Friday, December 9, 2016

Regulate your emotions

Emotions are energy. Happy emotions increase energy and sad emotions drain it. If you express emotions freely, you might see yourself as a passionate person. It may seem like a great thing but know this - if you express happy emotions more openly, it's likely that you also show anger and frustration more easily. The reason being that you don't regulate your emotions. Conserve a bit of your energy, stop expressing them so freely. Think about your emotions. Be like a regulator for a gas cylinder whose job is to regulate gas and not let it all out in one burst. Imagine ne the consequences, if the gas cylinder didn't have a regulator.
Look back at your life. Has there been unregulated moments in your life? Have you had occasions when you nearly blew your relationships because of emotions?
It's not just about regulating negative emotions. Have you noticed people look at you strangely when you express happy emotions like excitement? It's not that thee is anything wrong with excitement, it may be seen as childish. Again, nothing wrong with childlike innocence. Sometimes it's better than being adult but when Yu are around other adults, especially work colleagues know that regulation of emotions is a skill highly praised for management positions. Cool head is also appreciated in professions that involve negotiating and presenting your case like union reps and lawyers.

You may not have thought of religion, but cool headedness is also encouraged in religion. When Sikhism talks of "Harakh sog te rahe niyara." , it's suggesting to refrain from extreme emotions.
Sikh scriptures also say, "
Jo nar Dukh me Dukh nahi mane.
Sukh saneh ar Bhei nahi Ja ke
Kanchan maati mane"
It means that those who don't become too sad in sad times and keep their head cool, can also perform their duties without worrying about their luxury, favouritism or fear because their decisions are not influenced by monetary rewards for oneself.
If people can work with what is best for an organisation, how can they not work with what's best for the humanity?
Financial sustainability and control of their market are best for any organisation but welfare of all human beings is best for humanity. The two are in conflict as a matter of principle. People are controlled by monetary rewards. The more an organisation is aware of the desperation of humans, the more chance it has of hiring labour by offering less money, hence increasing profits and financial sustainability. Humanity demands equity but it's hard to achieve because even the universe hasn't us all equity. Those born with diagnosed and undiagnosed disabilities have limitations of understanding and physical capabilities. Others who have become disfunctiona because of stresses in life als have different levels of motivations. When we all don't have the same level of motivation to succeed in life, how can we have equitable resources to thrive in this life?
May be we need to get back to scrutinising our emotions. How do we feel when someone drives a posh car and your car goes to mechanic for repairs every other day? Resentment?
How do you feel when you see news of people suffering due to natural disasters, accidents and war?
Detaching yourself from a situation doesn't mean not caring about someone. It simply means not upsetting yourself to the extent that you can't function anymore or can't think clearly. Getting back to the analogy of the gas regulator., we still need some emotion to keep the fire going, not cut the supply altogether. So keep the fire of your life going for longer by regulating your emotions.
Keep the fire of others life going by not hogging all the resources but releasing some to allow others to thrive. When others don't have the same luxuries as yourself, you have a responsibility to care but not be overwhelmed by the sorrows of this world. Do not worry that your actions can't change the world overnight but simply cherish the fact that it will make some difference. When your actions do make a difference, don't boast about the success but think how can the actions be implemented to increase the effect further. Remember, not everyone has the same resources as yourself.  Be the bridge between the two sides. Find a way to slide some resources from those who have more than you to those who have less. When you see physical strength and mental capabilities as resources, you suddenly see a whole lot of responsibility that we have been shrugging from. Just like a mother looks after her baby with love and care, without the monetary reward; look after those who are not so fortunate as yourself with regulated love and care.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Lazy Self likes to blame others

A person's first responsibility to themself is to stay in human form for as long as possible. To stay alive for the longest possible time, you need to stay healthy. Healthy bodies need a healthy mind. It seems that they actually go together. The more physical activity you do, the more your mind stays active and healthy. The same also goes for your involvement in the community. The more time you spend being involved in positive interactions with other people, the longer you will have the desire to live and your mind will stay away from the problem with balancing the body and dementia; the two troublemakers in the way of a long healthy life.
The second responsibility to self is to stay happy. Don't try to blame others for your unhappiness. Staying happy is a habit that needs to be formed. Get in the habit to notice yourself more often. Can I feel lines of stress on my forehead? Bring on a fake smile and see those stress lines vanish instantly. It's like the game of see-saw. Play the game of frowning and smiling and see for yourself. Once you realise this, you don't need any reason to smile, you simply need to smile. Find excuses to smile and be happy. Don't try to give me reasons why you are stressed and what problems in your life are stoping you from smiling; just smile. If you can't seem to smile without reason; try helping someone. Make someone's day and feel happy. I know you are too busy and even though you would like to do all that good in the world, you can't. Stop making excuses. Start from doing something for your partner, child, sibling or parent. Then get involved with a community group, social group or a religious group for just one hour a week. Make sure that hour is not spent on self gratification. You are not to get dressed up to show off or to sit in a cafe to indulge. This hour is dedicated to doing something for someone else's gratification. Oh, you never thought about that... ? Doesn't matter, now you know that you are not the only most important habitant on this planet. Every other being is equally important and today you will do something to make someone happy. No, it's not going to be your boss and you are not going to make the boss happy so one day he / she can help you get a raise. You are going to do something for someone who can't give anything back to you and even better doesn't even find out that you did something of value to them. Anonymous act or an act of kindness in a community group, so the credit doesn't just go to you but to the group. That's not fair, I know, because you are so use to making sure that it does even when you don't deserve it. Yep, that's because your parents raised you that way. They gave you undue praise and attention when you didn't deserve it but you started believing that sun only rises when you open your eyes. So you think, it's important that you get out of your lousy bed, so the world could have sunlight? No, that's not your act of kindness. The sun rises anyway! Does that mean that the world doesn't need you? Does that mean you should just die. No you monger. The is so much work to be done on this planet. The earth needed physical bodies to carry out those tasks. So it prayed for you to be born. Now get to work and do something to leave this a better place to live for the next generation. Can you? Yes, you can. What's in it for you? I told you already. The mechanism is built so that you only feel happy when you do something for someone else. It's also built in a way that the more hardwork you do, the longer the body can perform. That translates into longer life. So get off your butt and instead of planning your next holiday, plan something for this planet. Your plans are not for other to act on. When you plan, you need to get motivated to get the ball rolling. Once it starts rolling, ensure that you have a system in place to make it keep going indefinitely. That's why we say God is infinite, God is creative, and God is fearless. You are that God who is going to do because God is Kartapurakh, the doer as well. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Knowing comes from doing

Everyone wants to know about God but not many are interested in sitting still to witness God.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Deliberately diluting Sikhism

The recent attempts to dilute Sikhism by Hindu factions is a politically motivated movement since Modi became Prime Minister. Facebook shows clear evidence of groups of Hindus marching with Gatras on. Traditionally Gatra was worn to hold Kirtan, one of the five articles of faith worn by a Sikh after initiation by taking Amrit prepared by five beloved Sikhs / Panjabi pyaras. I also saw videos of Hindus with cut beard wearing orange turbans matching their orange clothes doing waheguru simran on harmonium. It's not being done to promote Sikhism to Hindus but to dilute Sikhism and trying to prove that Sikhism is but a sect of Hinduism which clearly is not the case.

It's amazing what political movements like this to destroy a religion can do to those trying to move away from strict Sikhism. I was one of them. I was moving away from Sikhism and trying to be more spiritual person for some years now because I didn't want to be identified as Sikh but simply as a spiritual person. I intended to promote meditation to help humanity move towards personal spiritual development instead of spending more time belonging to a religious group. Unfortunately, what I have seen recently in India seems to me as an attack on Sikh Identity given by Guru Gobind Singh, the 10th guru. Whether I count as a Sikh or not was not important to me for my personal spiritual growth but my growth is not the only important thing now. Sikh Identity given by my spiritual father Guru Gobing Singh Ji must remain alive in this world and that is is more important to me now only because there are vigorous attempts being made to destroy that identity.

Whenever there will be attempts to destroy Sikhism because of political reasons, it would only result in more sehajdhari Sikhs adopting the Bana, the uniform given by my guru and those like me returning to Sikhism. The reason for that is same as 'Lest not forget' attitude towards the fallen soldiers. We must not forget those who make sacrifices for us, our parents, our soldiers, our marters and true leaders like Gobind Singh who taught people to live with pride and not give up their beliefs under political pressure. Guru Gobind Singh Ji did not hesitate to sacrifice his own life, the lives of his four sons and his father for the sake of everyone's right to choose their religion and today the very Hindu's, whose religion he made sacrifices for, are trying to destroy it, then those who see Gobind Singh as their father must keep that identity alive. The principles for which Guru Gobind Singh stood for must be kept alive in this world abs so should the identity he bestowed upon us.

