Sunday, October 25, 2009

Protection charms

Protection charms include iron. Penczak says, "Iron grounds harmful energy like a lightning rod." Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh ji gave us five K's to wear including an iron bangle (Kara) which the modern sikhs have replaced with a stainless steel kara. Some AKJ Sikhs, a sect of Sikhs, still follow rules strictly and not only wear iron kara but also cook and eat in raw / cast iron dishes. Since they are strictly vegetairan, the iron utensils help to with their iron intake.

Penczak also mentions violet light for protection. A few months ago, I was very upset due to an incident and felt vulnerable and prayed to God for protection. I was surprised to see my father who passed away ten years ago, came in my meditation and drew a spiral around me, starting from the ground upwards, with a stick and then vanished. Whenever I am worried or upset in life, he comes. On other occasions, even if I ask him to, he doesn't. Is he still connected to me, so closely? He never speaks like Guru Nanak spoke.

I use to not believe in the concept of spiritual guardian and angels etc. For this reason I refused to receive Reiki healing or to become a healer. I have since realised that in actual fact I do believe in the concept, my ten Guru's are my spiritual guardians and off course, my father has always been my spiritual guide throughput my life. I believe in my Shabad Guru for guidance. Recently, since I have discovered that Guru's can and do come in my meditations, I call upon them a lot more and expect them to guide me during my meditation session. As suggested in several meditation books, now I do invite Guru Nanak to be with me, to guide and guard me during these experiences.

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