Monday, November 16, 2009

Guru Nanak and life after death

From last two days, I have been passionately reading the book "Embraced by the light." where Betty has explained what she saw in the spiritual world where God met her. The descriptions of people, the plants and flowers and the God himself are fascinating. These descriptions resemble what Guru Nanak described in Japji Sahib.

My little girl woke up and wanted milk just then. As I walked up to the kitchen in my sleep, these lines of Guru Nanak, describing the spiritual world, poped up in my head - Thithe Gharat Gariae Bahut Anup. There they design and build meserisingly beautiful things. In Betty's account of Different rooms she mentions how lots of people there were making different things. She also wrote that she realized that all things of importance were first created spiritually then physically. When Guru Nanak mentions things being created there, he must be referring to the same process that he saw.

All the verses in Japji Sahib that start with Tithe are a description of what Nanak saw in the mysterious world after death. Nanak mentions of not just God but other beings in there doing different things just like Betty's explanation.

I now wonder if Guru Nanak was disappointed with the politics of work where people kept dobbing him in. When he was checked by the supervisors the third time if he was measuring too much grain and his organization was at loss, although he was found not guity once again, he decided to leave his job. Resigning from a job at the age of 33 with two little children and a wife at home can't be easy. Did he actually go in the river with the frame of mind to ask the Divine what was God doing to protect the poor public from injustice and may be attempted to drown himself and was literally taken to this world that Betty is mentioning? Obviously, it wasn't his time to die and he was doing the right things by loving all and living by Truth that God was compelled to show him all what He does up there while also living within his creation. In Verse / Pauri 33 of Japji Sahib, Guru Nanak wrote we have no control over our life or death - Jor Na Jivan Maran Na Jor.

Aakhan Jor Chupey Nahi Jor
Jor Na Mangan Den Na Jor
Jor Na Jivan Maran Na Jor
Jor Na Raj Mal Man Sor
Jor Na Surti Giyan Vichar
Jor Na Jugati Chutte Sansar
Jis Hath Jor Kar Vekhey Soyee
Nanak Uttam Neech Na Koyee

Powerless are we to speak or remain silent
Powerless are we to receive or bestow
Life and Death is beyond our power
Neither riches nor mental turbulence is in our power
Awareness and awakening is not in our power
The path of liberation is also not in our power
Only God has power so He beholds
Says Nanak, in himself none is high or low


In our day to day life, we are governed by our Ego and ever changing moods. This is so as we are bound by Time, Space and Causation. Yet, we in our ignorance feel that we have "power" to do this or do that and become boastful of our "power". This ignorance leads us to feel ourselves superior to others. In this Pauri, Guru Nanak categorically explains that nothing is in our power. And no one in himself is superior or inferior.

Guru Nanak came out and made the first statement "Na hum Hindu, Na hum Muslalman" Neither am I Hindu nor a Muslim. This definitely explain to me that he asked God why were these Muslim rulers cheating the Hindu public. He was merely trying to do his job diligently and not keep the poor people's share to make himself rich like other officials. Then he must have asked God if he was doing the right thing by doing justice to people of both faiths. God must have then shown him that in His realm, there is no religion but Love and Truth. Guru Nanak lived his life by both those traits. He had no hatred or bias for man of any religion which he declared in his statement that day.

While reading Betty's account I wondered if people's beliefs and expectations affect what and who people see in that mysterious world, to some extent? Betty mentions that she was surprised to see God as a separate being from Jesus, contrary to her belief that Jesus himself was God. But Jesus was very close to God as she herself is Christian. Guru Nanak mentioned many Hindu Gods and said there were many others like them some creating like Brahma, the God according to Hindu's that creates, many Sita and Ramas praising God, all obeying God's Will. Why didn't Guru Nanak say that the only way to God was through Jesus? Betty herself didn't had to see God through Jesus then why is she distorting the truth? In my meditations, Guru Nanak showed me the way to realise God as he is the one I trust. So may be its simply because Betty trusts Jesus that she saw him standing there next to God to convince her that she is at the right place! So whoever you remember as your God, Guide or Guru, he will be the one standing there confirming that it is the right door not because they are the one through which you must know God but they are the one that you trusted will show you the right way.

Betty saw a Council of 12 men who came to judge her. Gurbani says Panch Parvan Panch Pardhan. I may not know what this line actually referes to but since five comes so many times that I would have imagined that if there actually were more than one person, according to Hinduism at least Dharamraj who judges, then it would be the five accepted once that are the leaders (pardhan) not 12.

Below is the translation of verses around that line that God revealed in my head to contemplate. This translation is done by someone for people of Hindu faith as you will notice if you visit the actual site.

Pauri 36

Gian Khand Mahin Gyan Prachand
Tithe Naad Binod Kaud Anand
Saram Khand Ki Bani Roop
Tithe Gharat Ghariye Bahut Anup
Ta Kian Gallan Kathian Na Jahi
Je Ko Kahe Pichhey Pachhutai
Tithe Ghariye Surti Mati Man Buddh
Tithe Ghariye Suran Siddhan Ki Sudh


In the domain of Knowledge, Enlightenment reigns supreme
There the primordial sound plays the heavenly melodies
In the Realm of Endeavor, Beauty is the attribute
There exquisite forms are shaped
Such happenings cannot be depicted
One who tries only ends up repenting
There are forged intuition, intellect, mind and insight
As is fashioned there the vision of angels and seers.

Pauri - 34

Rati Ruti Thiti Var
Pavan Pani Agni Patal
Tis Vich Dharti Thaap Rakhi Dharamsal
Tis Vich Jia Jugat Ke Rang
Tin Ke Naam Anek Anant
Karmi Karmi Hoi Vicharu
Sacha Aap Sacha Darbaru
Tithe Sohan Punch Parvaanu
Nadri Karam Pavey Nishanu
Katch Pakayee Othea Paye
Nanak Gayia Jappe Jaye


Having created nights, dates, days and seasons
Air, water, fire and nether regions
The Lord amidst them installed Earth -
The place for Karma and Dharma
Wherein abide the multitude of species
of infinite hues and forms
Their actions are to be judged
In the True court of the True Lord
The approved there look respectful
Bearing the Mark of Master graceful
True from the False is screened there
Says Nanak, Ye shall know
When your case is presented there


In this Pauri, Guru Nanak establishes the concept of "Karmbhoomi". Man's very sojourn on Earth is one of action and experience. One has to justify his very existence on earth through faithful performance of duties assigned and march towards his onward spiritual journey. All actions will be judged is again meant to help us cultivate virtue and a persistent endeavor to win the Divine Grace.

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