Monday, October 19, 2009

possible answer to six types of darshan/ vision

one of the six darshana or systems of Indian philosophy; associated with yoga; based on the
division of existence into purusha, prakrti and a number of elements
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No. 15: Sushumna darshan (inner visualization of the chakras)
For chakra visualization, refer to the diagrams of each chakra.
Sit in siddhasana, siddha yoni asana or padmasana.
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Bhranti Darshana: A delusion.
Bhuja: Arm or shoulder.
Bhujangasana: The cobra posture.
Bikram Yoga: A rigorous form of Yoga performed in a room heated to at least 95 degrees.
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Although scholars have speculated on the sequential emergence of the darshanas, and though patterns of interplay can be discerned in their full flowering, their roots lie in the ancient texts and they arise together as distinctive standpoints.
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His Philosophy or 'Darshana' is known as Dvaitadvaita or Svabhavika Bhedabheda.

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