Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Purpose of a Yogi / True image of a Sikh

According to Guru Nanak, in verse 29, the sole purpose of a Yogi should be a communion with the Divine spirit and not to be engaged in acquiring occult powers to perform miracles.

Bhugat Gian Daiya Bhandaran
Ghat Ghat Vaje Naad
Aap Nath Nathi Sabh Ja Ki
Ridh Sidh Avra Saad
Sanjog Vijog Dui Kaar Chalavahi
Lekhe Avahi Bhaag

Make Divine knowledge as food and compassion thy steward
Taste the celestial melody that vibrates in the heart
He is the Lord who rules the whole universe
Miracles and occult powers are simply useless
Union and separation are the two wheels
That churn our share of destiny

Pauri - 28

Munda Santokh Saram Pat Jholi
Dhyan Ki Karhi Bibhut
Khintha Kaal Kuari Kaya
Jugat Danda Parteet
Ai (Aayee) Panthi Sagal Jamati
Man Jeethe Jag Jeet
Ades Tise Ades
Aad Anil Anand Anahat Jug Jug Eko Ves

Let contentment become the ear-rings and modesty the begging bowl
Smearing thyself with contemplation deep
Fear of Death as garment of thy chaste body
Determined faith thy sectarian staff
The only path is of universal brotherhood
Conquer the mind to conquer the world
Hail unto the Universal Lord
Primal, Pure and Eternal -Who forever is the same.

In this Pauri, Guru Nanak redefines the persona of a Hindu yogi or a sanyasin. Even today the Hindu yogis wears ear-rings (munda), adorns the loin cloth (jholi), carries a begging bowl (khappar) and a staff (danda). He also smears himself with ashes (vibhuti).

Rebuilding the image of a "Sikh" (one who is in search of Truth) Yogi, Guru Nanak asserts that contentment, modesty, contemplation, fear of death and a determined faith are necessary ingredients that guide a person to understand the path of Universal brotherhood and love. Conquering one's mind (the oscillation of thoughts) and by becoming determined only one can conquer the world. For what is conquering the world, if not conquering oneself.

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