Monday, October 19, 2009

Amritpan in Meditation

From the back of the mouth, the soft area of the palate, comes the Ambrosal Nector that fulfils all the hunger needs of the body. I am still trying to get a taste of this nector. Well, perhaps I am trying too hard. Its too hard not to expect anything to happen as advised by Guru Nanak - Assa Mahe Niras Vallai. It is crucial to not expect anything too specific and relax a little and bring love and yearning in your heart instead of demanding experiences like I do sometimes and then become disappointed.

Yesterday, I saw during the meditation that I was sitting meditating in the middle of a huge well. I couldn't see the bottom but I saw the side brick walls that were far away, with greenray growing on the walls. Then this well shape was a big tall building, I was inside the buidling (I was a skinny tall young boy in his early 2o's, I saw myself like this boy another time) and in the middle of the top was a closed lotus head as roof. The water was dribbling from the open area around the lotus down towards the bottom. I was in the middle storey at least 3-5 storeys below watching the water falling and hearing the sound of the water falling. I couldn't see the bottom of this well shaped building with water fountain in the middle. I was trying hard in my meditation to drink the amrit and had this funny experience instead.

Before this, I was trying to see the diva in the solar plexus and saw a ring of fire around me instead. It wasn't scary. The fire was controlled, burning like little divas all in a circle, resembling the lotus petal.

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