Monday, November 16, 2009

Message from a near-death experienced lady

"Embraced by the light" is a book written by Betty J. Eadie who died for two hours on operation theatre and was brought back to life. In those two hours she flew above her body, met three beings that came to escort her, visited God, saw Jesus Christ beside God and was shocked that he was very close to God but separate from him, contrary to her belief that Jesus himself was God. Betty asked God all the questions she wanted answered about life and death.
She met other spiritual beings who work in different rooms. The walls of the room made of a substance like a very thin marble that let light come in and in places Betty could see through to the outside. In one of the rooms some people loomed the spiritual shiny clothes of material that looked like the mixture of Glass and spun sugar. "The cloth shimmered and sparkled, almost as though it were alive. The material was opaque on one side, but when I turned it over I was able to see through it. The workers explained that the material would be made into clothing for those coming into the spirit world from earth." wrote Betty on p. 75. "I was surprised at how much people like to work with their hands there-those who want to." She also saw a large machine similar to a computer but much more elaborate and powerful.

She understood once again that all things of importance are created spiritually first and physically second. I suppose that why people who read Aura can tell things that you are going to feel emotionally a month or so ahead. I asked a man to read my aura on 3rd Sep, 2009. He told me there was a man standing on my right hand side. He was pulling me down. I couldn't understand this then. Over a month later, I knew exactly was this was about.

Interestingly Betty was taken to another large room similar to a library but of the mind. It seemed to be a repository of knowledge, but she didn't see any books. "By simply reflecting on a topic, all knowledge on that topic came to me." My personal understanding is that this is the Divine mind / Divine consciousness that I ask all the questions and get the answers from, in my deep meditation. As Betty has written, "No knowledge was kept from me and it was impossible not to understand correctly every thought, every statement, every particle of knowledge.", I personally believe that all you need to do in meditation is be passionate about the subject and reflect on it during meditation and answer will come to you. The only thing is that sometimes its in a code language that you can't understand. For example, I asked the Universal force to tell me how it runs this big universe with such precise events. It must have a formula to calculate and run. I got the answer 3 x 7. I am still trying to work out the answers. I understood it to be 3 as in inches. I also know 3 times 7 is 21 and that the minimum amount of days one needs to continuously practice something to form a habit of it, including Reiki practice. I drew a triangle with 21 inches from top to bottom and three inches on each side to make a 6 inches base. Is this the dimensions of the first triangle I had seen from the 3rd eye to the shoulder blades?

Back to Betty. She writes, "I understood reality pertaining to that subject from every angle, every possible perspective. This was more than a mental process. I was able to feel what the people felt when they performed these actions. I was able to live them."

Then Betty was taken out into the garden with mountains, valleys and rivers in the distance.The garden was filled with trees and flowers that somehow made their setting seem inevitable, as if they were meant to be exactly how and where they were. The billions of colours were intense and thousands of shades were possible. The light on these objects doesn't reflect off anything. It comes from within and appears to be a living essence. Bacause of each plant's intense aura of light, it was difficult to define where the surface starts and stops. Each microscopic part is made of its own intelligence and filled with its own life. "The same element that now resides in a flower may later be part of something else and just as alive. It doesn't have a spirit as we do, but it has intelligence and organization and can react to the will of God and other universal laws."

Music came from the water.

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