Guru Gobind Singh Ji has always sent me help in the astral world. He has protected me from psychic attacks and foretold me of danger. Even in his non-physical form, he has never stopped protecting those who seek his protection.  This is regardless of whether I kept my Nitnem, my five K or not. He may have become unhappy with me but still doesn't stop help from his side. If guru can keep his side of the bargain regardless of my level of commitment, then he is a true guru who never gives up hope that one day his children will see his point and uphold the same principles in life. We are still learning to walk on his path.

May God bless those faking his path and help them see Guru Gobind Singh and his sacrifices in the right light and make them true followers.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Search for the Golden Gate

In one of my meditation in 2009, I saw a gate open in the heart chakra.
I am a undoubtful follower of Guru Nanak,  spiritual master of the heart chakra, who showed the path of Truth and Compassion. When you have these two in the heart - a desire to uphold the truth in a compassionate manner, a desire to come back to the truth, the original state, the undivided self, become one with the universe, connect with other universes with compassion; you become one with the source, hence, you become the source while you are connected.
The heart centre is the connection between the two worlds, visible and invisible. The invisible world is not just for the dead, it's for the living as well. There are frequencies / different vibrations that you access based on your own Will.

Last night, my mother came to live with me for a month. To make her feel welcome, knowing that she doesn't like sleeping alone; I slept in the room that was kept for her. Since my daughter had gone for her primary school excursion, my little preschooler slept alone in his  bed, after exhausting himself on the iPad. I had contemplated for a moment if I should sleep with him, like I do each night cuddling him all night but decided against it since he was already asleep. In the early hours of the morning, I was woken by a dream in which I was in a bus. I was searching for my little son. I could hear his faint call for help but couldn't see where he was. So I was holding my ear against the floor of a he bus trying to hear if he was stuck somewhere in a box under the bus. Then I found him.
You can see how my dream was directly related to my dilemma, the night before. Similarly, we have so many delimmas in life and strong emotions attached to them. These emotions drive us in the invisible world. The invisible world is not just made up of our own strong desires but also of the others. It's a sum total of all Will. The stronger the Will power, the more the impact of that Will. This is where collective consciousness comes into play. The more being think of a certain thought or feel a feeling, the stronger is the drive of that emotion. The emotion is in all beings, not just humans. So think and feel the emotions of trees, birds, animals that live on this planet; freely roaming wild one's and those factory grown obe's that we treat as our business to eat and make money of by killing and selling their meat. Imagine the pain of a mother whose calf has been separated from her and thrown in a meat truck to be taken to the abattoir for slaughtering. If you know someone who lives on such a farm, they will tell you that those cows cry very loud for days, at night, moaning for their young one.
Guru Nanak says that without daya / compassion, their is no value in a religious act / dharma. If you indulge in a religion, that means that you are concerned about afterlife but the irony is that if you have no compassion while you are alive, the golden gate is not open while you live; then make no mistake there is no golden gate or pearly gates (as Christians believe) opening for you.
Guru / spiritual master is someone with experience in those realms of truth / Sachkhand, where no excuse for merciless acts is good enough to hide your sins. A spiritual master only holds your hand if you undoubtably follow is path and truly believe that he is helping you lead your life in the righteous manner here and in afterlife. Your spiritual master can't help you if you do not rise to his frequency / vibration. If you keep your desires too earthbound, i.e., only compassionate about your own born children but not of others, only want to earn lots of money to benefit your own family, you have a feeling of mine against the rest of the world, even my religion or race against the rest, it's a feeling of competition. Competition is always between the two for the search of a superior one. Therefore, it can't be in the same frequency as the vibration of 'One God'.
One God vibration is when you feel the pain and gain of the other as your own. God is not someone sitting somewhere on a throne. God is a vibration of truth, of unconditional love, of compassion, of oneness and for 'Sarbat da Bhala' / for the Goodwill, for the benefit of all with no harm to any being. God is when nobody is left

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

God, waheguru wonderous destroyer of darkness

If guru means the one that takes us from darkness to light and wahe is exclamation mark expressing the wonder as if to say 'what a beauty', to rejoice over the beauty and intelligence of a masterpiece. Satnam is the true name, I wonder if it is the sound that leads to one's true potential. Follow the sound   vibration, naam, to reach your true potential by using a balance of left and right brain.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Transmuting energy into matter for unlimited time

Visualising and manifesting your dreams is talked about in magick and in modern self- help books to create success but there is one historic incident that most of the western world doesn't know about The first and the 10 th Guru of Sikhs that proves the timeless power of transmuting energy into matter.
I visited one place in Nanded, a place in Maharastra state of India where Guru Gobind Singh Ji moved to after he was forced to leave Keshgarh Sahib by the political forces of his time in the first decade of 1700AD. He had a paid army of soliders, including Muslim soliders who hadn't been paid for a month and we're getting restless knowing that the Guru didn't have any valuables or money to pay them. They demanded to be paid within the next 2-3 days or else they will leave his service. Guru Gobind Singh Ji sat in meditation and connected with The first Guru, Guru Nanak who had died in the mid 1500AD. Guru Nanak indicated him to visit a place, a few kms away, and retrieve the unlimited wealth he left for a day like this. Guru Gobind Singh Ji called his Sikhs and told them to go and fill up bags of coins made of Gold from a certain place. He then appointed a local family to guard the place until the time of need when his Sikhs will come to retrieve more wealth in time of need. The family that guards the place knows nothing about where the money is nor how to retrieve it. There is nothing there physically to retrieve. Knowing Guru Nanak's spiritual life, one would find that he had the power to transmute energy, materialise and dematerialise self and others, never used to harm anyone but only to save others.
I wonder if that could be used to eradicate poverty on this planet? Who will be the next Sikh to access that unlimited but invisible wealth. Is it actually the spiritual energy he collected by meditation that gets transmuted when needed? How powerful that magick would have to be to last 150 years and more? Guru Nanak did many things like point out where to dig for fresh water for locals, turned a sour fruit tree to produce sweet fruit contrary to its genetic coding, asked his friend Mardana to scratch the surface of the earth to find the most precious gemstone only to go and buy food. At one time, it's said he showed a river of gemstones to his followers to deter them from following him. Yet, he was the one who described them as the false wealth and called meditation, the true wealth that goes with the person past a lifetime. Jesus created wine from water once in his life and got executed soon but Guru Nanak showed numerous miracles with proof of them still intact at those historical sites. He wanted to help the people each time he performed a miracle but His only message to the world is 'Hobest living, Share and Meditate daily'.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The inquisitive self

Do you get a buzz out of learning something new? Do your eyes wide open with excitement when you find out something about this world you never knew? Are you deeply interested in how this world work? What makes the planets follow a certain path and not go exploring other solar systems? And the questions go on and on. The thirst for knowledge never quenched, and that's me. In my mid 40s, I am still stuck on finding a solution and changing the one fact about humans that I read in the first self help book I bought with my 20 odd rupees, in my teen years. It said that most humans only use about 10% of their brain. The science experiments show that when we perform a task, certain areas of the brain light up, not all areas. Have a deep breath and mull over this question before you try to simply accept this fact.
What will happen if we suddenly learn to use the brain to its full capacity? Can you imagine being the genius you always wanted to be in school and you thought you were as a young adult and then suddenly you started noticing that you were just an average person who is capable of making silly mistakes. The first time I caught myself making a mistake while operating the cash register, I was mortified. I never knew that I could make such mistakes, I thought those email reminders to slow down to avoid mistakes and discussions in staff meetings were all to alert other staff, not for me; until I caught myself.
Such is life, unless you realise it yourself, you don't try to change your ways. When other people point out your shortcomings, they are just silly people who don't appreciate you but when you become aware of them yourself, you try to do things differently or shall I say with more awareness. The day you start admitting your mistakes, you have matured but it's only when you start doing actions with more awareness, you start to move towards spiritualism. Now you don't only note your shortcomings but their impact on others. Now you are no longer the teenager who wants to create the most ripples in the pond to gain maximum attention, you want to provide the maximum benefit to others with least amount of attention. Now you are acquiring the godly qualities. He is silent, taking invisible actions but ever present in each moment.
Gently close your eyes, take a deep breath with full awareness of where it's coming from and where it is going. Engage all five senses in each breath. When eyes are closed, you can visualise easily to see. So see the path, your breath is taking. Hear any surrounding noises. Without uttering any sound, speak a sacred word and repeat it, so you don't hear the outside noises anymore, focusing on the word. Let your skin feel the air touching your hair on your arms and head. Breath again and try to sniff the natural smell of the area you are in. You are fully aware, utilising all your senses. Go and explore the invisible world. The more goodness you will have in your heart the invisible doors will open for you. Your brain and ego are both tamed now, by your breath and the word you are uttering without speaking. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Belief system of Sikhism

 Sach Beeje Sach ugave dargah payiae thau. SGGS page 1244
Sow truth, harvest truth and you shall earn a place in God's presence.

