Monday, November 16, 2009

Disease, Self-healing and understanding due to near-death experience

on p.64 Betty writes that she saw that many of her illnesses were caused by feeling of depression and not being loved, a self-fulfilling prophecy of "I am sick." Once we realise the illness, we need to start verbalising its cure, letting out words add to the power of our thoughts. This creates an excitement in the intelligences around us and they then go into motion to heal us. We are not to deny the presence of illness but its power over our divine right to remove it. We are to live by faith as its that what governs the spirit not the cognition of the analytical mind that rationalises and justifies. The spirit is emotional, accepting and internalizes. As with any other attribute, the way to gain faith is to practice its use. The spiritual law says if we learn to use what we have, we will receive more. Developing faith is like planting seeds. Spiritual law says that everything produces after its own kind.

The spirit communicates with God, being the device that receives knowledge and insight from Him. Betty says,"I envisioned that this would appear much like fluorescent light tube in our bodies. When the light is glowing, our core is filled with light and love; its the energy that gives the body life and power." Betty's explanation is clearly justifying the Kundalini theory where along the backbone is the sushmina tube which illuminates with light. Also when the pranic energy comes from the above, it also goes down the same path, only then the light flows like water gushing down. Both Kundalini and pranic, Earth and Sky energies fill the body with life and power.

Betty further says that lack of love, violence and sexual abuse weakens the spirit and then the body. Serving others recharges the spirit, opens ourselves to positive energy through positive thought and action. The source of energy is God and is always there, but we must tune him in.

Betty was surprised to know that most of us have chosen our illness for our spiritual growth. Until we grow, the healing doesn't come. Betty writes on p. 67, "We were very willing, even anxious as spirits to accept all of our ailments and accidents here to help better ourselves spiritually. The pain we suffer on earth is just a split second of consciousness in the spirit world and we are very willing to endure it. Our death is often also calculated to help us grow. I understood that it was important for me to accept all experiences as potentially good. I needed to accept my purpose and station in life." By forgiving her enemies and even loving them, Betty realised she could nullify the -ve effect on herself. By seeking good thoughts and good words she could bring healing ointment to her own soul and to others. She could heal herself but first spiritually, then emotionally, mentally and physically. Betty realised she had a right to live fully. To do this she needed to break the cycle of guilt and fear, let go of the past, forgive herself and move forward. "If I had hurt someone, I needed to start loving them honestly and seek their forgiveness. We must never consider suicide as its loosing opportunity to grow. Despair is never justified or needed as we are here to make mistakes and learn from our experiences. We don't need to judge ourselves harshly. All healing as well as misery comes from within. Our thoughts have tremendous power to make a spiral of despire or trempoline of happiness and attainment. The spiritual law says we will be given all that we are prepared to receive.

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