Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Music in the spirit world

Betty, the lady that died in hospital for a few hours and saw the many worlds, wrote about her experiences in the book 'Embraced by the light'.

She wrote in the chapter 'Many Worlds' that she remembered that God was the creator of many worlds, galaxies and realms beyond our understanding and had the desire to see them. This desire gave power to her thoughts and she drifted away from the garden into the blackness of space.

Betty mentions about the Music she heard when her spiritual body was floating with the two beings of light and entered the vastness of space realising that it wasn't a void. It was full of love and light, tangible presence of the spirit of God.

She wrote on p. 87, "I heard a soft, pleasant sound..It was a tone, similar to a note of music, but was universal and seemed to fill all the space around me. It was followed by another tone of a different pitch, soon I noticed something of a melody - a vast cosmic song that soothed and comforted me. The tones produced soft vibrations... possessed the power to heal me. I learned from the escorts that not all musical tones are healing - that some can create within us -ve emotional responses."

Guru Nanak wrote about the celestial music in the following manner

In the domain of Knowledge, Enlightenment reigns supreme
There the primordial sound plays the heavenly melodies

Where the innumerable melodies originate
Seemingly played by countless musicians
The countless "Ragas" sung by fairies
and other innumerable singers

Betty obviously didn't hear the singers singing, just the melodies of musical notes.

Betty further claims, "I traveled to many other worlds- earths like our own but more glorious and filled with loving, intelligent people. I traveled tremendous distances, knowing that the stars I saw were not visible from earth. I saw galaxies and traveled to them with ease and almost instantaneous speed. I knew that I had been to these places before."

Guru Nanak writes
Countless Indras, moons, Suns and countless the stellar and earthly regions

Countless orbs, regions and firmaments originate from there
Such an account is beyond description
Countless forms and worlds beyond worlds
All functioning as He ordains

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