Dhanvanta ev hi Kahe, avri dhan ko jao 
Nanak nirdhan tit din, jit din visre nau.
The day you forget to do conscious breathing with God in mind, that day you become poor.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The source of all energy

I was doing Reiki last night and the flow of energy was not intense. So I wondered what could Be done to expedite the healing and increase the flow of energy. I am afraid that the result is not as desired and there is no assurance. I know that exactly what God is. It's his Will not my force that works. Was I obstructing by being too involved and not letting it happen? That is something that can stop a great meditation session. Over involvement is an issue. Letting go is the lesson, maybe.

This morning I am obsessed with chicken and egg question. Christians say is God is light. Hindus say 'Om' is the sound of God that is holding this world together. Sikhs say God is Truth, God can be found through Music. Yogis say breath gives energy.
Chinese talk of five elements and yin and yang energy. Sikhism agrees  with the five elements as the basis of everything and also of Shiva and Shakti as masculine and feminine energy. Masculine and energy flows in straight lines and Feminine energy bounces in curves. I have witnessed these energies in meditation and it's a worthwhile experience.
I have worked out how musical scale fits in with the human body and which part of the body each note vibrates. Sound guides the consciousness to transcend. SOUND is produced with the help of AIR. Air is a combination of gases. It produces HEAT. Heat creates low pressure that brings clouds Clouds collide that produces LIGHT, SOUND and (Rain) WATER. Water falls on Earth and creates LIFE.
The core of EARTH is liquid FIRE. It also stores WATER near the surface. These are properties of lower chakras within our body as well. The higher chakras are AIR, SOUND and LIGHT.
Guru Nanak says Pavan Guru - Breath (AIR) is the Guide. He further says Pani Pita - Water is the father of all life. Earth is the mother. Guru Nanak also says ' Ek Omkar, Satnam'. The common translation of it is One God, his name is truth. The meaning can also be interpreted as One continuous sound wave, true vibration.

Christians also say God is Love. Sikhs say Gobind Bhao Bhagat Ka Bhuka' meaning God is the slave  of Love. Love is an emotion. Various emotions carry varying degrees of heat. Emotions of love, happiness, gratitude CREATE ENERGY and emotions of anger, revenge, regret, fear CONSUME ENERGY. Guru Nanak says 'Kartapurakh' meaning God is the Creator. We just figured out in the previous sentence that energy is created by positive emotions, by doing the things that create happiness. We are all the mini- creators. We need to look at ourselves and see if we are creating energy or consuming energy in this world. When you need help, you are consuming energy of others and when you give, you are creating energy. Victim mentality consumes energy. Don't be a victim of a system, sickness or negative energy. Get out of the vicious circle and become the CREATOR. Be aware that natural disasters occur when one creative force takes over and undermines the other forces but that process can't last for too long. Eventually, it's only exhausting itself with the powerful display of energy. The energy needs to have a steady continuous flow to become self-sustained. The other two qualities of God mentioned by Guru Nanak are Ajuni, Saibhang. Meaning it's TIMELESS and CONTINUOUS. The question is how can we become that?

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Meditation: its selfie time

Meditation is a luxury most people think they can't afford. In fact, it's part of your daily life just like your right to have an 8-12 hour work day and have the rest of the time off to do the necessary things like eat, sleep, relax, pursue a hobby and build relationships with family and friends. If you think that all of the above mentioned activities are a waste of time and money, then you should try working 24/7   and see if you can survive with lots of money and no sleep. If you understand that sleep is necessary part of life, then it's easy to relate to meditation. In the first instance, meditation essentially does the job of a good sleep. Meditation is like a vacation. It's an opportunity to vacate your mind of daily stresses like paying bills, paying someone out, competing with someone to prove that you are better organised and more useful than them etc. The stresses that we have created ourselves. The stresses that don't need to be part of our life. Life can be simplified. Meditation is an opportunity to do just that.

Have you ever wondered how simple life can be? It can be as simple, effortless and inexpensive as natural breathing. All meditation ask of you is to bring your five senses to the party as friends. Nobody else. Just you. It's time to build a relationship with your self. It's selfie time. You look at yourself and you look at yourself again from a different angle. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and look at yourself again, in your minds eye. You love yourself. Focus on your good features, your eyes, your cheeks, your jawline and smile. Your face is relaxed. Take another deep breath, relax your neck, back of your head and shoulders. Take a deep breath, relax your upper arms, lower arms and hands. Feel the heat in the centre of your palms. Stay with it and make the heat more intense. Now relax and just watch that heat travel up your arms into your shoulders and down your back, left and right side. Watch the heat run down your thighs into your legs and feel the soles of your feet heat up. Relax and enjoy the heat in your hands and the feet at the same time. Thank the energy that traveled down your body and gently open your eyes. Did you enjoy your mini-holiday? It's addictive. The more holidays you have, the more you want. Enjoy, you came in this life to enjoy the physical sensations that you lacked as a soul. So fully enjoy your life remembering how relaxed you were as a soul who had no physical bondages and physical pains. So inflict no physical or emotional pain on others. Just be the human being, a soul living in a body to enjoy this world, not to compete or exploit anything, just to be there to enjoy the pleasures.

Bhaye kahon Ko date neh, neh bhaye manat aan. 
You came in this world, neither to threaten someone, not be threatened, says Guru Tegbahadar.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Love of Sikhism and Reiki

Besides several signs I have never stopped worrying that my Reiki practice will be seen as a no no by the practising Sikhs. Yesterday, I did Reiki on a gurdwara bhai's wife. I must have felt the guilt deep inside as this morning when I was doing meditation I asked the question again even though Guru Nanak Dev ji himself showed up during my Reiki initiation several years ago and was happy with me.

In the meditation, this morning, I saw a beautiful pink piglet inside my Gatra / the strip of cloth to wear a sikh sword around one's body. I didn't understand what it meant but kept saying but I like the piglet, its so cute. Then I was shown two silver spoons. Again, I had no idea what it meant.

Checking the meaning of visions in dream dictionary, I found out that "Pigs are the color pink, which we often associate with love, attraction, and affection." Source:

Then I saw two identical silver spoons, same size, shape and next to each other.
Spoons are tools of the absorption of nutrients. In a dream they signify that, "The soul is hungry and would like to take up new impressions." Source:

This just clearly tells me that my fears are only there because I love Sikhism but my soul is hungry for more experiences of pure energy. The universe is quite ready for me to move on but every now and then I cling to what my parents taught me and want to believe that that's all there is to know; but my soul wants more.
On the other hand, I only need one spoon at a time. I may need more than one spoon but not both at once like I sometimes try to do.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

True nature

Guru Nanak attempted to capture the universal energy permeating the uni-verse in one phrase,
"Ek Om Kar meaning 'One sacred sound vibration / (Kar = action).' So all action is created by one sound that is continuously vibrating. The vibration controls the physical word and its objects and subjects.
When we focus on one sound, not the word Om, then we understand / behave as per our true nature - Satnam. The world of greed, capitalism and duality ( you and I) is the false world, our true self is connected to everything and everyone through the one vibration.
When we understand our true nature and connect with it, then we become the creator - Karta purakh ( a being that takes action to create something).
The creator self is fearless - Nirbhao and has no animosity - Nirvair
The creator self is timeless - Akal Murat.

What could be our true nature? I look at our solar system and try to figure our our true nature. The Sun - it's true nature is to Give. It continuously and indiscriminately gives. It's up to the receiver like earth how much and when it receives and when it chooses to turn away from the light. Earth's true nature is to follow the light all around within its boundaries. There is mutual respect between the various recipients of light that avoids conflict. Each planet following its own path without fearing or obstructing the path of the other.

How are those boundaries maintained? I believe that is through the one sound undercurrent. We know that there are sounds we can hear and there are pitches of higher and lower sounds tha human beings are unable to hear with our human ears. The form that we have taken as human beings poses its own boundaries and restriction. Human life is one of the many lenses through which the universes magnificence can be experienced.

Music and Meditation are practices to help us develop our sense of sound. Sound has the capacity to carry us across to other realms of reality that we are unable to experience with our senses in the course of  regular life due to our limitation placed by the boundaries of the human form. Just like you first have to know the rules, to then be able to change them; similarly you must be fully aware of the capacity of your senses and then develop the subtle abilities to be able to experience the world beyond our abilities, through the lense of a lighter being.

First we create the sound and then we practice Listening to it. Guru Nanak says, " Kaljug main Kirtan Pardhana, Gurmukh japiyai lai dhyana." In the age of technology and machinery, singing / music is the way to God / the universal energy.

