Thursday, November 19, 2009

Love is God and Gratitude the way to find it!

Make the whole day a meditation of awareness, using your breath to ground your attention. "Awareness is the bridge between mind and heart.", p 283, Love's Alchemy by Sky Shayne Innes. It transcends the conditioned mind.

Living the Truth - there are only two things in world Love and Fear. Love creates life and fear destroys it.

Love - harmony - accord - compassion - happiness - beauty - trust - abundance - acceptance - wholeness - interconnectedness -
Love supplies riches of life - wisdom, intelligence, beauty, happiness and prosperity.

Meditation is going beyond the conditioning of the mind where the mysteries of creation are revealed and true awareness is gained. Realise that you are not separate from God so there is nothing to fear. God is omnipotent. He is all there is. So you are part of him.

What we fear, we create. If we think we are separate, limited and powerless then we are. We have used our power to create separation.
Fear - disharmony - discord - hate - sadness - loneliness - suffering - conditioning of the mind - violence - resistance - struggle

Breath love into the heart center as if it were a smell.
Feeling the feelings with recognition and acceptance.

Identify with not 'I' of ego, mortal body that is limited, separated arrogant and ignorant. Identify with 'I' the infinite, higher consciousness, divine mind.

I have a body but I am not the body.
I have a mind but I am not the mind.

The truth be revealed and you will see and know 'The Truth'.

Meditate - in silence and stillness, one of the following
I am infinite
I am consciousness
I am divine mind

Now wait for the answer, for 10 minutes and then, be amazed! Show your gratitude for sharing the union and the knowledge.
Everything is already perfect the way it should be. See the divine order of all things. New growth comes out of the destructive forces of life, is necessary and not to be feared.

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