Sunday, November 1, 2009

Laws of mysticism

Law of Triplicity
"Things always happen in threes". Examples
The bouncing energy of universe that I saw also bounced three times. I had seen two bounces and it was heading to its third bounce. Note the word Omkar of Ek Omkar in Sikh religion and Om in Hindu religion.
The 3 worlds - Heaven, hell and earth.
Three levels of vibrations - Matter, Energy, Spirit

Law of Association
If two things have something in common, each can influence the other, more similarities, more influence. More generates more- money, love, crime, violence.
I see a lot of things common between humans and God.
Two subdivision of the above law are
Law of similarity - if two events are similar, the smaller event can be the cause of the larger event. Does getting Baptised or initiated be seen as having the basis in this law? I have mentioned in the blog titled "Out came a two edged sword from Gods mouth", that Sikhs use 2 edged sword for the initiation ceremony and also believe that without getting baptised one can't reach God.
Law of Contagion states that if two objects have touched, they continue to interact and influence each other.
I am very much interested in this law but not for the reason Penczak is writing about. In black magic, the reason why magicians ask for a lock of hair, piece of clothing etc for the intended target of a spell. Magick is sent via these connections to the intended recipient. Sikhism warns to not get involved in magic as in the end it doesn't benefit anyone. Guru Nanak Dev ji converted many magicians like Noorshah etc and empowered them to focus on meditation instead.
Gurbani says that by meditating you can benefit several generations including the past ones "Pitri hoi udharo". I always wondered how you could help ancestors benefit from your meditation. Is it by this law?
Are we connected to our brothers and sisters by this law? Whenever my middle sister faces any sad situation, I know. Whenever I have an unusual sensation /mystic experience when she is around, she says that she's having that kind of feeling, that I experienced. She doesn't see what I see and yet she feels the feeling I had.
Is that why Guru's use to give personal items like Kara to their Sikhs that they were really happy with? There is a story of Guru Gobind Singh ji giving his Kara to a Merchants son who didn't find any value of keeping it and gave it away to someone else, who by virtue of the Kara became rich instead of the merchants son.

Law of Symbolism - Symbols are the language of the psychic mind. Our conscious mind doesn't understand raw, pure energy. We need an interface, a translator, Symbols and words of power are often that interface. I have to agree that we don't always understand pure energy. I asked the universal energy for some answer and all I saw was circles with lots of people in them. The people were moving so fast, I couldn't see what was going on. This is after I requested the energy to slowly show me. I felt that they were like old English style paintings with lots of people in one painting and one can't make sense what's going on. Dream dictionaries are useful for that reason.

Law of Syncronicity - describes two meaningful coincidences that are not apparently linked through the principle of cause and effect. Penczak believes that syncrhromous events lead him to a greater spiritual awareness, lesson or mission in his life.By following the trail of Syn, one often finds his path.

Neutralization - We must take responsibility for our actions. Penczak says that we must change our learned behaviour by using affirmations or by actively deprogramming and reprogramming ourselves through neutralisation.
Penczak says that We can never take back anything we say. Once its out of our mouth, it is into the universe to hear and to react to unless we neutralise, Consciously send a thought out to ground and cleanse our previous actions, by saying I neutralise --- or imagining an X over an image you hold in your mind.
I remember once my dad had an argument with our neighbour over their barking dog. The next day we heard that this neighbour has been taken to the hospital after a heart attack. The moment my dad heard this, he jumped of his seat and said, "I have made a big mistake, I must take my words back." He went and did an ardas (Prayer) asking God to forgive him for thinking about the neighbour in this manner. He doesn't mean any harm and is sorry for the previous negative thoughts. The neighbour came home safe.
I read a book by some Swami called "The power of thought" when I was 17. First time, I was introduced to the idea that thoughts travel like radio signals etc and the benefits of positive thoughts. Its not always that negative words harm but thoughts do to. Imagine the state of this world today with constant -ve news.

Principle of Gender - Gender is in everything, everything has its masculine and feminine. For example, shape and contour, texture and colour, give us a sense of gender.

Principle of Rhythm - Energy has a range and it can flow from one extreme to the other. "Everything flows, out and in, everything has its tides,"All patterns move in a cycle.As energy moves from one pole to the next, it is actually tracing a circular movement, with its own schedule and pattern or tide." Be aware of the cycles within yourself as you have a greater control over your own rhythms. Take benefit of your own tide. This goes for meditation sessions.

Penczak says that Psychic ans astral abilities are easier to access at the Full Moon. You can control the rhythm of your brain wave, breath, pulse and heart rate by intention. The only time I intentionally increased my heart rate was when I saw the purple light and didn't want it to go away, so I intentionally generated interested and felt excited. During meditation, if you start to fell sleepy, you do intentionally awaken yourself a little.

Principle of Polarity - Everything is dual, has poles and its pair of opposites. Desirew to find harmony between the extremes. Two opposites are never absolute but relative.

Law of Vibration - Nothing rests, everything moves, vibrates, all the time.

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