Guru Nanak further says, "Gurmukh Khoj laho ghar apna." O being, find your true home within your body." See my blog on the liquid light that flows through the 4th ventricle to understand the true home and the master switch within the body that has the ability to reprogram our body and bring it to good health, peace and love. When we get connected to our true nature, we no longer need to make an effort to stop the vices, the vices simply take a back seat and we start to see all human beings as one race, all trying to achieve the same goals, just like the planets. There is no need to obstruct one another but simply to choose the path of least distraction and destruction. Focus on your chosen path. The only thing that changes after you are connected to the master switch is that your path becomes the service of humanity without any material reward. You start to understand that material objects are only means to an end which is to serve the humanity; not an end in itself. The understanding that true wealth is the unconditional love, not collection of precious elements, bricks and mortar or paper money.
"Sath na chalai bin bhajan, bikhya sagli chhar
Har Har na am kamavna, Nanak eh dhan saar."
Nothing goes with a dead person, except the higher vibration that one achieves with sound meditation.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Experiencing liquid light

Unexpectedly I experienced liquid light while attempting to genuinely Thanking God for my child's successful heart operation giving him a new lease of life. I didn't know how to explain the experience and more importantly understand the logic of it. That experience was in 2003.
In the book 'Harmonising the craniosacral system by Daniel Aqustoni, page 14, I read in 2016, that founder of Osteopathy Andrew T Still said that cerebrospinal fluid is like liquid light". Aqustoni explains that this liquid is generated from the arterial blood, produced in the network of the plexus choroideus on the walls of our ventricles of the brain. He further explains that fluids are the carrier of energy and information. Andrew Still says, "Cerebrospinal fluid is the highest known element of the body".
I would say that experiencing the liquid light was the most unique and a profound experience I ever had. The ease with which I entered this experience tells me that this liquid reacts to emotions. It was something I experienced when I had no desires except to thank God from the bottom of my heart. So I can testify that a feeling of Gratitude is essential in gaining the grace of God.
To me God is the master switch that is within us that can reprogram our body. To activate that switch, we need to access this liquid light within us. This was the beginning of my curious journey into the search for the God factor within my body.
You can watch a YouTube video on Cerebrospinal fluid at
After watching the video you will understand the meaning of the words 'Nanak chauthe (fourth) pad mein so Jan gat pahe'.
If you know about the Ida pingala and Sushmina nadi, you will be able to understand the connection of this fluid flowing into the central channel that is called Sushmina in yoga.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Life and death symbols

Gamma Y is the symbol of Life and Î» of Decay in medtation as well. 
I was shown the decay symbol on the liver before the attempt to heal it. 
Previously I have done meditation on gamma intuitively
but never seen the decay symbol.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

60 Second breathing meditation technique

Breath in and count up to 10
Hold breath while counting 11-30
Breath out and count 31-50
Hold breath 51-60
This is a good exercise to keep the mind engaged while controlling breath. Do this at the beginning and the end of a meditation session.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Worshiping or Working with?

When you seem someone as an idol, you treat them as a celebrity, you desire to meet them only to have your photo taken with them so you can show it to the world. When you become friends with such an entity, you no longer are interested in just taking photos, you want a meaningful relationship where you understand each other, discuss your issues and help each other out. Similarly, religion introduces you to the concept of God, you fancy meeting God and imagine how exciting it would be. If you are fortunate enough to experience God, you want to tell the world that God exists and how to experience it. When you become friends, you no longer advertise him but simply cherish the relationship. This is what Mystics do. Then come the sharmans who have found a way and want to make this relationship useful. They don't reach the God but find spirits who are happy to help them with information and healing. So being a shaman is useful for the benefit of of self or another human but the price you pay is that same time could have been used to simply experience God, the gandeur and accept whatever is given without expectation, the surprise of being in his presence.

Once you have experienced God, it's likely that you will attract a lot of attention in the spirit world. It had become a problem for me and I got upset one day and told all those standing and staring at me to go away. They were a distraction in my path. So I said, I wish I don't see them. That was not the right way because in that instance my third eye shut down and it became dark. It took me years to open the third eye again. A friend told me later that I was suppose to ask them why they were there for. I was suppose to ask if they had a message for me or if they wanted me to do something for them. This is what a shaman does.

Later, I read that before going into meditation you can draw protection and also dim your light so you don't draw too much attention. I still have to practice this more efficiently. It's an essential skill for serious mediators who wish to only connect with God and not have other people / energies staring at them.

I have always seen spirits but didn't know how to work with them. There are boundaries to be maintained and rules to be followed if you don't want to end up in trouble doing so. First learn the earthing skills - grounding, cantering and shielding.
You can either see or feel the energy. If you can't do either, then imagine it because imagination will capture your though and energy follows thought. Breathe in for 3-4 counts, hold for the same time before exhaling and then hold again. Do this to centre you while focusing 3 inches below navel. Once you have collected enough energy, start sending it down to the centre of the earth also with all the stresses and negative emotions. Request the earth to transmute the negative energy into neutral energy useful for the earth and in return take clean energy back up.
Once you have created strong root in the earth to ground, then create a Shield by drawing energy up from the earth, let it out the crown chakra and imagine a texture and shape around your body to create a barrier between you and other energy bodies around you. Gal ina Krasskova suggests a second shield around the first shield to camouflage to make you look like a normal person as the shield itself could attract the attention of other entities. Make the shield self-sustaining, impenetrable and strong but at the same time, welcoming positive energy.
Next step is to express gratitude in prayer to the supreme power or to a guru with the emotion. There is no prayer if the words are spoken and emotion is not felt. Words can be expressed loudly or silently. The important thing is to focus the energy to listen to our own words. Repetition of a set of words helps that thought get to the subconscious. 

Monday, July 11, 2016

E-motions are the driving force

Your emotions are the driving force that govern your body. To control the physical body and its diseases, you need to understand your emotions - what emotions are you feeling and what is causing them? A simple meditation - sit quietly with your eyes closed and ask yourself, "Why am I upset? What emotion am I feeling? What part of the body is the emotion sitting in? Make a cup shape with your hand and hold that part of the body with it, if it helps to relieve the discomfort.
Ask for guidance in relieving the negative emotion by transforming it into a less negative emotion and eventually into a positive emotion. A positive emotion gives you energy and drive to work with passion and live with happy energy. A negative emotion sucks the happiness and the drive to create motion.
The cause of the negative emotion is always a change in life that we didn't fully accept. Know one powerful fact. God is ever-changing. God is not static. God is continuous and to be so, God has to be ever-changing. Guru Granth Sahib says,"Sahib mera neat navan". God is forever new.
So don't expect life to say the way you are comfortable with it. Change always brings some degree of challenge and fear with it. Loving the change is not always easy, especially when it's not the desired change. Know the degrees of each emotion to understand to what level you are coping with the forever changing life. More times than not, we are stuck in a situation that affected us long time ago that we didn't accept. The change that we regretted. To ease the dis-ease we need to slowly accept the change and move the focus to a newer aspect of that change that brings hope. Hope makes it easier to get along with the unacceptable. Slowly we start to love the change. love is God and Loce is life. The perfect condition that started life itself. Unconditional love is better than love. Love has expectations attached to it and sooner or later some of those expectation with be unfulfilled causing pain and suffering. No expectation but hope of a better change and doing whatever is in your control to bring that change helps rather than moaning about what is not in your control. You are part of God that is going to bring positive change and that you can only do if you first learn that life is forever changing and you are part of that change. Despite that there is a limit to what you can change within you and all you need to do is slowly push that limit and expand your capacity to bring a happy change for the universe. Always remember that whatever you do will be returned three folds, so engage in bringing happiness to someone else and it will be returned three folds.
Know that all secrets to this universe are hidden in your body. Know your body and your breath. Learn to understand the breath before you learn to control it. Watch where it is coming from and where it's going. Use it to relieve discomfort and to heal. Your breath will guide you to the light where you will start to see in the darkness. Focus on what you are interested in than being confused by the scattered energy. Focus will help you change one thing at a time and make you feel accomplished. Happiness is accomplishment. Make a small goal that is achievable by you to make this place better than it was. You are the creative force God created to bring change. Be useful. God is relaying on you. Don't let him down. Control your e-motions and give them the right direction.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Healing depression with sun moon meditation

I was reading 'Te witches eight paths of power' by Sable Aradia and as per my habit, I went to the last few pages and started scanning Exercise on drawing down Sun and Moon. I didn't understand much as it wasn't what I was expecting based on my knowledge if Saint Kabir's mention of Sun and moon in the body. So I decided to relax in the bathtub and do my own meditation there. I have never felt so depressed as I was from last few months but only realised today that I might actually be sliding into real depression. I am very good at getting the disease of the people I wish to help heal. I have a few people in suffering depression that I empathise with. I may have picked up their negative energy and combined with my own issues, the problem may have escalated further. So I decided to heal myself.

I drew two circles around my body, both moving in opposite direction at almost same speed. As always I forgot to draw a mesh if protection before calling for a personal deity to appear to guide me. I don't believe in any deities but left myself open to whatever will happen next. Then I quickly drew a spiky outer shell for protection, outside the two circles and also a vertical energy going straight down to remove any negative energy of my own or of any mischievous entity that may have entered my aura while I wasn't protected.

I focused again on the revolving circles of sun and moon energy asked the deity to show up and heal me. To my surprise the deity was my father. I was surprised and asked if he hasn't incarnated already into a new body. He said,"No" as if he was saying that he wasn't here to answer that question and I understood not to ask any further questions about that.

