Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What happens where God resides? Guru Nanak explains

So Dar Keha So Ghar Keha Jit Bah Sarab Sambhale

Where is that wondrous mansion and where the door
From whence Thou watch and sustain us all?
The element of wonder is vivid in this very line. Simply stated, it would mean to me as saying, "Where are you O Lord, where?" The remaining lines of the Pauri 27 seem to be an attempt to resolve this question.

The answer and explanation of such a place is as follows

Where the innumerable melodies originate
Seemingly played by countless musicians
The countless "Ragas" sung by fairies
and other innumerable singers

Air, Fire and Water all Thy adore
With "Dharamraj" singing at Thy door
Where praising Thee "Chitragupt" records all human actions
For "Dharamaraj" to administer heavenly justice

Where Shiva, Brahma and Parvati also sing
Adorned and graced by Thee they eternally are nice
"Indra" Lording on his throne also sings
With host of Devas around
The ascetics in their trance also sing
And the holy too singing Thee
Where the celibate, the virtuous and contented
All sing with valiant heroes
Vedic scholars and great sages
Exalt Thee with their praises
Where the bewitching maids too sing

In heaven, earth and nether regions!
All gems created by Thee
Also sing with the 68 holy pilgrimages
Where all valiant warriors sing
As do the four sources of creation
(Egg, Womb, Sweat and Seed)

All regions and the Cosmic spheres
For their sustenance they too Thy revere
All those sing to Thee who are graced by Thee
Immersed deeply in devotion to Thee
How many more sing are beyond my reckoning
Says, Nanak, I cannot even think

Eternal is God, The Lord of Universe
His Name being so ever True
He "is" and will ever be
The One who is the cause of all creation
Of diverse colors, hues and shades
creating even the "Maya" (illusion)

Having created He watches his handiwork
As pleasing to His grandeur
He does what pleases to Him
None can give any orders to Him
Says Nanak, O King of Kings
I shall forever remain in Thy Will.

Pauri 35

Dharam Khand Ka Eho Dharam
Gyan Khand Ka Akhaho Karam
Kete Pavan Pani Vaisantar Kete Kaan Mahes
Kete Barme Gharati Ghariaye Roop Rang Ke Ves
Kietian Karam Bhumi Meru Kete, Kete Dhu Updes
Kete Ind Chand Sur Kete, Kete Mandal Des
Kete Sidh Buddh Nath Kete, Kete Devi Ves
Kete Dev Danav Muni Kete, Kete Ratan Samund
Ketian Khani Ketian Bani Kete Pat Narind
Ketian Surti Sevek Kete Nanak Antu na Antu

Such as above, is the Realm of Dharma
Now I dwell on the Realm of Knowledge
Countless are the forms of fire, air, water and many Krishnas and Shivas
Countless Brahmas creating myriad forms
Countless fields and mountains for action and countless sages
like Dhruva with sermons
Countless Indras, moons, Suns and countless the stellar and earthly regions
Countless Siddhas, Buddhas, Nathas and countless the forms of goddesses
Countless the deities, demons, sages and countless the jewels in oceans
Countless sources of creation, innumerable languages and
many dynasties of kings
Says Nanak
Countless are scriptures and their adherents, there is just no end.

Pauri 36

Gian Khand Mahin Gyan Prachand
Tithe Naad Binod Kaud Anand
Saram Khand Ki Bani Roop
Tithe Gharat Ghariye Bahut Anup
Ta Kian Gallan Kathian Na Jahi
Je Ko Kahe Pichhey Pachhutai
Tithe Ghariye Surti Mati Man Buddh
Tithe Ghariye Suran Siddhan Ki Sudh


In the domain of Knowledge, Enlightenment reigns supreme
There the primordial sound plays the heavenly melodies
In the Realm of Endeavor, Beauty is the attribute
There exquisite forms are shaped
Such happenings cannot be depicted
One who tries only ends up repenting
There are forged intuition, intellect, mind and insight
As is fashioned there the vision of angels and seers.

Pauri 37

Karam Khand Ki Bani Jore
Tithe Hore Na Koyee Hore
Tithe Jodh Mahabal Soor
Tin Mahin Ram Rahia Bharpoor
Tithe Sito Sita Mahima Mahin
Ta Ke Roop Na Kathane Jahin
Na Oh Maren Na Thage Jahin
Jin Ke Ram Vasen Man Mahin
Tithe Bhagat Vase Ke Loye
Karahin Anand Sacha Man Soye
Sach Khand Vase Nirankaar
Kar Kari Vekhe Nadar Nihal
Tithe Khand Mandal Varbhand
Je Ko Kathe Ta Ant Na Ant
Tithe Loye Loye Akaar
Jiv Jiv Hukam Tiven Tiv Kaar
Vekhe Vigse Kar Vichaar
Nanak Kathna Karra Saar

In the Realm of Grace, Spiritual powers prevail
Nothing else can there avail
They are the powerful warriors and heroes
With Ram inscribed in their hearts
There dwells Sita wedded to the Word Divine
Their exquisite graces are difficult to define
They neither die nor are enticed
In whose heart Ram resides

Devotees from all regions congregate there
Rapt in Bliss for their hearts are pure
In the Realm of Truth is the formless God
Watching His Creation with bounteous Grace
Countless orbs, regions and firmaments originate from there
Such an account is beyond description
Countless forms and worlds beyond worlds
All functioning as He ordains
He watches, beholds and contemplates

Says Nanak
Harder than steel, it is to relate.

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