Friday, October 23, 2009

Four body system

According to the Shamballa (see the website link on my blog under Shamballa meditation1), the four bodies are - Physical body (+ Etheric body), Emotional body, Mental body and Spiritual body.

I have experienced the etheric body detaching itself from the physical body as it does by vibrating while in meditation. Its scare as well as a soothing experience. I felt my body was moving (I think sideways) in the head there was a heartbeat like sound, very loud, and the body was expanding and contracting with each vibration corresponding with the heartbeat sound. I(my mind) wasn't in control, something else was.

But I didn't know anything about emotional body being 9-inches beyond the physical body and mental body being 16-inches beyond the emotional body. The spiritual body is omnipresent.

The Kaballah meditation technique is acknowleding these energy bodies when they say, "Move the Violet Dot to the center of the brain, at the Pineal Gland, and then upward into the 7th Chakra, finally moving it out of your head to rest on the top of your skull, at the Crown Chakra.

2. Call to mind the Hierophant Symbol (Pale Silver Merkaba Star / Star of David). Visualize the Hierophant spinning 12” below your feet, within your Maharic Shield, and slowly INHALE.....drawing the Pale Silver Hierophant up through the Central Body Current, up to meet the Violet Dot at the 7th Crown Chakra at the top of the head.

When the Hierophant connects with the Violet Dot, visualize the Violet Dot bursting into a 4” vertical Pillar of Violet-Silver Light. Imagine the Violet-Silver Pillar running down through the body and into the Earth’s Core, as well as upward into the 14th Chakra positioned 36” above your head. (This activates the Violet Ray of Transmutation.)" - Source: see website link Kaballah meditation techniques on this blog

I think the etheric body is the emotional body, since its the level that feels and senses beyond the physical senses. Then which body is the astral body that travels, leaving the physical body behind, at night in most cases?

Correction 26/10/09, 10 pm
Sorry! my understanding was wrong. Penzack shows a diagram of seven bodies: physical, etheric, astral, emotional, mental, psychic and divine (spiritual). Now I believe that each body corresponds to seven chakras starting from root chakra representing the physical body, 2nd chakra etheric (the sensations, 3rd astral travel (the Sun), 4th heart for emotional body, 5th throat for mental body for communication, 6th for psycick and seventh chakra representing the spiritual body. We know astral travel is done by solar plexus and the 6th chakra, the 3rd eye is for seeing (the psychic), so it does make sense.

Mental body makes sense. I use to wonder how do desires impact our afterlife. I have seen silver energy bodies the size of a human head and trunk only, floating in a desired direction and turn at will, although they can't do sharp turns as they float in the air like a breeze, not walk. Its the mental body that records our desires. When the physical body was gone, after death, these two energy bodies still had the strong desire to protect the college they had built especially for the girls to help them further their education and provide them with equal opportunity. So they became the energy bodies that floated around that place. When I went their for a job interview, they floated around me and checked me out if I was the right person with no intention of harming that place. When they were satisfied that I ment no harm, they floated away. I felt odd and later asked the locals for the history of the college and found out about these two brothers and their life. That's the only time I felt these silver energy bodies.

My niece has confessed of these some shinny silver things, 12-15 of them, while in a meditation room, without knowing or feeling anything, except they disappeared when she started to look at them carefully. When she looked at them from her right side, they all disappeared immediately and when on the left hand side they disappeared one by one. I don't understand that side business.

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