I focused on my issues and asked to heal my head, neck, shoulders, nerves and bones. Then I moved to heart, liver, intestines, stomach, gal badder, bladder, womb. The energy focused on the liver. It wanted to heal the liver. I asked what emotion is it. It replied 'Anger'. I said, "Heal my anger and turn it into love. As I said love it corrected me and said heal the anger and turn it into fear, heal the fear and turn it into Hope and hope into unconditional love. Then I started feeling the focus on the right side oppose the heart and I receive the words Heal with Grace and Respect upon asking for the reason for the Anger and the reason was Insult that I had felt at work. The grace and respect were necessary to bring unconditional love. I repeated the three words while the body was being healed - Grace, Respect And Unconditional Love. I drew reiki sign to further heal  the spots and thanked my deceased father for appearing for help, guidance and healing. I feel better than this morning.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Internal movie- posture, light, sound and love

Chant mantra (any set of words)
Combine the breath with the sound of mantra
Feel the subtle nerve channel under your right eye, running down the cheek to the jawbone.
Relax the cheek bone and jaw.
The nerve runs behind the right ear and down the neck, so relax it by breathing in to that area.
Listen to loud sounds, then slowly lower the sound while the listening becomes better.
Get absorbed in the sound
Lower sounds are felt in the body and head
Midrange sounds are more resonant
Higher sounds make you see sparkling, luminescent light
Become the sound

You may feel a tingling on the soft palate.
Stop chanting loud but continue internal chant to go with the breath
Visualise the breath moving through your body
Change your mood to peaceful and relaxed
If tired, take energising breath and visualise each breath giving you energy and motivation to continue

Watch the light and dark within the body
Is there any movement? Is it circular, vertical or horizontal?
Keep watching the light. Is the light and shade changing?
Note the gradation between light and darkness
Watch the luminescence and dullness
Are there any colours you can see?
Which part of the body are you focused on?

FEEL the love coming from the light
Move into the light
Become the light

I recall my father was meditating in the middle of the day. I must have disturbed him by walking into that room. He gently opened his eyes. He has an unusual smile on his face as if he was in bliss. 'God is light' he said to me in a very convinced voice. That moment he puzzled me as I had never thought of God as light until then. I stopped and waited for him to explain further but he was too satisfied from his meditation experience and did not want to utter another word. It felt like time around him had stood still. I understood, I was not to disturb his bliss in solitude

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

India and racism

India and discrmibation go hand in hand. Most western only see India as a spiritual country that gave yoga and non-violence movement to the world. They don't understand the history of discrimination in  this religious country. It starts with Manu, a scholar whose writing date back to some date in BC that women should be treated like one's animal. You must keep them in control and if they don't follow what they are told, they should be bashed. Even though most people have never read it, this philosophy is well practiced in daily life by many. (When a victim of domestic violence tries to leave her husband, the new trend is to throw bleach on her face and body, so she looks so ugly that nobody goes near her.) The detailed article and discussion on manusmriti can be read here. The discussion by people will reveal that it is believed that original manusmriti respected women, but later someone added verses to benefit the masculine world and the women whose husband died starting suffering at the hands of other men.
With Sidhartha's enlightenment came Buddhist religion. When Buddhism starting rising, Hindus starting killing them. Buddhism has much the same values as Hinduism except the idol worship. It was shunned from India and it flourished in the neighbouring countries more. Same is now happening with Sikhs. They are being targeted because of their religion, the very religion that came as a response to eradicate the corrupt practices in Hinduism.

The original Hindu religion believed in caste based on one's occupation and many members of the same family belonged to different castes but this system changed overtime and it became a persons identity and a determinant of one's status in the society. Hindus have forgotten this but their Vedas reveal this fact. Hindu society marries within their caste based on the family they are born into. This is much like the royals of England marrying other royals system to keep expanding one's wealth and rule. This led to wealthy became wealthier through family ties and that's how marriage became a financial enrichment affair instead of a matter of heart.
Nanak became frustrated with the society where common people were dying of hunger due to a famine that destroyed their crops (shortage of Food) while the Muslim ruler had his stores filled with the grains they needed. Nanak was the store keeper. He didn't like the difference of haves and have nots. He recited Tera Tera, meaning everything is yours divine and kept filling everyone's containers when another employee complained about Nanaks actions and pointed out that he is giving a lot more for their buck. When the stocktake was done, it all balanced, much to the surprise of the complainant but this didn't satisfy Nanak. He gave his resignation and walked out on the society's unjust division. He was 33 years old at the time. He went missing for three days. On the third day, the search party found Nanak coming out of the river and the first words he spoke were 'nobody is Hindu and nobody is Muslim'. Nanak had declared that humans should be treated as humans and not identified by their religion, sex or caste. He then became the founder of Sikh religion stood against inequalities and injustices. He spoke in favour of women's rights and against religious exploitation. He advocated that every capable person should contribute to the society and earn an honest living out of which to give to the needy but not seek welfare because one is immersed in  religious practices, like in Hinduism and Buddhism.

Time and time again Sikhs stood to protect Hindu's but time and time again the Hindu governments have fuelled campaigns to exterminate Sikhs, a minority religion; so India could become a predominantly Hindu country. It's only problem is that there are too many Muslims in the country as well. A handful of Christians that are in the country are also persicuted.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A wave of racism in the world

Discriminating and favouritism are the two enemies of humanitarianism. Discriminating  against someone because of their race is racism, because of sex is sexism. Discriminating in favour of someone due to their nationality is nationalism, on the basis of belonging to  a region, is regionalism, giving someone a job for belonging to their own family is nepotism, voting mindlessly based on a party without appreciating the particular promises or results they bring in to the area is party politics.  What is the name given to discriminating based on wealth? Never mind, the point is we discriminate on many levels, all the time but the worst kind of discrimination still remains the one called racism. It affects people on a personal level, lowers their morale, trust in other humans and ultimately the desire to live. The death of a 13 year old Sikh boy who recently took his life after writing a poem about him being bullied because of his different appearance in United States of America shows the damage being done by the speeches of Donald Trump and that kind of ideology. This is an example of racism by white people but USA is not the only racist country. South America has always been the playing field of worst kind of racism since the times of imperialism. Now they are trying to correct the balance of wealth by having some systemic changes like 50:50 black and white partnership in a company for it to operate in that country that is not being seen in positive light by those whites who own those companies from generations and still see blacks as mentally and racially inferior.

After 9/11 event in September 2001, the world did change a lot. It became tough to announce once self openly as a Muslim but Muslims in western countries do not wear a turban or a towel like Seikhs of Middle East. Instead, it's the people of Sikh religion, a minority religion from India, who wear a turban as their religious costume. For that visual reason and the ignorance people about what Sikhs stand for, they are the main target of racism in USA since 9/11. 
The hatred towards the turban and the Taliban of Afganistan extended to Australia, thanks to the Murdock media and the politicians. Sikhs from Woolgoolga, a little town in mid north coast, like John Singh Arkan were forced to look in the mirror and remind themselves of their skin colour reminded and their past heritage for the first time. These people had been fooling themselves as Australian for their grand parents came to Australia in late 1800s and a lot of these baby boomers were given Aussie names and were well accepted in the society until the 9/11 event. It was psychologically depressing for people like him to be staired at because of his turban. "But I am a true blue Aussie, this town has known me from yonks, then why were they starring at me?" Asked John, the John that use to stand as an Aussie and criticise Indian habits of these freshies that came from India and tried to outsmart the Aussies like him. As his wife from India, I coped a lot of  'You Indians ....' and I hated it.
Twenty years later, I go on Facebook for some entertainment and instead see the posts of Sikhs being humiliated in public. A turban being taken off forcibly and a young man of 19 years of age being dragged by his hair in the street while 5-7 people are walking with the man dragging the victim through the traffic, all in support of the perpetrator. Nobody rescues the Sikh man. My blood boils but what can I do while living in Australia? 
I already boycotted India since the gang rape and later death of a girl in the public transport bus when she was coming back from the movies with her boyfriend after watching the movie 'Life of Pi'. She was thrown out of the moving bus after the rape. It wasn't the last incident of gang rape. Rape of women seems to be becoming a common practice and their is no police or justice system protecting these women or punishing the guilty. 

