Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Eye-heart awareness

Samuel Sagan suggests in his book "Awakening the third eye" to develop eye heart awareness after two years of practice developing the third eye awareness, p.147. Guru Nanak Dev ji only ever talks of the feeling of love in the heart. Since I hadn't read this page of the book, I didn't know, I shouldn't do it yet. When I started seeing the colour purple in the eye first time, I enhanced the awareness in the heart to improve the vision of colour purple. It responds in proportion to the feeling of yearning. For this reason, I recommend to do meditation while the three day reading of scriptures, Akhand Path, is happening in the Gurdwara. Lines of Guru Bani that are being read helps you focus on the heart and feeling of yearning, as most of the shabads have yearning as the central idea. As soon as the mind wanders it is brought back to focus by gurbani.

Some time ago, I use to wonder if reading gurbani was a waste of time as it is asking the reader to meditate 24 hours a day and yet people just read it over and over again and don't do the very act of meditation and defeating the purpose of the writing. Now I read the Guru Granth Sahib Ji's bani when I lack the drive to meditate or have the desire but simply can't do it. I realise that the purpose of the shabads are to encourage the reader to meditate, develop the yearning to do so by praying to Waherguru to give you Nam, developing the feeling of love for God and guiding the reader as to what to do and what to avoid in life. Only a very few shabads describe, or give hints of what happened during or as a result of a meditation session. I am trying to find every such shabad. So I was particularly focusing on Shabads of Guru Nanak dev ji, Guru Arjan Den ji and Kabir ji. I didn't realise before that there are other Guru's that have also given a hint of that in their shabads.

Gurbani is written mostly in a simple language but its only after doing meditation that you seem to realise a different meaning of the words said in it. For example, Gurbani has several shabads that talk about Waheguru as Rang rangla, colourful. We always take this as philosopical concept that this world, his creation is colourful. I never knew this refers to the experience of the meditator who has seen several colours during meditation and felt that feeling of peace and joy never found anywhere else with any other object in the world. The feeling of yearning comes automatically after you fall in love with these beautiful colours that give you joy and you want more and more. Thus comes the need to see it again and again. Hence, the shabads like 'Fir Kad miliye mere pyare', when can I see you again. But colours are only a very first hint that meditation is not just time-out from this world for a few minutes. Its a journey with very real results. As you go deeper and deeper, you will see your Guru's, or other figures unknown to you who will show you the path ahead. Then you will see figures shown in the Sacred Geometry. Google the words "Sacred Geometry" and you will find out all about it. These figures are very real and manifest themselves to you. Since I didn't know anything about it, I simply enjoyed the session. The big mistake I made was to refuse the power of healing others that it was giving to me. A green light came from the temples, the area near the eyes on the edges of the forhead, and made an arch from outside my body and upto my hands that were laying on my knees, palms facing upwards. I enjoyed it and then said that I don't want to become a healer. I just want to see and know God Waheguru. I now realise that God never offers more than what you can handle. It was my fear that stopped me. I have a theory on why Baal Guru Har Krishan Sahib ji died of disease when he was the one who relieved so many from their diseases. If you read a book on Pranic energy by Choa Koh Sui, its mentioned in there that always give out less pranic energy than what you receive and also to do some clensing thing to get rid of the residue of the energy of sickness. Reiki must be a much safer way of healing as the healer doesn't have to worry about these issues as the healer doesn't control the amount of the energy going into the patients body or the area in which the energy is going.

I know realise that I had very big urge to heal my son of his Down Syndrome and more importantly his diabetes. Although, I never realised that my body and feelings were projecting that. Therefore, as a response I was being given the healing power that I thought I needed so much. When I refused it, I didn't remember I had a son who needed healing. I simply felt that I don't have sufficient knowledge or understanding to even contemplate interfering with Gods business.

1 comment:

Sherry Lumia said...

I am adding a link to someone's blog on sacred geometry. I haven't evaluated it yet.