Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fingers and five elements (Panch tatt)

I usually find it comfortable to keep my hands on my knees, palms up, during meditation. Sometimes I feel better keeping them in the middle, right hand on left, I think. A friend told me a few months ago that my hormones are imbalanced and suggested that I meditate with index fingers facing up. I tried but I can't meditate because my attention is on making sure that the my fingers are straight.

A few minutes ago, I knew I couldn't get motivated to do meditation, so I thought of reading instead. I read on p. 95 of 'The inner temple of witchcraft, magick, meditation and psychic development by Christopher Penczak' which I randomly opened, as I never read a book from cover to cover, that the author's student "presses the tips of her spread fingers together gently, in the shape of a tent, thumb to thumb, index to index etc. Each finger relates to one of the five elements and she stimulates those energies with this hand position." I immediately tried to meditate with fingers in the above mentioned position, which I found very soothing as a child during idle time, I felt the pulse in some fingers stronger that in others. The pulse grabbed my attention and I was able to focus immediately. Then I started to notice my whole body relaxing so quickly.

SO I googled Fingers five elements and found a few sites on the topic. Global oneness website mentions that Mudras, the science of hand and finger postures, can help to cure bodily ailments. It says, "It actually helps in balancing the five elements ( panch-tattvas ) in the human system to their optimal levels. The elements can even be increased or decreased to cure appropriate ailments." So I understand that my friend's advice about the index finger is in line with this philosophy.

I wouldn't like to agree with the last sentence in the same para of the website mentioned above "When the elements are completely balanced, the yoga (unison) of mind, body and soul with the Supreme Soul can be achieved!" You don't need to have achieved perfect balance to have unison and don't worry about consciously balancing anything, when you go in deep meditation, the higher mind takes over, the divine that knows what needs healing and does it even when you don't know what its doing and why. Simply trust the divine, it knows your best interest. So don't delay going into deep meditation and connecting with the divine / higher self / God. Focusing on the miner details becomes a distraction and stops you from experiencing the divine.

The proof is in the fact that I didn't have the slightest idea of the concept of 'the third eye triangle' and 'Tree of life' when I experienced them in the one session. Although, I wasn't trusting it, the tree of life was balancing my hormones when it started crumbling itself and started sending the tiny green particles to every single cell in my body. Once, I started trusting that it meant healing, I asked it to heal my lower back pain and the pain vanished for over six months until the day I spoke to a friend over the phone and told her about it. I have learnt my lesson to not speak about my experiences as I then loose the benefits but if I write them down, I don't.

Back to the point, 'Health and' website gives a very clear description of the connection of fingers with each of the five elements, the healing benefits and what to do with pictures.

* Thumb = Fire
* Index   = Air
* Middle = Aakash
* Ring    = Earth
* Little   = Water

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