Saturday, May 28, 2016

21 Things to do in life

What do you like doing before and after work? Try the following to become one with yourself by getting lost in the chosen activity. Enjoy the pleasure of doing only one thing at a time and becoming one with it.
  • Grow a garden
  • Go for a swim
  • Measure the vast sky
  • Read some poetry
  • Write in your diary
  • Play a musical instrument
  • Sing out loud
  • Dance a little
  • Do some yoga
  • Meditate
  • Play with children
  • Cook a healthy meal
  • Appreciate different colours
  • Support your partner
  • Do what you do best
  • Enjoy likeminded company
  • Travel short and long distances
  • Have a vision for a peaceful future
  • Help someone today without matching DNA
  • Do something to build a sense of community
  • Promote peace and love to receive joy and bliss
Connect with yourself first before you can connect with others. 
Do some physical work, before you can truly enjoy a relaxing activity. 
Read some great works before you learn to write and articulate something.
Make some music before you learn to appreciate silence.
Experience peace of mind before you envisage peace in the society.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Community relations is the answer

The world is in a very grim situation. We have become so lowly human beings.
How many centuries have we been torturing each other in the name of colour and creed? Has it solved any of our problems? If not, then how is the current mania that Donald Trump is advocating about 'the snake and the lady' only looking after 'our kind' and 'my DNA sequence', the black and white, the refugees and us going to help anything? On the other side is this BEE rules of South Africa. Balance is the key to all problems, not leaning on one side so far that it brings the humanity down.
It seems that we just like to hate someone or something. First we divide in the name of black and white, then religions, then political parties and classes of people. Look at India where minority religious people like Sikhs and Christians are being tortured daily and government seems to be protecting the perpetrators. If it wasn't so, people wouldn't be doing it so openly. Videos posted on social media are the proof. Is anyone interested in chasing these people taking law in their hands? That's not all.
The average people are raping women and girls like it was their right. Where is the law, the international media and pressure to stop that? The killing of female foetus in the womb doesn't seem to bother the international community either. This very community tells the world that they are non-violent nation with Gandhi being the father of their nation.
In Muslim nations, they are killing each other in the name of Shia and Sunni. Then they go on raping their own boys while keeping the women covered. There is an ABC documentary showing just how widespread the problem of raping young poor boys in Pakistan is. This is not all. There are wealthier old men terrorising the poor families when they refuse to marry their young daughters to these much much older men. ISIS is raping girls as little as eight years old.

Is the west any better? Are there not any issues of domestic violence and child abuse in this community? Then who are we trying to blame when our own fathers, siblings and  even grandchildren are now abusing us? Internet has all the proof of how far we have fallen as human beings.
We just want our way even if that way is wrong. We hold the beliefs that divide from each other and make us not care for the other because someone had been cunning enough to make us believe that the other person's needs and feelings don't matter. 
When we get to know someone personally, as a friend or have marital relations with a person from another race or religion, we suddenly develop tolerance for that race. Similarly, only when we have a member of the family with a disability, mental illness or chronic disease; we understand the situation of those in it.
It doesn't suit when a rich person living a happy comfortable life comments on what other people should or shouldn't do unless they have had some personal experience in that situation. If you are only helping someone based on same skin colour or religion then that's not humane action. That's biased action.
How can we rise from this? When Guru Nanak had to make the decision, he chose a worthy person to       takeover the Guruship instead of his own sons; giving the example that kinship shouldn't come in the way when you are on the road to build a strong community. Share your profits with the needy, not with black or white, Christian or non-Christian, eastern or western. When you do a good act, the receiver also forwards the goodness to another needy person in time and goodness continues. Similarly biased acts also travel. Each individual has to decide what they are here to promote regardless of what the society is doing. The monstrous actions of others don't mean you have to participate in that wave of hate. Start something good today. The world needs a lot more kindness to overcome the negativity being promoted today to gain political power around the world.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Happiness is a sense of accomplishment

Look back at your own life and see when in life did you feel happy. If this is difficult, simply look at the moments that make you unhappy? Is it When you feel off balance, when you feel that life is not in control? It many also be that you feel others don't love you but really love is when you receive caring attention. You can give this caring attention to yourself. Most people know how to give themselves physical care but forget about the emotional and mental care. Mental care is also not so difficult. It involves having a positive attitude, a belief that you can accomplish your dreams and then making a plan to achieve them. A lot of successful people will tell you that that's how they achieved success.

This begs the question, what is success? Success is simply achieving your goal. Whatever that goal may be. Most people's goal is to make a lot of money, so much that they can share it with the world to make it a better place but who says that more money in a lot of people's hands will make this world a better place, a happier place? If money hasn't made the richest of the rich happy, how can it work for you? It never has and never will because the sense of accomplishment is a short lived feeling. The moment you achieve one thing, you desire to achieve another bigger and better version of the same. If you have one job, you want a better paying job next time. It even goes for people who already have a beautiful partner but after 20 years of living with the same partner diminishes the sense of achievement and they suddenly fall in love with another beautiful person. This kind of situation does not reflect on either of the partners but on the person's need for accomplishment.

The root cause is the need for a sense of accomplishment. This can be addressed simply by creating a daily routine where you keep yourself engaged in tasks that not only take care of your physical accomplishments but your mental and emotional accomplishments. The Daily Prayer is a method created by most spiritual people to take care of our emotional needs. When we believe that God loves us and is looking out for us, that need for a physical being loving us lessens. When we do a daily prayer early in the morning, we feel centered, in control and in balance emotionally. Doing the prayer  also ticks a box in the list of accomplishments. This creates self-respect and self-love and ticks a box in the list of mental accomplishments. When you feel emotionally and mentally happy, you have extra energy to achieve physically and therefore you are more likely to succeed on the physical plane.

So congratulations to those who accomplish through Daily Prayer and help make themselves and the world a happier place daily. Your sense of accomplishment when you finish doing your prayers, creates a belief in you that you can achieve other goals throughout the day. It also reduces the need to seek approval of others. You are confident and centered.

God is not in the peripheral , but in the centre of everything. God is with you every moment you live and breathe. Your relationship to your God and your daily prayer decides the quality of your life. What kind of relationship do you have with your personal God? Is it loving, caring and encouraging?

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Combining 'I am' and Guru Nanak's 'Moolmantra'

God is one
I am God

God is truth
I am truth

God is the creator
I am a creator

God is fearless
I am fearless

God has no animosity
I have no animosity

God is timeless
I am timeless ( soul is timeless)

God does not come in the cycle of birth and death
I am beyond birth and death cycle. I can choose birth and death as I please?

God is continuous.
I am forever?

God is found with the grace of a spiritual guide
I follow the inner guidance?

Try living the above and see how much you succeed.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Prison of beliefs

Our parents try to install their beliefs into us. They create an image of God for us to keep us from being naughty. Monster God is a useful tool to curb our desires to acquire things that belong to others. Parents have authority over us and God has authority over everything else. Same way the poor are controlled by the belief that one day they will be rewarded for not revolting against their poverty created by the rich who control the worlds resources. Some prisoners escape these beliefs and engage in anti-social ways to acquire the means to get their way. These are the only people the rich are scared of that leads to the existence of police, law and justice system. They are all created to protect the rich from loosing their wealth. Then some clever mind thought of the word charity and welfare. These are also but ways to keep people from revolting against the rich occupying all the wealth and natural resources of the earth. Since God is the creation of rich to control poor, they don't want to tax their own Churches etc because that's where they hide their black money. Churches and temples are just meeting places for recreation purposes.God has no real place in the materialistic world.

These were my thoughts until one day I heard the news that my father died. I cried uncontrolably, I screamed, I ran like a mad person. I felt my tummy churn. I didn't want to see anyone, didn't want to talk to anyone. He was only 62 and I was 26 with a one year old baby. I didn't know what else to do, so I took out my prayer book and did some prayers for my dead father. I didn't know how else to connect with him and send him love. As per my father's desire which he had shared with me when I was in college, I called some religious brothers from the community to do a singing session for his soul. I sat in the back of the prayer hall at the gurdwara / temple. With my eyes closed, I remembered my father and complained with a heavy heart, " You died without giving any notice to me, so I couldn't visit you in the last moments of your life. Come now, attend this prayer that I have organised for your soul." To my surprise, he came within a few minutes. With my eyes closed, I saw his smiley face and head only, flying through the air. He was so happy. He bowed to the scriptures, as per the gurdwara rules, turned around and said, "You called me, so I have come, but I can't stay any longer. There is a very important function happening for me elsewhere and I have to be there." He rolled away.

Three years went past, it felt like my shield had been lost and I was being attacked from every direction. The relationships with in-laws fell apart, who in turn tried to reck my relationship with the only man that could be my support, my husband. My little child was my only light in life who came one day demanding that he wanted his own brother because the Aunty next door didn't let this 3 and half year old child pick up her new born baby. He was furious, "Mum, I want my own baby brother to pick up." I fell pregnant but relationship didn't improve. I was on one side and the rest of the family on the other. So alone, one day I walked under the mango trees in the backyard and cried so hard. "I will leave them all and go somewhere else to live. So what if they won't let me take my son with me, I will go while I am pregnant and I will have this baby." I convinced myself. "Don't go, you won't be able to look after this baby alone.", said this invisible male voice, so close to my ear. Why not, I wondered but no reply came. I suspected something wasn't right with the baby that will be born. Deep down, I didn't want to leave my husband because he was the only person I still loved and wished this baby could do the magic of bringing my husband closer to me again.

The baby was born. " Why don't any of my children have your eyes?, I said in frustration. I love my husbands eyes. Nonetheless, I was happy my family was complete. "Can you believe we have two boys now!" Said my husband while taking me out of the birthing room. "It would have been a balanced family if this child was a girl but anyway it's a boy now", I thought.

