Thursday, November 19, 2009

Stages of devotion

Stage One - Tamas - ignorant style of devotion where devotee is neither Self nor Self aware. God who is known through blind belief is worshipped fearfully and slavishly. Such devotees are susceptible to superstitious beliefs in magic, ghosts, evil spirits, poltergeists, demons and devils.

Tamas, the dark energy, dictates a commitment to formula, ritual and literal interpretation of scriptures. The view of 'original sin' concept fits here. Ignorance loves organisation, cults and religious institutions. Beacuse thinking of oneself is considered a form of disobedience, the tamsic devotee is easily manipulated by corrupt priests and surrenders to powerful spiritual personalities. This is motivated by the belief in oneself as a helpless child of God.

Stage Two- Rajas - the projecting power, keeps the mind and emotions in a continous state of disturbance which functions as a screen concealing the self and blocking the flow of love from within. When rajasic devotee's needs are satisfied the world is a Garden of Eden and when unfulfilled, God often takes the blame.

This devotee's lust for life, ambition and sense of dissatisfaction stops the steady stream of love. On the positive side, the dissatisfaction can prompt one to enthusiastically purify tamasic elements.

The rajasic devotee is inclined to self centeredness and is not above bargaining with God for power, position and wealth. The theory of abundance of New Age circuit is made for this type of devotee, according to Swartz. "Unlike the steady dependability of the dark type, the active devotee will change religions, beliefs, teachers and practices at the drop of a hat. " says Swartz.

On the positive side, this devotee is passionate. Once committed to the higher view of God as the ultimate lover, the Rajasic devotee makes rapid progress in seeking union with God.

Stage Three - Sattva - With roots in the absolute, sattvic heart is a spotless mirror, capable of accurately reflecting God's image. This devotee is blessed with curosity, intelligence and discrimination; loves God purely and unselfishly.

"Because the veil separating the sattvic devotee from God is so thin, the devotee may become spiritually conceited and suffer attachment to goodness, beauty and knowledge, golden chains difficult to break if devotion is to flower into the fourth and highest stage." Swartz.

As Love for God grows, the desire to know more about God increases. As the knowledge of God grows, based on scriptures and direct experience, so does love of God because God's nature is eternal love.

The Goal

Even a glimpse of the stage of rati, a happy, selfless, blissful state arises, the devotee becomes quickly attached and purifies more diligently. Rati stage inspires intense faith, prompting a singleminded striving to enter into It. It is beyond meditative, concentrated, absorbed and practice induced state of mind. This seeing and enjoying the Self inspires divine madness. The devotee feels exhilarated and intoxicated as if she had won the lottery and fallen in love on the same day. I know this feeling and I yearn for that moment to come again and again but nothing happens like the first time.

When rati becomes deep and constant it is called prema, transcendental love. "Attaining It one becomes intoxicated, then silent, delighting in the Self" Narada Bhakti Sutra

"Gradually the feeling of mad love goes away, God doesn't seem an incredible being anymore, but a trusted companion. The devotee becomes aware of the deafening silence, a powerful presence that swallows every thought and feeling, engulfing every perception. Caught in the embrace of timeless love, mad passion becomes the white heat of meditation and the devotee sits quietly sippling the nectar flowing from the Heart of hearts. Absorbed in the Infinite, the patterns supporting the ego crumble, the mind disappears like a phantom and the soul, in primordial nakedness realizes onenes with the Self". p 149-50, Swartz.

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