om or Vah-guru, feel the vibration. Hindu philosophy promotes that there is different word to vibrate each chakras. Samuel suggests to do bee-buzzing sound and feel the vibration in the third eye. I still don't know how to make bee-buzzing sound without using my tongue. That doesn't matter, I can feel the vibration with other words. As suggested somewhere, its not important what word you say, its important to feel the vibration of it, while meditating.

Christopher Penczak, mentions the 'Principle of Vibration' on p. 142 in his oddly titled book, "The inner temple of Witchcraft, magick, meditation and psychic meditation" which is mostly about meditation. This principle states, "Nothing rests, everything moves; everything vibrates [all the time]." As we now know that even solid matter, that look stationary are in fact tiny packers of empty space, where electrons are always moving, always rotating, always vibrating. He highlights that the Hermetic philosophers knew this thousands of years ago and science has just caught up and then wonders, "How did the philosophers know this without knowing about that atom?

Penczak says, "The power of the principal of vibrating comes from not only understanding that physical matter is always vibrating, but that everything is vibrating, even the nonphysical. In fact, the difference between matter, energy and spirit are different vibrations. Matter is a denser, more solid vibration than energy. Energy that can be physically recorded by machines is considered to be a denser vibration than spirit." He says, "as we are learning with quantum physics, we are more than our physical vibrations. We also contain energy and spiritual vibrations. p.142-43. Is this in tune with what Sikh Guru's say about this life being an opportunity to increase your vibration to become one with the spiritual energy or loose it and instead become a denser vibration. According to Sikhism, its only in the human life form that one gets the opportunity to consciously change one's vibration. And human life is attained after 84 million lifeforms, so don't loose this opportunity to speak the word, listen to its vibration, become one with it. This is the only purpose of human life, to become lighter vibration. Avar Kaaj Tere Kitte Na Kaam;

Penczak acknowledges that mystics from many traditions talk about vibration and increasing your vibration to a more spiritual level. Sikhs do this by singing virtues of the formless God. Similar to "I am " affirmations, I believe by repeating and focusing on God's virtues, one acquires them.

Penczak says that you can consciously control your vibration, simply by knowing your intent. Think of a quality that you wish to possess or use affirmations to change your vibration. I like how he writes "Think of an energy you wish to contact example, total health, prosperity, unconditional love, inspiration, a place, planet, colour or any of the four elements. Choose one that speaks to you. He signifies that these energies are living with a signal that you can tune into. My dad use to talk like this. He use to give the example of various radio channels being out there, all broadcasting but you can only hear the one you tune into. So when you think life is tough and unfair to you, may be you need to consciously change the channel you have been listening to. If you want to know some secret of the universal energy, simply try tuning into that channel. When in deep meditation, trance state, enjoying the peace, quietly feel the question you want the answer to, universe responds instantly. You will be shown the truth of the matter that is bothering you.

The above also applies to justify why and how are we able to see, hear and meet people who lived here hundreds of years ago, the spiritual guides. They are living in a different frequency, when you tune into it, you see and hear them. The meeting is not fake imagination of your mind. As Mayans believe, in reality, there is no past, present and future. The time is always now, just different frequencies. This means that those who lived as humans are still there somewhere in a different frequency depending on their Karma/ deeds. They are contactable, you simply need to tune into their frequency. Don't be surprised when you meet all these so called gods / deities in your deep meditation, all it means that in their human form they had vibrated on this frequency you are at. No matter what religion acknowledges the existence of these so called Gods, Godesses or saints, don't be hostile and they will offer their wisdom and their gifts to you. There are many more, that you don't even know of. But don't make the mistake of acknowledging them as the ultimate God. The supreme one is formless intelligent energy. All the others have acquired status and powers from the ONE.

Arti prayer says, "Panche Shabad ... Anahad Baje" Anahad shabad is a vibration whose source is not outside our body. Panch is five. Does this imply that the five elements that our body is made of have a vibration of their own? In that case what was the heartbeat like sound? Which element it corresponds to? If the sounds correspond to the chakras then they are seven. I know the Solar Plexus has the sound of ringing bells. I have heard it twice. Then what are the other three sounds?

Ghar Subhage, Shabad Vaje
Fortunate are the bodies in which the word vibrates. So practice uttering any sound, and hear its vibration.

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