A few hours later the doctor came and threw her bomb of words. "Your baby is Down syndrome", she said. She kept talking, probably trying o console me but I had turned deaf after hearing those words, even thought I didn't know exactly what they meant. That must mean he is severely mentally challenged, I had assumed. My husband had gone home by then. I cried alone. Why me? I have never done anything wrong to anyone, then why me. My husband came and we cried together again and again. The specialist came later and threw another bomb, "The baby has a hole in the heart." He must have his open heart surgery within four months or he will die before he turns one.

The day came for his operation. They took the baby for anaesthetics and we were left standing in a room with lots of cards from parents hanging on the walls thanking the doctors for trying to save their baby. Some successful stories and others where the baby didn't survive the operation. Oh God, I hadn't even contemplated about the second option before. I was thinking it was a great day for my baby..... Oh, I couldn't bare the thought that the baby might not survive the operation.
I went in my room, opened my prayer book and started praying. I didn't know what else to do. The operation was six hours long and I had fallen asleep within first hour.
In my sleep, I heard a voice, not my voice, saying if this child dies on the operation theatre, you will not be blamed for his death and then you can have another child that will be normal and you can live a normal life. It was a proposal, needing my consent. A proposal that shocked me. Such a  lowly proposal in bargain for a normal life? How can I get an innocent life loose his right to live, in exchange for my luxury of a 'normal' life. With tears rolling down my eyes, I begged, "Give this child his life back, and I promise to never complain about him not being normal."

Three days later, when they reduced the amount of morphene and other medications being given though the big machines, the tiny body covered with pipes started to come alive. We had just returned from a trip in the open air and as I entered the room, my baby saw me coming in the room and looked straight into my eyes and took his arm out of the white sheet covering his bare body, and threw it towards me. It shook us all. Never before had this child made eye contact with anyone, he didn't know how to and he didn't have so much control on his muscles to pull his hand out so straight but today he had accepted me as his mother and he was showing that it's not me accepting him as his son as he is, it's him accepting me as his mother for the first time.

Eight months gone past since the operation, I was too busy with the two children, one in kindergarten and the other receiving physiotherapist services to help him learn to roll over and sit down. He had little muscle control to eat or drink, hold his head or sit properly but he was a happy baby without any complaints. He was a delight of our life. Only occasionally when the boy wanted to play with his little sibling, he would say, "I wish he was a normal baby", only out of love and only to play better with him but I would thank God again that the baby is alive.

One day, I had enough time to sit for 10 minutes to properly thank God for giving the child's life back and for listening to me that day. I closed my eyes and tried to be one with him in gratitude without any expectation. I started imagining a shower if rainbow colours over me. I was at peace when I saw a river of colourless pure water started flowing from above inside my body. It was so serene. suddenly my body started shaking really hard. I remembered that I was sitting I the gurdwara and people were sitting around me. I didn't want to look silly for they wouldn't know what I am seeing and feeling. With reluctance, I opened my eyes to stop my body shaking. To my surprise I noticed that I was actually sitting so still and straight as a rock and nobody had noticed anything weird about me. I regretted opening my eyes so soon but cherished the memory of the fountain and peace that flowed with it ever since. That day I knew, there was something within me that I need to connect to, to find peace. God or not, this was something special, more special than the beliefs given to me by the parents and the society and this experience was dearer than the rebellious beliefs I had about God and society.
I have to free myself of all beliefs in favour or against God and just learn to sit in gratitude to experience that magic again. Now I would follow anyone that will help me get more of that experience without their religious background because I am not attached to religion but am interested in achieving my new goal. Is this spirituality?

For many years afterwards, I kept asking question to holy looking men without any satisfactory answers. Infant I puzzled them with my questions and by sharing my experience. Only then I realised that I had experienced something very special and now the only guidance I can trust is my inner guidance that showed me the path in the first place.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

How can bad intent work faster than good intent!

I was telling a spiritual friend about my experience when my father who had passed away, some years ago appeared in my meditation. I heard his voice saying why aren't you helping him? I knew he was talking about my sibling that was very very sick and couldn't get better and yet the doctors couldn't pin point what was wrong with him. All medical results were fine and yet he was so sick, he expressed fear that he was going to die if a solution wasn't found soon. His marital life wasn't so happy at the time.
My immediate reply to my fathers request was that it's his life and his problems and therefore he needs to fix it, I shouldn't interfere. I believed that people choose their life and it's circumstances including the dramas and all based on their need for attention etc and there are lessons in all life situations for the person to learn. Some lessons are hard or painful to learn but very important. People shouldn't be healed without having them learn their lesson as that would be depriving them of their opportunity.
While this sounds good in theory, my father didn't like my indifferent attitude to his problems and instructed me to help him. The next thing I saw that he created a spiral of purple energy around me anticlockwise. Then he placed a garland of white flowers on me. I had never healed anyone before this time but somehow intuitively I was ready to heal him. I sent the healing light to him and saw a brick wall. This was the actual brick wall outside his house. Then I noticed a very nasty biggest suitcase size black energy placed outside his bedroom wall. Without thinking I acted fast and tried to blast that black energy with white light that I was sending. I noticed that black energy was too strong. I prayed that I be given all energy that my father collected during his lifetime doing meditation to heal his son. I received so much powerful white light that I used with full force for a while to get rid of that black energy that didn't go away easy. Then I shown the light all around his house all the way to the outskirts of his front and backyard.
I was surprised that I had access to so much white light and when I was in astonishment at what I had just fought with that white light, I heard that I have access to that much energy everyday, if I wish to use it and that the white light and the access to it is never ending. I was truly surprised. Then I rung him and hour later to ask him to accept the healing energy I have sent him as I was worried that the brick wall could mean that he is not accepting the energy as I wasn't able to go inside his house while sending the energy. I was surprised when I told him what I did as instructed by dad, he said casually, "oh, so that's what that light was. I was laying in bed doing meditation and I saw the white light just above me. I didn't know what that was." I didn't think that he would actually see the light. I was only expecting him to feel better but not see anything.
In the next few days, I sought more answers in relation to the black energy that I had seen. I understood that it was someone's bad intent that was making him sick and that's why the doctors and their X-ray machines couldn't pick that energy problem.
I recently had a friend's husband die if some mystery disease and as I was talking about my experience to this spiritual friend, I suddenly stopped as I understood that this friends husband also died of this bad intent energy and that's why doctors couldn't pin point why he was loosing wait for no apparent reason. For ove a year, the doctors tried all tests and failed to find a reason for his sickness.
So beware of people who have bad intent as it does make you unwell. It depends on the health of your third chakra how much their intent can hurt you. Keep your Willpower chakra strong. When you do selfless service, you receive blessings from others and they help to keep you strong and healthy with their good intentions. So keep a group of well intended friends to surround you with their protective energy. Don't isolate yourself from others unless you are actually seeking God energy, in which case you will be protected by the God energy.
On the contrary know that sending bad intentions also takes away a lot of energy from you and will harm you three folds but in time. You won't see the immediate effect but slowly are surely universe will get even because balance and justice is its true nature.

Going nowhere Spiritually

Being fortunate enough to have some spiritual experiences changed my view of the world. For a while I wanted answers to why, how and when about the spiritual world. Then I craved the  company of people who has such experiences as myself.

Soon, I gave up telling others to practice meditation as a matter of urgency, so they could experience the real life. I had realised that people aren't interested in finding out about the source of all energy that is running this universe. I realised all people want is someone else to pursue the spiritual and just pass on the benefits to them, heal them and bless them with more money, so they have more material success. Experiencing peace and joy wasn't their goal.

So here I am, trying to balance living between the materialistic and the spiritual. When I practice the spiritual regularly and start having the magnificent experiences, I want to give up the materialistic side. When I do so and I have all the time in the world for the spiritual, then may be due to reduced physical activity I don't focus any better or practice meditation anymore than I would otherwise. So I have realised that a balance of the two is best, just as Guru Nanak recommended.

Now I know that a Guru, spiritual master, and knowing how to seek protection before going into deep meditation is not optional but an essential part of meditation or you could land into deep trouble as the spiritual world is not all goodie goodie world. Then sometimes I think that ignorance is bliss. May be those who never try to enter the spiritual realms and just focus on material success are doing fine.

I do know the reality that all those so called successful people aren't happy inside and I am on the right path of seeking truth. I am more patient now and am happy to wait for the unfolding to happen in its own time and not rush enlightenment as it can be dangerous when one is not ready for it all. I am still wondering when would I become a a truly better person as a result and my nature will change permanently to a more patient, understanding, selfless and beautiful person?

Sunday, February 21, 2016

It is not sufficient to set a goal and work towards it. The energy of people connected to you through that aspect of you life also influences your success and failure. So never underestimate the power of other people's thought energy. That's probably why having someone else to do the prayer for you works better as this gives you added energy that you require to succeed and for the universe to conspire your success. Yes, I meant conspire because sometimes you get recognition for little things and sometimes no recognition of even bigger contributions. It's not always what you do that matters but also how others perceive you.
It is unbelievable that I had two opportunities to grab a job I wanted but the events that unfolded the night before the interview jarred my opportunity twice. When the job in question came as an internal recruitment opportunity, I emailed the Humanr Resources / Organisational Development unit and withdrew from the interview because a certain person that thought that the job belongs to them was very apprehensive about me applying for the job and I couldn't accept that this person will die believing that I took her job when I already had a permanent job. Her job had been redesigned along with another supervisory position to create one new position to do both jobs. This led her to believe that she should get the new job only if I didn't apply for it as she would be the only applicant. When I applied, she got very worried that I was a stronger leader than her. She talked to everyone else in the workplace and projected me as a villain because I had applied for her job. This became unbearable for me as I knew that she didn't have the personal traits to manage the new job and that she hadn't demonstrated herself as an efficient leader in the past 10 years. So I pulled out at 3pm, two hours before that painful workday finished when she constantly told people "but...has applied for my job". I just wanted her to know that I am not the cause of her going to be unsuccessful and when I pulled out and yet she being the only applicant didn't get it; it made my point clear.

I also knew that whatever energy you give out, you receive it ten folds. Since I was deprived of my opportunity to sit for the interview because of her constant rant, I unconsciously projected the energy that stopped her from getting the job but now the question was that I have projected the wrong energy, besides her own inabilities. So what will universe give me back!

The night before the inteview for the same job as an external vacancy, I had a call from a homeless girl who requested refuge for a couple of nights from us. I have known this girl from days when she use to have a partner and a house to the days when she had been couch sleeping or sleeping in her car from the past five years. She hadn't asked for help all these years "why tonight?" I thought. There must be a reason and I must help her. So I offered her to stay with me. She said she felt that she was being watched by a group of men and she didn't feel safe. Being a feminist and a humanitarian, I had to help her regardless of the fact that out of all nights, tonight I wanted no distractions. It was 7 pm, I had planned to wash my clothes for the interview and then after dinner, be in bed by 8pm; so I am fresh for the interview at 9 am.
Since, I now accepted her to be my visitor, I had to change my plan and instead get in the kitchen and prepare dinner first and then clear space for her to sleep. While I was doing that she started talking and I felt connected to her thoughts and gave her all the attention she needed to feel at home. Now it was 11.30pm and I hadn't washed by interview clothes. So I quickly put the washing machine on and went to sleep. I got up at 6.30am and was about to go to start the drier for the clothes I washed the night before but she woke up exactly then and came to sit next to me. I was being polite and started a conversation which led to her giving me a very gentle rubbing of hands to giving me a kinesiology type massage on my right side of the body for an hour. Now it was 7.30am and I pulled myself up and said that I really need to get ready for the interview. Now I rushed to put the drier on, have a shower  and have breakfast.

As I was leaving home at 8.35am to be there for the interview at 9am, I would barely arrive there in time if had left straightaway; she says to make sure I drink plenty of water as I will feel very thirsty all day. I had no time to grab a glass of water. I arrived at the I view and they offered water, so I excused myself and took the offer and drank a huge amount of  it before the interview. Little did they know that it wasn't my nervousness but need due to the massage that I will drink another lot in the middle of answering a question latter on. For almost every question they asked, I had to request them to repeat the question. I couldn't comprehend the questions. It was like my nerves were not sharp, like they usually are. I struggled to quickly provide a digested answer. I was a sombe unlike my very impressive interview for another internal position I had given which impressed the judges very much. And it reflected my passion and confidence. This interview portrait me as someone having difficulty with everything. I completely misjudged the last question and by the time I comprehended it, they had already said the last but, " Is there anything you would like to ask us". I bit my toung and knew I had no time to give the right answer even though I now know what the correct answer should have been for the last question. I somehow couldn't say thatI just want to answer the last question again. I knew they had gone overtime and didn't want me t take anymore of their time. I walked out of the interview flabbergasted at my own slow  responses.
I came home and the homeless girl says your nerves will be a bit slow for the first 24 hours after the message. "What the ..." I said to myself. So she knew what the effect of the massage would be and she knew how important my interview is to me and yet she went ahead and massaged me knowing the effect on nerve response! Why did the universe play such a game with me? Why did she have to come the night before the interview and do everything that would ruin the one thing I have been planning for over a month? It's not as if I didn't know the answers to impress the judges, I just couldn't get them out at the right time. I am one person who has absolutely no difficulty with speaking the right answers generally. I knew them at the interview as well but why couldn't I get them out?

Now I remember that even when this position was advertised internally, I applied at the last minute after I had been preoccupied with a tragic death of a community member that affected me and I took lave from work. It feels like the universe conspired for me to not apply everytime.

It is not sufficient to set a goal and work towards it. The energy of people connected to you through that aspect of you life also influences your success and failure. So never underestimate the power of other people's thought energy. That's probably why having someone else to do the prayer for you works better as this gives you added energy that you require to succeed and for the universe to conspire your success. Yes, I meant conspire because sometimes you get recognition for little things and sometimes no recognition of even bigger contributions. It's not always what you do that matters but also how others perceive you.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Scams, fraud, lies and spirituality

I had a customer sitting in front of a computer crying. She was so upset and distort that she couldn't think of her email password. She kept saying that I just want to print out those bills attached to my email and take them to Telstra, a big Internet provider, and make sure that I don't owe them any money. She never had an ADSL broadband account with Telstra but the bills indicated that she owed them money from two years ago and these debt collectors were chasing over $200 because of the three bills from April 2014. Without doubt, the bills looked like they were from Telstra and anyone would have paid thinking they must have slipped up the payment except that she never had a landline (home phone connection) during that time to be able to get broadband internet and she had moved out out of the given address by that date. So she was suspicious. After my investigation on NSW fair trading department website I found out that it was a scam registered in their list Of scams with many new scams since it was first reported.
It begged the question why do people engage in big scams. Do their employees know that they are employed by the scammer or not?
When this customer went out the door asking this question why have they done this to me, my unplanned response was, "because society values money more than anything else" and thought I my head that this is the price we pay for having money as the highest goal. We believe in appearances. When we see a guy in a suit and a tie we naturally give them more respect. More expensive the clothing is, more respect and professionalism is showered. So those who don't succeed in making money the right way, then try to make it the wrong way because ultimately the goal is to make money, no matter how. Why have we come to this low standard of behaviour?

We take selfies, put on best clothes, buy better cars and show ourselfs to the world on social media. We call it style, then we build a reputation of being a celebrity and when we have enough followers we get paid by companies to market their products. All well and good because money is circulating and the economy is working in this model but we forgot to ask the deeper questions. First of those questions is that we forgot that there is half the population somewhere on this planet that doesn't have a mobile phone to take a selfie and share it on the Internet. We forgot that these half brothers and sisters can't even afford today's meal. They are hungry. They have children with expectations and hopes that parents will bring in food and clothing today or the next day. When we forget them altogether and leave them no chance of success what are they going to try as a next step?

If we focus back on the Internet community since we are familiar with it, we again fail to ask the deeper questions like what is the young chick trying to sell when she creates the Facebook page 'sex sells, money talks and drugs work'? Yes, it's the truth but what is she going to get out of wearing clothes that seem to promote all of the facts she's stated?

Is it not true that everyone wants money and then everyone wants to be famous? Once they become a millionaire, then one in a hundred promises to do some charity and give away a couple of dollar. Isn't it saying in other words that I will first take more than a fair share of the wealth and then I will give a little bit back to show that I am a good person? Why not take a fair share in the first place, so you don't have to do charity? Contentment makes you a King not more money, says Guru Nanak. When you are contented, then you rule the world. When you are not contented, you are a beggar. Begged wants and King gives. They are the only two actions. Who do you beg from and who do you give to? What do you beg for and what do you give? If we could only beg for healthy and happy life for all, society wouldn't be so money hungry. Food wouldn't be thrown into bins instead of putting in people's mouth. Our success would 't be judged based I how many investment properties we own. When we stop that judgement, people would feel safe investing in uplifting someone else instead of buying that next investment property. We won't abandon our parents and later take them to nursing homes, never to visit them again. We would value their love and light around our house. Instead of how much I earn, the focus will be on how I treat others.

Rather than how much I make, the focus will be on what do I sell? Is what I sell, good for people's health and wellbeing or just for my pocket? If we ever focused on that our supermarkets would' the full of sugar and no nutrition. We have taken thought out of the process of making a living and re only focused on making a living somehow. That's what's wrong with us. If by lying to the government would give us a pension or bigger welfare cheque, we take it. On the other hand governments make rules to suit big corporations and save their dollars, increase their profits at the expense of lower pay for millions of people and bad health due to their dodgy products. So who is a scammer? The little guy that got caught or the government and big corporations looting people in the broad daylight? Where is fairness, justice and equality?

We work with our heads not with our hearts. This needs to change. Head keeps us in the survival mode and always says get out of trouble even if it is at the expense of putting the other in trouble. The heart wants win-win situation for everyone and welfare of everyone. Guru Nanak teaches the way of the heart.